warm climate

[wɔrm ˈklaɪmɪt][wɔ:m ˈklaimit]

[医] 暖气候

  • So Los Angeles is sometimes called The Big Orange because of the fruit that grows in that city 's warm climate .

    所以洛杉矶经常被称作“大橘子”。因为洛杉矶 温暖 气候 条件 适宜橘子的生长。

  • Like a wistful child looking over the garden fence Germand envy Mediterranean people for more relaxed attitudes cultural heritage and warm climate .

    德国人就像一群不 知足的孩子,喜欢眺望花园篱笆 外边的世界。

  • A warm climate suits oranges .

    温暖 气候适合橘子生长。

  • The warm climate of the southwest makes its mountains green and its waters emerald ; the vegetation cover is lush . The figure of a girl fills out at puberty .

    温和 气候使它山青水绿、植被丰茂,姑娘的身段在青春期变得丰满。

  • I like spring because spring is not only a warm climate people feel very comfortable .

    我喜欢春天,因为春天不仅 气候 温暖,让人感到十分舒适。

  • The warm climate is ideal for producing easy drinking rich and full flavoured Australian wines .

    温暖 气候孕育了口感饱满,易于入口的澳洲葡萄酒。

  • As more consumers came to accept the full-bodied warm climate ferments from the likes of Australia California and South America as the norm French wines from cooler climes started to look a little thin .

    随着越来越多的消费者开始接受来自澳大利亚、加利福尼亚和南美等 气候 温暖地区酿造的醇厚葡萄酒,产自较冷地区的法国葡萄酒开始让人觉得口感较淡。

  • I live in a warm climate and want the look of a great fire but don 't want heat . What are my options ?

    我居住的地方 气候 温暖,但我想在家里看到火焰而且不要有热量。我的选择有哪些?

  • For example on a warm climate cruise casual collared shirts and khaki shorts will do fine .

    例如,在 气候 温暖的邮轮,散领衬衫和卡其短裤会好的。

  • The main features of Southern California are the warm climate and the beautiful scenery .

    南加州的主要特色是 暖和 气候及美丽的风景。

  • To present the evidence for the efficacy of comprehensive rehabilitation in a warm climate of patients with a wide variety of rheumatic diseases .

    目的:本文旨在 温暖 环境中的综合康复对各种风湿免疫疾病病人的疗效的情况。

  • Kim Gabel lives in the warm climate of southern Florida .

    盖贝尔住在佛罗里达南部这种 温暖 气候 地区

  • High yield and good quality can be achieved in the irrigated area with warm climate adequate sunlight seldom precipitation . The formula is superior to existing formulae and it can be used in the research of muddy irrigation rainfall runoff and erosion processes in watershed .

    气候 温暖,光照充足,降雨稀少并有灌溉条件的地区可获得高产优质的种子w_1049。这一成果对流域降雨产汇流、壤侵蚀机理研究及浑水灌溉研究与应用具有一定的价值。

  • Before German army fought in the relatively warm climate of Western Europe and didn 't know what Russian Winter really is .

    前德国军队战斗在西欧相对 温暖 气候和不知道什么是俄罗斯真正的经济寒冬。

  • For the sake of her daughter 's health she decided to move to a warm climate .

    为了她女儿的健康,她决定搬到一个 气候 温暖 地方去。

  • The warm climate there permits three harvests of paddy rice a year .

    那里 气候 暖和,一年能种三季稻子。

  • If you live in a warm climate you can hang greetings in the trees .

    如果你生活的地方 气候 暖和,那么就在他们的树上挂上你的问候。

  • The stove heats the room . a warm body ; a warm room ; a warm climate ; a warm coat .

    暖和的身体;温暖的房间; 温暖 气候;温暖的大衣。

  • It has a warm climate with plenty of sunshine - light and weather fastness tester

    这里 气候 温和,阳光充足??日光兼气候牢度试验仪

  • Insects thrive well in a warm climate .

    昆虫在 温暖 气候中容易繁殖。

  • Studies on Controlling Strategy for Forest Fire under the Global Warm Climate

    全球 变暖 背景下的森林火灾防控策略探讨

  • I like to live in a warm climate .

    我喜欢住在 温暖 地区

  • But warm climate wines have warm climate problems .


  • Garlic is a plant that grows wherever there is a warm climate .

    大蒜是一个能在任何 气候 温暖的地方生长的植物。

  • This kind of plant only grows in a warm climate .

    这种植物只在 各的 气候下生长。

  • It enjoys a warm climate and abundant rainfall .

    那儿 气候 温暖,雨量丰富。