Biphasic Visual Temporal Impulse Response and Optokinetic Nystagmus
双相 视觉脉冲反应与optokinetic nystagmus(OKN)眼动
Results The first etiological cause of visual disability in the juvenile 's group was congenital nystagmus ( 31.68 % ) and in the adult 's group was high myopia ( 21.11 % ) .
结果少儿组 视力残疾的首位病因是先天性 眼球 震颤占31.68%,成人组视力残疾的首位病因是高度近视占21.11%。
4 - Aminopyridine restores visual ocular mo - tor function in upbeat nystagmus
4-氨基吡啶恢复上跃式垂直眼振患者的 视觉 眼球 运动功能
Conclusion : Monocular occlusion on amblyopia with latent nystagmus was effective to improve visual acuity . But the nystagmus did not improve much with better vision .
结论:采用遮盖疗法可以提高伴有隐性眼球震颤弱视眼的 视力,但视力提高后 眼球 震颤无明显改变。
美[ˈvɪʒuəl nɪˈstæɡməs]英[ˈviʒuəl nisˈtæɡməs]