

  • But with the effect of the warlordism banditry and natural disaster Jiangsu province country economy had gradually deteriorated leading to the rural financial disorder and lagging .

    但是 历年 军阀 混战、盗匪横行以及天灾的影响,苏省的乡村经济也渐趋恶化,从而导致农村金融秩序的紊乱和滞后。

  • Ridden with warlordism and banditry ; the country was in a state of chaos .

    军阀 混战,盗贼横行, 是昏天黑地。

  • Starving the Third Army out would be a slower process than destroying it militarily . Through protracted struggles against warlordism the army achieved unity in its own ranks and formed close ties with the masses .

    饿死第三集团军比军事上消灭第三集团军要慢一些。经过长期反对 军阀 主义的斗争,军队内部很团结,联系群众也很好。

  • Through protracted struggles against warlordism the army achieved unity in its own ranks and formed close ties with the masses .

    经过长期反对 军阀 主义的斗争,军队内部很团结,联系群众也很好。

  • Early 20th century China has been in social unrest a state of warlordism Shanxi also failed to separate from this situation .

    清末民初的中国一直处在社会动荡, 军阀 混战的状态 之下,山西也未能超然独立于这一环境 之外

  • Sun rejected the idea of a parliament and his term as president lasted just a few months before power was wrested from him and a period of warlordism ensued .

    孙中山不赞成议会,而且他只当了几个月总统就被夺了权,其后就是 军阀 割据时期。

  • Content : The early stage of Republic of China was a critical period for the comprehensive transformation of traditional agriculture . With internal and external threats and warlordism the agricultural crisis was getting worse .

    民国初期是中国传统农业全面改造的关键时期,在内忧外患、 军阀 割据的环境下,农业危机日益严重, 民国 初年 实施了一 系列的农业改革, 颁布多项农政新规,以扶助农业经济的发展。

  • It holds the view that there are many external advantages of modernization of Shen Newspaper including warlordism economic prosperity urban development popularization of education and advance of science and technology .

    军阀 割据、经济繁荣、城市发展、教育普及、科技进步是促使《申报》现代化的有利外在条件。