visible trade

[ˈvɪzəbəl treid][ˈvizəbl treid]


  • Mechanical and electronic product trade is the most important composition of international visible trade . And mechanical and electronic industry is one of the biggest industries throughout the world market .

    机电产品贸易是国际 贸易 有形 贸易的重要组成部分,机电行业是国际市场最大的行业之一。

  • In reality the kinds of trade nations engage in are varied and complex often a mixture of visible and invisible trade .

    现实中各国所进行的贸易是多种多样的,也是复杂的,经常是 有形 贸易和无形 贸易的混合。

  • Overcome the inclination of paying stress on commodities and neglecting the service . Combine the expansion of visible exports with the development of invisible trade and join moderate protection to market opening promotion .

    克服重商品,轻服务的倾向,把扩大 有形商品贸易同发展无形 贸易有机结合起来,实施适度保护和推进市场开放相结合。

  • The negative impact of the external environment is visible not just in trade but also in investment .

    科特 还说:外部环境的负面影响不仅表现在 贸易 领域,也体现在投资领域。

  • Nevertheless as imports of both goods and services came down in tandem with the setback in exports of goods and services the combined visible and invisible trade account still yielded a further sizeable surplus in2001 .

    然而,由于货物及服务进口均随着货物及服务出口放缓而回落,综合 有形和无形 贸易帐在二零零一年仍录得可观盈余。

  • An Empirical Study on the Technology Advancement Effect of Visible Trade on the Economic Development of Coastal Regions in China & Also on the Role of Technology Advancement in the Coordinated Development Regional Economy

    有形 贸易对我国沿海区域技术进步效应的研究&兼论技术进步对区域经济协调发展的作用

  • Our meeting is a visible demonstration that the European Union and China are of the utmost importance to one another said Baroness Ashton European trade commissioner .

    “我们的会议充分展示出,欧盟与中国对彼此都至关重要,”欧盟 贸易专员阿什顿女男爵( baronessashton)表示。

  • Collection takes you to the collection Manager screen where you can view your cards and decide which ones you 'd like visible during trade sessions with other players .

    牌组收集进到牌组管理画面,你可以捡视你的牌,决定哪张牌可以让其他玩家在 交易视窗上 看到

  • Today the renminbi is most visible as the currency in which a growing portion of Chinese trade is denominated .

    如今,随着中国对外 贸易中以 人民币计价的比例越来越高,人民币已成为最常用的支付货币之一。

  • Economic Law concerns not only visible trade like merchandise trade etc but also invisible trade like technology and capital trade etc.

    它所涉及的范围,既包括 有形 贸易,也包括技术、资本等无形贸易。

  • However with exports growing faster than imports during the latter part of the year the visible trade deficit then narrowed somewhat .

    然而,由于下半年出口增长超过进口,所以 有形 贸易赤字其后略为收窄。

  • The visible trade is the import and export of goods and the invisible trade is the exchange of services between countries .

    有形 商业 活动指货物的出进口 商业 活动,而无形商业活动牵涉到的是国度间的劳务交换。

  • Visible inductrial injury insurance is action of a kind of government and person accident injury insurance is act of a kind of trade .

    可见,工伤保险是一种政府行为,而人身意外伤害保险是一种 商业行为。

  • Visible trade ( exports and imports means ) wealth reckoned in terms of money .

    有形 贸易(进出口,财产)以钱币形式表现的财富。

  • Combined visible and invisible trade account

    有形及无形 贸易合并帐目

  • Specifically visible trade between Hong Kong and the Mainland has grown strongly since 1978 at an average annual rate of 24 per cent in value terms .

    自一九七八年以来,香港与内地之间的 有形 贸易一直强劲增长,以价值计算,平均每年增长24%。

  • The pattern of visible and invisible trade became three-cornered with developed countries importing oil and exporting industrial goods to the oil producers to pay for it ; the oil producers put their surpluses into the west 's banks ;

    有形和无形的 贸易形成了一种三角的格局:发达国家进口石油,并向石油生产国输出工业产品以为支付,石油生产国将多余的资金存入西方银行;

  • In consequence there was a marked increase in the combined visible and invisible trade surplus over the year .

    因此,一九九九年的 有形及无形 贸易综合盈余显着上升。

  • A visible trade which is also called international trade includes exports and imports of goods .

    有形 贸易,亦称国际贸易,包括货物的进出口。

  • What is said cannot is unsaid . visible trade ( exports and imports means )

    话已出口,无法收回. 有形 贸易(进出口,财产)

  • These transactions in general could be divided into two forms : visible trade and invisible trade .

    总体来说,这些交易可分为两大类: 有形 贸易和无形贸易。

  • The former is called visible trade and the latter invisible trade .

    前者称为 有形 贸易,而后者则称为无形贸易。

  • So this problem of invisible beneficiaries and visible losers is one that bedevils the political economy of trade .

    因此,看不见的受益者和 看得见的失败者就把 贸易的政治经济给妖魔化了。