

vt.& vi.想象设想使可见使具体化


  • It requires a considerable effort of imagination to visualise that any industry might be organised very differently from the way that industry is organised now .

    人们需要极大的想象力,才能 构想 某个行业的组织方式能够与现在的方式有很大不同。

  • Let us try to visualise it .

    让我们来 想一下这种 情况

  • This allows researchers to identify individual organisms spreading the disease in given populations which can be used in conjunction with Google Earth 's maps to visualise outbreaks .

    这可以让科学家发现在特定群体中传播该病的生物个体,这与“Google地球”地图联合使用可以 展示 暴发的情况。

  • Visualise getting off the elevator .

    想象 自己 走出电梯。

  • Visualise a beam of light pouring down from the skies .

    似乎 看到,有一 明亮 光柱从天上直射下来。

  • Storyboard is a sequence of drawings that are used to help visualise the animation and to communicate ideas clearly .

    故事情节串联板是一种使用连环画 形式来帮助 动画师 更加 形象地, 更加明晰地理解和沟通动画情节的方法。

  • Breathe deeply and think positively visualise someone you love and take that image with you into the interview .

    深呼吸、 的方面想、 想想你爱的人,并 想着/ 她的样子进入面试。

  • The night before visualise yourself undergoing the whole interview step by step and imagine everything going really well you answering questions confidently and ultimately getting the job .

    面试前一天晚上, 设想自己正在经历一场面试,一步接一步,想象一切进展顺利,自信的回答所有问题,最终得到这份工作。

  • If we can visualise a permanent place for green on the podium we will all be winners .

    如果我们能够在领奖台上为绿色 勾画 一个永久的位置,我们就都是赢家。

  • One can visualise this process with the aid of fig.1.8.1 .

    我们可以借助图 1.8.1来看清这种过程。

  • This paper aims to demonstrate the ability of virtual3D models to visualise the exquisitely colourful original appearance of the Clay Warriors in a virtual reconstruction .

    本文以虚拟三维模型重构了 秦俑原始彩绘,显示了其功能与意义。

  • Step 5 : Visualise If you are still tense try a positive visualisation exercise .

    幻想 如果你还感到 精神紧张,那就来试试幻想 吧。

  • If you find it hard to visualise you can try to keep a positive attitude by pushing out negative thoughts when you get them with a'mantra'such as'Nothing worth achieving is going to be easy ! '

    如果你认为依靠 想象比较困难,也可以借助诸如“无限风光在险峰”等箴言,消除负面的想法,保持积极的心态。

  • You do not have to visualise anything just feel like you are doing this as if you were doing it in real life without looking at what you are doing .

    你不必 观想任何东西,只是感觉你正在这么做,就好像你在现实生活中这么做一样,而不去看你正在做的事情。

  • Dare to dream to visualise to envision since these are the tools of your new reality your new awareness consciousness slowly dawning upon you .

    敢于去梦想,去 设想,去展望,因为这些是你们拥有新实相、正在缓慢照亮你们的新觉醒意识的工具。

  • If you want to remember a list of household objects – gherkins cottage cheese sugar and other items – then visualise them in an unforgettable manner he says .

    如果你想记住一张罗列日常用品 青瓜、白软干酪、糖和其他物品等等的清单,不妨将它们以一种难以忘记的方式具体化。

  • Visualise the Day Ahead : I like to take a few minutes to shut my eyes and visualise what I want happen in the coming day .

    预先 设想一天:我想闭上几分钟眼睛,然后花些时间想象未来的一天将要发生什么。

  • There are a number of useful ways to visualise this architecture .

    有很多有用的方法来 形象 表示该架构。

  • With crude at $ 125 a barrel the dangers here are easy for us all to visualise : from furious truckers blocking British roads to riots abroad as inflation runs away across the emerging world .

    原油价格已升至每桶125美元, 个中危险 可想而知:愤怒的英国卡车司机将堵住道路,整个新兴世界因通胀失控而骚乱四起。

  • Programm to visualise the Window Funktion complete source code has been tested .

    程序,以 想象的窗口功能完整的源代码,已经过测试。