visual titration

[ˈvɪʒuəl taɪˈtreʃən][ˈviʒuəl taiˈtreiʃən]


  • Based on Visual Basic Programming Solution of Acid-alkali Titration pH Calculation

    基于 可视化 VB编程实现 酸碱 溶液pH值计算

  • It includes visual titration physico chemical titration oscillographic titration and non aqueous titration etc and comprises the 353 references published at home during the period from September 1994 to June 1997 .

    内容含 目视 滴定、物理化学滴定、示波滴定、非水滴定等,覆盖1994.9~1997.6在国内发表的文献353篇。

  • The new advance of domestic visual titration in the past five years is reviewed ( contained few representative correlative papers abroad ) .

    评述了五年来国内 目视 滴定的新进展(含少数国外有代表性的相关论文)。

  • Visual nephelometer and precipitation titration were traditionally used for determination of Cl ~ - concentration in sulfate bright copper plating solution .

    以往采用 目视比浊法和沉淀 滴定 测定酸性光亮镀铜溶液中Cl-含量,测定结果不够精确,或 滴定 终点不明显使 测定误差较大。