vision test

[医] 视力试验

  • Specific research contents are as follows : 1 . The machine system of fruit grader on machine vision and weight is designed and manufactured and a running test has been made by the system .

    具体研究内容如下:1.设计制作了水果机器 视觉重量综合分选机的机械系统,并用该系统做了水果的运行 试验

  • Choose the camera by studying hardware principle of camera and making numbers of experiments . Design and produce a binocular vision test body finally build an experimental system of binocular stereo vision . 2 .

    本文主要工作如下:1.通过研究摄像头硬件原理和对摄像头进行的各种测试,选择了实验用高性能摄像头,设计并制作了双目 视觉 实验机构,最终组建了双目立体视觉实验系统。

  • Study of the Regional Higher Education Development under the Ecology Vision & Take the Test Area of Wuhu in Anhui Province as an Example

    生态学 视阈的区域高等教育发展研究&以安徽省合芜蚌 试验区为例

  • With the quick development of the semiconductor manufacture and the popularization of the machine vision in China it has become a necessary method to test products with using machine visions in product line .

    随着我国半导体制造业的快速发展以及机器 视觉的普及,把 机器 视觉应用于 电路板生产线作为 检测手段在国内已经成为一种行业需求。

  • Vision simulation is composed of three key parts that are scene modeling collision test and terrain match .

    仿真由场景建模、碰撞 检测和地形匹配3个核心部分构成。

  • Vision Technology 's Application Research in Boot Spin Test Rig

    视觉技术在橡胶护套高速 试验台上的应用研究

  • Furthermore it is more convenient than the existing image vision develop system ( NI Vision developer ) in the selecting of test method data and procedure analyzing .

    而且比使用既有的视觉图像开发系统(NI VisionDeveloper)在 检测方法选择、数据分析、 测试过程 调试上更具灵活性。

  • Sharing-light-source radial layout is adopted in the integrated sphere LLL stress source . It can satisfy the testing request of new type LLL night vision device easily . It can provide the reliability test for four LLL night vision devices simultaneously .

    积分球式微光应力源系统采用共光源辐射状布设,易满足新型号微光 夜视仪的试验要求,可同时对四具微光夜视仪进行可靠性 试验,便于四组 实验结果比对。

  • An experimental measuring system based on machine vision is established in the chapter 4 and test results are described .

    第四章设计出基于机器 视觉的测量系统,并 通过一系列实验对系统的实用性与 测量精度进行了验证。

  • Accelerometer and interferometric laser goniometer are usually used to measure angle of attack of a wind tunnel model in most domestic wind tunnel test nowadays whereas stereo vision technology has been applied in wind tunnel test abroad .

    目前,国内的风洞试验多数还在使用加速度攻角传感器和干涉式激光测角仪测量模型攻角,而国外已经将三维 视觉 测量技术应用于风洞 试验中。

  • Study on Vision Screening Test for Children of 2-4 Years

    2&4岁儿童 视力 筛查 方法的研究

  • This business acumen is much-needed to enable them to balance short-term organizational priorities with its long-term vision and to build an organization that will stand the test of time .

    他们非常需要这种商业智慧来平衡组织的短期目标和长期 规划,同时打造一个能经受时间 考验的企业。

  • The range of vision test was from 3.0 to 5.3 . The distance between examinee and optometer could be automatically monitored by the system with infrared and ultrasonic testing function .

    测试范围从3.0~5.3,方式有自动及 手动。并具有自动监督检测距离功能。

  • The Constituent ratio of abnormal P-VEP was higher than the color vision test ( P < 0 05 ) .

    P-VEP异常的构成比比 色觉 检查异常的构成比高(P<005)。

  • Objective The characteristics of susceptibility and adaptability of motion sickness induced by reversed vision are observed to provide basis for improving motion sickness susceptibility test method .

    目的观察倒 诱发运动病的敏感性和适应性特点,为从反应敏感性和适应性两方面改进运动病易感性 检测方法提供依据。

  • Significant difference was found in vision between the pre-TTT and post-TTT with rank sum M-W test ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

    治疗前后 视力变化,经秩和 M-W 检验,P<0.05,差异有显著性。

  • Detection moving objects is one of the most important contents in digital image processing and computer vision and is also widely used in intelligent video surveillance system . The test result directly influences subsequent goal orientation identification and tracking .

    运动目标检测是数字图像处理和计算机 视觉 领域的重要内容之一,在智能视频监控系统中同样得到广泛的应用,其 检测结果直接影响后续的目标定位、识别和跟踪。

  • Application Studies of Holographic Stereoscopic Vision Test Table on Examination of Pilots

    激光全息随机点立体 视觉 检查仪在选飞体检中的应用研究

  • According to orthogonal regression design method a experiment scheme was marked out then the experiment was implemented and image samples of vision inspecting of wheat drilling test were captured which were preparing for study and measure of the vision inspecting method .

    按照二次回归正交旋转组合设计制定试验方案并组织实施,采集了小麦条播 试验 视觉检测样本,以备检测方法的研究和测试。

  • The driving wandering test system based on Machine Vision could test and distinguish the cars with problem of driving wandering quickly and effectively .

    行驶跑偏的车辆存在安全隐患,基于机器 视觉的跑偏检测系统能够快速有效对整车厂下线车辆进行 检测并做出判定。

  • Methods : Adapting tachistoscopic vision and Benton Revised Visual Retention Test ( VRT ) three groups involving 20 children each were studied .

    方法:选取正常儿童和言语型学习障碍(VLD)、NLD儿童各20名,进行速 下记忆实验和本顿视觉保持 测验(VRT)测试。

  • Moreover the change of the vision was recorded in detail . Results After a pinhole test 88 eyes had the hypopsia ( 57.14 % ) and 66 unchanged vision ( 42.86 % ) respectively among 77 cases 154 eyes of emmetropia ;

    结果正视眼77例154眼,加针孔镜后 视力下降者88眼(57.14%), 视力不变者66眼(42.86%),无视力提高者;

  • In order to evaluating the system reliability of a night vision system scientifically as well as objectively the reliability test on variable situation is requested according to the reliability testing section .

    为了科学、客观地评价 夜视系统的可靠性指标,需对微光 夜视仪系统按照可靠性试验剖面要求进行各种应力条件下的可靠性 试验

  • AIM : Present a new computer-adapted color vision test ( NCACVT ) and explain its reliability and value in practical application .

    目的:提出一种新的计算机适应 色觉 试验(NCACVT)并且解释它在实际应用中的可靠性和重要性。

  • Machine vision is a kind of efficient and exact test method in the system of inspecting assembled quality of automobile synchronizing rings .

    采用机器 视觉技术对同步环装配与否进行检测,是一种高效准确的 在线 检测方法。

  • Practice Thinking and Vision Summary on Enrollment of Adult Higher Education and Test Services by Online Management

    成人高校招生网上报名及 考务管理的实践、思考与 展望

  • Vision base of raw silk evenness test and method of Computer Distinguishing

    生丝匀度 检验 视觉基础与计算机识别的方法原理

  • The method to apply machine vision to get display values to construct new test system fast by building image collecting and analysing experiment platform and to use Linux operation system to actualize machine vision has applied value .

    通过建立图像采集与识别试验平台,应用机器 视觉获取显示值的方法来快速组成新的 测试系统,并且应用Linux系统来实现机器视觉,具有实际应用的意义。