visual illusion

[ˈvɪʒuəl ɪˈluʒən][ˈviʒuəl iˈlju:ʒən]


  • Analyzed the reason why the prediction error of driver seemed so remarkable on some road sectors by using the conclusions mentioned above the visual illusion theory the road pictures and measured data . 5 .

    基于这些结论以及 错觉理论,结合实地照片以及实测数据,对若干路段半径和坡度预测误差较大的原因进行了分析。

  • The three white lines are a visual illusion .

    三条白线仅是一个 视觉上的 幻觉

  • Changes in different life experiences and emotions through painting this visual forms through a variety of symbolic things ( such as trees and mountains ) the performance of the life experience of pain and to relieve the illusion of life .

    不一样的生活经历和情感的变化,都通过绘画这种 视觉形式表现出来,通过各种象征性的事物(例如树和山),表现生活中经历的疼痛、纾解以及对生活的 幻想

  • By the light we see something differently so there is a visual illusion of the object .

    有光我们就会看到一些不同的东西,所以物体有一种 视觉 错觉

  • Firstly the system of visual illusion of understanding relying on the illusion produced from the principle of illusion shape and color of the illusion of visual illusion two aspects of the morphological traits collection sorting and meticulous summary and analysis .

    论文首先 对视 错觉进行了系统的认识,依托视错觉的产生原理,从形的视错觉和色的视错觉两方面对视错觉的形态特征进行了汇集、整理,并作了细致的归纳和分析。

  • Sympathomimetic-induced kaleidoscopic visual illusion associated with a reversible splenium lesion CT revealed large low density areas in the genu and the splenium of the corpus callosum .

    拟交感神经药物诱发的万花筒样 幻觉与胼胝体压部的可逆性损伤相关CT病灶为低密度,MR表现为T1WI低信号;

  • An experiment was conducted using the Tactile Vertical - horizontal Illusion Picture and Muller - lyre Illusion Picture with visually disabled children and the Visual Vertical - horizontal Illusion Picture and Muller - lyre Illusion Picture with ordinary children .

    方法:选用垂直-水平错觉图形和缪勒-莱依尔 错觉图形对 视力残疾儿童和普通儿童进行错觉对比实验研究。

  • The data of visual and auditory cross-modal stimulating experiments made contribute to the electrophysiological explanation of McGurk effect and the visual illusion caused by auditory stimuli .

    视觉和听觉交叉通道刺激的实验结果从电生理的角度对McGurk效应和听觉诱导 视觉 幻觉现象提供了一定解释。

  • A multistage evaluation method was used to measure visual illusion .

    本研究尝试用新近发展出的一种称为多级估量的方法测量了 错觉

  • A Study on Inverse Misapplied Constancy Effect in the Visual Illusion


  • Then Papers will be creative graphic design print ads and print ads designed to influence a variety of factors and principles of graphic combined visual illusion and study the graphic illusion of the role and impact .

    其次,将平面广告设计的图形创意和影响平面广告设计的各种因素与 错觉图形原理结合起来,分析 错觉图形对它们的作用和影响。

  • Visual illusion as an unconventional form of artistic expression has its unique use value .


  • An Experimental Research on Visual Illusion by Systematic Analysis


  • These phenomena result from the visual illusion that make the blank form images and brings about sense of place and connotative colors .

    究其缘由, 错觉的影响使留白成像、有空间感、隐含着的色彩等现象起到极为重要的作用。

  • Similar to visual illusion cognition illusion becloud one 's feeling to the real-world .


  • We often use the method of the superposition the perspective the light and shade the gradient and the compound to realize the construction of artistic space in graphic design . And discuss the expression techniques of visual illusion space which is full of novelty and interests .

    平面设计中艺术空间的营造常常运用重叠、透视、明暗、梯度和集锦式复合这些原理来表现,并对充满了新奇和趣味性的 空间的表现手法进行了探讨。

  • Specific research methods and application examples are applied in the article to research the visual illusion of graphics .

    文章通过具体的图形研究手段和应用实例,对图形 错觉的应用进行研究。

  • This part analyzes the necessity the feasibility objects and methods the purpose and significance of the visual illusion in the indoor spaceenvironment which paves the way for the use and analysis of visual illusion in the indoor space .

    分析视错觉在室内空间环境中运用的必要性、可行性、研究的对象和方法、研究的目的和意义,为 错觉在室内空间中的运用分析做好铺垫。

  • They are a visual illusion !

    它们是 视觉上的 幻象

  • Visual Illusion and Correction in Road Alignment Design

    道路线形设计中的 错觉及纠正

  • A Cross-Cultural Research on the Relationship Between Cognitive Style and Visual Illusion

    认知方式、 错觉及其关系的跨文化研究

  • Is the use of human visual residue to reconcile theory and psychological functions to a virtual illusion of movement into a real image motion process .

    是利用人的 视觉残留原理和心理调和功能,把一种虚拟的、 幻觉的运动变成真实的影像运动过程。

  • Analyzed from the form performance in space display the designers often use light & shadow in space creation and composition forming a visual illusion or a new visual effect or creating a sense of three-dimensional space and delusion .

    从光影的属性表现来分析,在空间展示中,展示设计师常常利用光影来进行空间创作与构图,产生 错觉或形成新的视觉效果,或者使它有了空间上的立体感与虚幻感。

  • Seeing is not Believing : Application of Visual illusion in Furniture Design

    眼见未必为实&浅析 错觉在家具造型设计中的应用

  • Application of Building Colors and Visual Illusion in the Interior Design

    建筑色彩和 错觉在室内空间装饰设计中的应用

  • Therefore we need to study and understand it as the illusion of the causes and laws to avoid harm visual illusion the better the phenomenon of the reasonable use of illusion in our lives to .

    因此,我们有必要研究视错觉并了解它的形成原因和规律,来避免 错觉带来的危害,更好的把 错觉现象合理的运用到我们的生活当中来。