viscosity function

[vɪˈskɑsɪti ˈfʌŋkʃən][vɪˈskɔsɪti: ˈfʌŋkʃən]


  • The effect of Carthamus tinctorius injection on blood viscosity function of platelet anticoagulation and fibrinolysis of the patient with cor pulmonale

    红花注射液对肺心病患者血 粘度、血小板及抗凝纤溶 功能的影响

  • On the other hand because of the existence of effective viscosity the weak gel had the function of displacement ( movable ) .

    另一方面,由于有效 粘度的存在,又具有驱油的 功能(可动)。

  • In the equation differential viscosity and the first normal stress difference function were defined to specify the rheological properties of non-Newtonian medium squeeze item was used to specify the effect of dynamic load .

    在方程中用差分 粘度和第一正应力差 函数表征非牛顿介质的流变特性,用挤压项表示动载荷作用。

  • AIM : To observe the effects of dan-shen root which has the functions of supplementing qi nourishing yin and activating blood circulation improving blood viscosity and organic immunity on the blood viscosity blood lipid metabolism and visual function in patients suffered from diabetic retinopathy .

    目的:观察具有益气养阴活血、改善血黏度、改善机体免疫力功能效的丹参对糖尿病视网膜病变患者血 黏度和血脂代谢及视觉 功能的作用。

  • After an induced period the complex viscosity rises as an exponential function of time which is the characteristics of first-order reactions .

    复数 粘度在一个诱导期后,是以 指数上升的,类似一个一级反应的特征。

  • In order to improving accuracy and efficiency in viscosity measurement system for non-Newtonian fluid the function of delay capture has been designed to measure Shear Rate .

    为提高非牛顿流体 黏度的测量精度和效率,设计了基于延迟捕获的切变率测量 方法

  • The mixture dispensing temperature was fixed at 60 ℃ according to the changes of the viscosity of compound fruit-vegetable drinks as a function of temperature which had little effect on the nutrition the color and the flavor of products .

    根据果汁 粘度 温度的变化曲线,确定果汁调配温度为60°C,此时对产品的营养成分、颜色和风味影响较小。

  • The FR lubricant fulfils the service requirements of the high temperature viscosity lubrication performance and protective function for finish forge extrusion and moulding of Ti alloy parts .

    它们的高温 粘度、润滑性能和防护 作用均达到钛合金零件精锻、挤压和大锻件模锻的使用要求,并无毒性,使用方便。

  • Beginning with the fundamental principles of the device this paper reveals the paraffin control and viscosity break mechanisms function and adaptability of the device .

    从该装置基本原理入手,揭示防蜡 油装置防 机理、 功能和适用性。

  • According to hemorheology theory this article through HCT and the blood viscosity and bloods to submit stress of function relation elaborated the EPO to serious bane of the athlete .

    本文依据血液流变学理论,通过红细胞压积H与血液 粘度的关系以及血液的屈服应力与红细胞压积H的 函数关系阐述了促红细胞生成素(EPO)对运动员的严重危害。

  • Engineering properties of the asphalt mastic such as penetration penetration index softening point ductility and viscosity were observed as a function of type and content of mineral filler used .

    通过试验,得到了沥青胶浆针入度、针入度指数、软化点、延度及 粘度等工程性质对应于不同添加剂种类及含量的 函数关系。

  • The results showed that the viscosity of the emulsion is a function of volume fraction of dispersing phase and drop size ;

    结果表明:乳状液的 粘度是分散相体积分数和粒径的 函数并获得了相应的关联式;

  • In the paper the factors that influence ferromagnetic fluid viscosity are analyzed and the function relationship between ferromagnetic fluid viscosity and its controlling parameters is deduced .

    分析了影响磁流体 粘度的因素并导出了其可控参数与磁流体粘度系数间的 函数关系;

  • Solubility function viscosity function and dewatering effect of six kinds of polyacrylamide have been comparatively studied .

    对六种聚丙烯酰胺溶解性能、 粘度 性能和脱水效果进行对比试验研究。

  • Correcting Model of Viscosity with Exponential Function Derived and Its Application

    指数 粘度修正模型及应用

  • The main contents are as follows : 1.The use of hollow cylinder-type viscometer and the Suffered in the hollow cylinder torque and viscosity as a certain function . Developed a flexible hollow cylindrical structure of fiber Bragg grating hollow cylinder-type viscometer .

