viscous fluid

[ˈvɪskəs ˈfluɪd][ˈvɪskəs ˈflu:ɪd]


  • Navier-Stokes computation about a helicopter rotor in hover using chimera grids and multigrid acceleration Body fitted method with cartesian coordinates for solving viscous fluid flow and heat transfer problems

    基于重叠网格技术和多重网格算法的悬停旋翼粘性绕流数值 模拟 粘性 流体换热问题用直角坐标网格的贴体解法

  • Yet even at great depth the mantle remains an exceedingly viscous fluid flowing ever so slowly even in response to extreme pressures .

    然而即使在极深处,地幔仍保持非常 粘滞 液态,即使是在极度的压力下流动也十分缓慢。

  • Properties of Laser-Induced Cavitation Bubble Sound Waves in Viscous Fluid

    粘性 液体中激光空泡辐射声波的特性研究

  • My impression was that at the moment of impact the little stick figure flowed or poured outwards across the ground like a drop of viscous fluid .

    我本以为,在冲撞发生的那一刻,那木棍般的小小身形会如一滴 黏稠 液体,顺着地面四下奔涌或倾泻。

  • Viscous fluid in dealing with aspects of flexible impeller centrifugal pump is better than many places .

    在处理 粘性 流体方面挠性叶轮泵有很多优于离心泵的地方。

  • Example shows that structure with viscous fluid dampers wind resist wind is very clear .

    算例表明安装 粘滞阻尼器对结构抗风控制的效果十分明显。

  • Flexible impeller pump viscous fluid conveying the key lies in direct proportion to flow rate and pump speed .

    挠性叶轮泵输送 粘性 流体的关键之处在于流速和水泵转速成正比。

  • Comparison of Constant and Linear BEM Analysis for Small Viscous Fluid Sloshing

    粘性 液体小幅晃动常单元及线性元的分析比较

  • Lattice Boltzmann Methods for the Simulation of Viscous Fluid Flow

    用于模拟 粘性 流体流动的格子Boltzmann方法

  • A body fitted method with unstructured Cartesian grids for simulating natural convection heat transfer of viscous fluid was studied .

    研究了非结构化直角坐标网格全贴体求解 粘性不可 流体自然对流换热问题。

  • Fast Non-rigid Image Registration Using Viscous Fluid B-spline Model

    基于 粘滞 流体B样条模型的快速非刚体配准方法

  • Stokes flow is the main and typical flow model of viscous fluid .

    Stokes流是 粘性 流体问题的主要的和经典的流动模型。

  • The paper discusses the lubrication behavior of frictional disks in viscous fluid clutch .

    本文对 液体 粘性调速离合器的摩擦副进行了流体润滑分析。

  • On the basis of viscous fluid mechanics this paper presents an improved theoretical model of turbine flowmeter performance .

    本文运用 粘性 流体力学原理对现有涡轮流量计理论模型进行了改进。

  • The Magnetic Field Projectual is a sturdy transparent acrylic case that holds iron filings in a special viscous fluid .

    磁场投射盒是一坚固、透明的压克力板,里面有铁粉在一种特别的 纤维性 液体里。

  • Research on the Existence of Strong Solution for a Class of Incompressible Viscous Fluid N-S Equation with Free Boundary

    一类不可压 粘性 流体N-S方程自由边界问题强解存在性研究

  • Full Body Fitted Method with Cartesian Coordinates for Solving Incompressible Viscous Fluid Flow Problems BFC is adapted to dispose the computation domain .

    粘性不可压 流体流动问题用直角坐标网格的贴体解法在计算中,采用贴体坐标的办法处理整个 流动区域。

  • The MHD flow of a viscous fluid towards a non-linear porous shrinking sheet was investigated .

    研究在非线性多孔收缩表面上 黏性流体(MHD)的流动。

  • The work principle of the viscous fluid damper under shock load is analyzed and the damping expression is derived the parameters of which are determined using shock tests .

    分析了冲击载荷作用下 粘性 流体阻尼器的工作原理,推导了阻尼力公式的表达式,运用落锤冲击试验确定了其中的参数。

  • Body fitted method with cartesian coordinates for solving viscous fluid flow and heat transfer problems

    极坐标-直角坐标转换 粘性 流体换热问题用直角坐标网格的贴体解法

  • Elastodynamic Analysis at an Interface of Viscous Fluid / Thermoelastic Micropolar Honeycomb Medium due to Inclined Load

    黏性 流体与热弹性微极蜂窝结构介质界面上受倾斜荷载作用时的弹性动力分析

  • The stirring knife is mainly used for stirring viscous fluid such as egg etc.

    搅拌刀主要是对 粘滞 液体,如鸡蛋等进行搅拌;

  • A method of Hamiltonian system for viscous fluid in lid-driven cavities

    空腔内 粘性 问题与哈密顿体系方法

  • The effect of angle of inclination at the interface of a viscous fluid and thermoelastic micropolar honeycomb solid due to inclined load is investigated .

    研究倾斜荷载作用在 黏性 流体与热弹性微极蜂窝结构固体界面上时,荷载倾斜角的影响。

  • This paper analyzed the flow of working medium in extrusion by an athletic differential equation of viscous fluid and discussed the influence of the viscosity on Hot Hydrostatic Extrusion ( HHE ) .

    本文对热管的工作原理做了介绍,叙述了多年来设计的热管换热器及其应用情况,重点阐述了热管对其工作 介质的要求和对目前常用的几种工作介质进行了分析研究。

  • MHD Flow of a Viscous Fluid on a Non-Linear Porous Shrinking Sheet by Homotopy Analysis Method

    同伦分析法求解非线性多孔收缩表面上 黏性磁流体的流动

  • The Numerical Simulation of Interaction of Water Waves and Floating Structures in a Viscous Fluid

    水波与浮式结构物相互作用的 粘性 数值模拟研究

  • The Basic Flow of Viscous Fluid Between Two Eccentric Rotating Cylinders and Numerical Solution

    两个非同心旋转圆柱间 粘性 流动的基本流及其数值解

  • Non-rigid image registration algorithm based on viscous fluid model is an appropriate method for registering objects with large difference .

    基于 粘滞 流体模型的非刚体配准算法是一种适合个体差异较大配准场合的方法。

  • Boundary Conditions for Porous Solids Saturated With Viscous Fluid

    多孔固体充满 黏性 流体时的边界条件