viscous force

[ˈvɪskəs fɔrs][ˈvɪskəs fɔ:s]


  • A quasi three dimensional flow Euler model with viscous force terms was constructed for integrated small turbofan engine systems .

    建立了一体化弹用小涡扇发动机系统含 粘性 项的准三维欧拉流动模型。

  • Based on the model size range of coarse and fine coal particles are determined in coal water slurry . RESISTANCE CONSISTING OF BOTH VISCOUS FORCE AND DISPERSIVE FORCE

    根据简化模型,将水煤浆中的颗粒分成粗颗粒和细颗粒,并对级配中煤颗粒粗细范围进行了界定划分.粗细 颗粒同时存在时的 流动阻力

  • Experience viscous drag force from the surrounding liquids .

    受到周围液体的 粘滞 阻力平衡

  • The movement and vertical distribution of gas oil and water controlled by gravity viscous force and capillary force were observed .

    并且观察到在重力、 粘滞 和毛管力作用下,油、气、水运动的特征及纵向分布特点。

  • Synchronous motor drives the outer cylinder to rotate to shear the fluid and the cylinder passes the viscous force to the inner cylinder that connects to a circular shaft .

    由同步电动机带动外圆筒旋转剪切流体,从而将 粘性 传递给内筒,内筒与圆轴相连。

  • All pressure and viscous force interior rudder caused by fluid body ;

    燃气舵在流场受到的各方向压力和 粘性

  • The mechanism is the silicone oil with larger viscosity provides larger viscous force but makes the nanoparticles easier to agglomerate .

    其机制是,较高的基液黏度可提供较大的 粘滞 阻力,但易引起颗粒的团聚。

  • Using molecular dynamics ( MD ) simulation considering viscous force from solvent and stochastic force from heat-bath the osmotic coefficients of polyelectrolyte and polyampholyte solutions are obtained .

    用考虑溶剂的 粘滞 和热浴随机力作用的分子动力学(MD)方法模拟了聚电解质和两性聚电解质溶液的渗透系数。

  • The results show that the squeeze viscous force decreases with the slip parameter increases rigid region of the fluid increases with the slip parameter increases .

    结果表明,圆盘上的挤 压力随着滑移参数的增加而减小,当流体全部处于流动状态时,即为圆盘挤压 牛顿流体时的情况;

  • Radial viscous force is a stable factor acting on the whole disk affecting the instability .

    径向 粘滞 是一种在全盘区起作用的致稳因素。

  • The Effect of Radial Viscous Force on the Stability of a Thin Accretion Disk

    径向 粘滞 对薄盘稳定性的影响

  • Under micro-scale condition the inertial force becomes less important while surface tension and viscous force has dominated .

    由于在微尺度条件下,惯性力变得无关紧要,而表面张力、 粘性 和静电力成为主导。

  • Besides the capillary force inertial force viscous force gravity Darcy ′ s resistance phase change and the interactions between liquid water and gaseous mixture the temperature effect on soil water transportation was involved in the modified model .

    除了考虑毛细力、惯性力、 粘性 、达西阻力、重力以及气液之间的相互作用力和相变之外,改进模型中还反映了多孔介质水分运移的温度效应。

  • The effect of radial viscous force on an isothermal thin disk with three dimensional magnetic fields

    径向 粘滞 对含三维磁场等温薄盘不稳定性的影响

  • It is also found that the introduction of radial viscous force will not give rise to any new mode .

    本文还对径向 粘滞 稳定性的影响作了 物理 解释,并发现径向 粘滞 的引入不会引入新的稳定或不稳定模式。

  • We find that the introduction of radial viscous force have no influence on stability of viscous and thermal modes but more influence on the stability of acoustic modes .

    着重研究了径向 粘滞 对含径向对流吸积 的径向 -环向不稳定性的影响。

  • A vortex as of a whirlwind or whirlpool . The viscous force constantly drains eddy energy and limits the population of eddies .

    涡流,如旋风或旋涡的 粘性 不断消耗旋涡的能量,从而抑制着旋涡的繁殖。

  • The expressions of hydrostatic force and viscous dissipative force were employed to clarify the relationship between the hole disappearance phenomen and shear thickening effect .

    提出了基于流体动力学的简化模型,利用静水压力和 粘性耗散 的表达式阐明了初始扰动的消失和剪切增稠效应的关系。

  • The Affections on the Instabilities of Accretion Disks by Magnetic Fields the Radial Viscous Force and the Modified α - Tin Viscosity

    磁场、径向 粘滞 和修正的α型粘滞对吸积盘不稳定性的影响

  • Wall slip will affect the magnitude of squeeze viscous force .

    流体与壁面存在滑移会对挤压 黏性 产生影响。

  • Viscous Force of Squeeze Flow Between Two Spherical Particles With Power-Law Fluid

    圆球颗粒间有幂律流体时挤压流动的法向 粘性

  • In addition viscous force can produce thrust in particular condition .

    在某些情况下, 粘性 有可能提供推力。

  • Based on Reynolds ' lubrication theory an analytical solution for two rigid spheres was derived including pressure distribution and resulting viscous force .

    基于润滑理论,导出了 滑移时刚性球间 牛顿 流体挤压 流动的压力分布和 黏性 的解析解。

  • This thesis discusses the standard maneuver in deepwater and divides hydrodynamic force into inertia force and viscous force .

    主要研究的是深水条件下的常规操纵,将水动力分为惯性力和 黏性 两类。

  • The effect of viscous damping force on the vibration of composite laminates was investigated through numerical examples .

    通过数值实例研究了 粘滞 阻尼对复合材料层合板振动的影响。

  • When the middle liquid layer is a high kinematic viscosity liquid such as neutral paraffine the viscous force greatly affects the adhesion characteristics .

    当中间层为粘性液体如石蜡基中性油时, 粘滞 对粘着特性的影响较大;

  • The viscous force constantly drains eddy energy and limits the population of eddies .

    粘性 不断消耗旋涡的能量,从而抑制着旋涡的繁殖。

  • Methods for accurate gravitational acceleration measurement are presented which are viscous force modified method and viscous force offset each other method .

    本文介绍了用 粘滞 阻力修正法和粘滞阴力互相抵消法来精确地测量重力加速度。

  • In addition to the well-known viscous damping force the proposed force model includes the Coulomb damping force which accounts for the effect of water soakage on materials of cable surface .

    利用浸润学及普朗特边界层理论,提出拉索表面与水线之间作用力包括库仑阻尼力和 粘性阻尼

  • With increase the particle loading rate the mixing layer growth attenuates because of the viscous force rather than the inertia force on the particles .

    由于颗粒所受 粘性 而非惯性力作用,混掺层发展被消弱。