    主要内容如下:1.利用空心柱体式粘度仪中空心柱体所受扭矩与 粘度成一定 函数关系,研制了一种弹性空心柱体结构的光纤Bragg光栅空心柱体式粘度仪。

  • Objective : To observe the influences of small dose heparin on blood viscosity coagulative function and blood gas analysis in patients with acutely deteriorative stage of cor pulmonale .

    目的:观察小剂量肝素对肺源性心脏病(肺心病)急性加重期患者的血 粘度、凝血 功能及血气分析的影响。

  • Conclusion Hushen capsule could reduce notably excretory rate of urine trace albumin which could improve the blood viscosity hyperlipidemia and renal function .

    结论中药护肾胶囊可明显减少尿微量白蛋白排泄率,改善高血脂、高血 滞状态,保护肾 功能

  • Objective To investigate the influence of treatment with milkvetch root and red sage root injections on changes in blood viscosity and renal function in patients with early diabetic nephropathy ( EDN ) .

    目的探讨黄芪和丹参注射液联用对早期糖尿病肾病(EDN)血液 流变 和肾 功能的影响。

  • Experimental results indicate : fly ash has not only viscosity increase function but also particles reinforced function because of oxide and mullite in the fly ash in which the oxide particle quartz and melting aluminum have happened in-situ reaction .

    结果表明:粉煤灰不但有增 作用,还由于石英与铝液发生原位反应生成的氧化物,以及粉煤灰中原有的莫来石起到颗粒增强作用。

  • We considered that ILIB could be related with increasing RBC deformability decreasing whole blood viscosity and improving lung function .

    认为与增加红细胞变形能力、减弱红细胞聚集性、降低全血 粘度和改善低氧下的肺 功能有关。

  • Conclusion : Tonifying Qi and invigorating blood decoction is able to treat coronary heart disorder . Its mechanism may be related to eliminate blood viscosity and fibrinogen increase left heart function and coronary artery blood stream quantity improve blood insufficiency supply of heart muscle and oxygen .

    结论:益气活血汤治疗机制可能与降低血液 粘度、纤维蛋白原、增强左心 功能、增加冠脉血液量、改善心肌缺血、缺氧有关。

  • In the current commercial simulators for water drive reservoirs the oil viscosity is treated as a unary function of pressure without considering other factors ' effect .

    目前水驱油藏数值模拟器中简单地将原油 黏度看成是压力的一元 函数,没有考虑其他因素对 原油 黏度的影响。

  • Conclusion Jintejia is of benefit in lowering blood viscosity and improving renal function in senile patients with chronic renal failure .

    结论金特佳对老年慢性肾功能衰竭患者具有降低血 黏度和血小板最大聚集率及改善肾 功能 作用

  • But it has no statistical Significance to the improvement of blood viscosity (η) and microcycle function .

    但对血 粘度(η)和 微循环状况的改善不具统计学意义。

  • Conclusion : The mechanism of Scorpion Venom restraining the blood coagulation probably function are that Scorpion Venom reduce blood viscosity and affects the function of blood coagulation factors .

    结论:蝎毒对家兔凝血功能的影响除通过降低血液 粘度外,还可能是蝎毒影响了凝血因子的 功能所致。

  • On the basis of fluid motion equations the rationality of the Boussinesq hypothesis is discussed and the physical meaning of the eddy viscosity coefficient and its function in numerical simulation are described .

    从流体运动基本方程出发,对Boussinesq假设的合理性进行了初步探讨,阐述了紊动 粘性系数的物理含义及其在数值计算中所起的 作用

  • Ticlopidine vs aspirin in decreasing blood viscosity and anti_platelet function

    噻氯匹定和阿司匹林降低血液 粘度和抗血小板 作用的比较

  • The apparent viscosity reductive viscosity coefficient of the power function and the calculative apparent viscosity while the hematocrit was 40 % were compared .

    比较创伤组和对照组的表观粘度、还原 粘度、乘幂 函数系数及计算的红细胞压积为40%时的表观粘度。