water blue

[ˈwɔtɚ blu][ˈwɔ:tə blu:]


  • With this new start I firmly believe that our children and our children 's children will live in a brand new age of green trees clean air crystal water blue sky and an even more promising world !

    我坚信,有了这个新的开始,我们的孩子、孩子的孩子必将生活在一个绿树青葱、空气清新、 水碧 天蓝的崭新世纪,一个前景更加灿烂的世界!

  • The results are as follows : corrosion of maraging steel in test solutions becomes weaker according to the order of artificial sweat 3.5 % NaCl solution deionized water and blue ink ;

    结果如下:马氏体时效钢在试验溶液中的腐蚀,按人工汗水、3.5%NaCl、去离子 墨水顺序逐渐变弱;

  • In this paper pretreatment device for determination of sulfide in water by methylene blue spectrophotometry was improved .

    本文对 亚甲基分光光度法测定 水质硫化物的预处理装置进行了改进。

  • Sky is blue water also very blue .

    天很蓝, 也很

  • The water 's blue the waves are lapping .

    海水 碧蓝,波涛拍岸。

  • The water is crystal blue all of them are very happy .

    海水 的透明,他们生活的都很幸福。

  • An ecological garden city with beautiful mountains and water landscape featured with green mountains clean water blue sky and bamboo ecology health preservation city basically formed .

    “山青、 水碧天蓝、城绿”为特色的竹生态休闲养生城市已经显现。

  • Here the sky and white clouds are so close ; the sunshine and air is so transparent ; hills and water are so blue . I had the famous snacks and visited well-known attractions .

    在这里,天空和白云如此接近,阳光和空气无比通透,明丽的 青山绿水一如浓妆艳抹,吃那些听熟了的云南小吃,逛那些听 了的著名景点。

  • You 'd be hard-pressed to find water as blue as that which laps at its shores .

    你很难再找到什么地方的 ,能 蓝得像这里拍打着的堤岸海水。

  • At this magical place the water is crystal blue and you can swim with hundreds of different species of fish .

    在这梦幻般的世界中, 海水 湛蓝、澄澈见底,您还可以跟好几百种不同的鱼类悠游其中。

  • The Tian Chi lake 's water was warm and the water is blue and deep .

    天池湖的 蓝色的,非常深,而且很温暖。

  • The influence factors research to the determination of low concentration chlorine dioxide in water by thymol blue spectrophotometry

    百里香酚 示差光度法测定 水中低浓度二氧化氯影响因素的研究

  • Dongchong is a good place to see the first ray of sunshine in Shenzhen where the coast becomes a line water is blue and clear the waves roll one upon another .

    东涌是见到深圳第一缕阳光的地方,海岸连成一线, 海水 而透明,海浪此起彼伏,气势十足。

  • The water is blue .

    湖水 蓝色的。

  • With green water and blue sky it is summer all the year around .

    水碧 天蓝夏无冬,全城遍植椰树,四季常青,婆娑多姿。

  • Improvement of Pretreatment Device for Sulfide Determination in Water by Methylene Blue Spectrophotometry

    和废水中 硫化物测定预处理装置的改进

  • The lake water is so BLUE .


  • The content of water and Evans blue of brain tissue were determined the time of gasp was observed .

    测定脑组织 水量和伊文氏 含量,观察小鼠喘息时间。

  • Preparation of Water Soluble Blue Spraying Print Ink

    酸性墨水 G制备 溶性 蓝色喷印墨水的研究

  • Study on factors effecting the determination of sulfide in water by methylene blue spectrophotometry

    亚甲基 分光光度法测定 水中硫化物影响因素的探讨

  • The seaside city vigorously development increased the traveling market profession competition simultaneously eagerly anticipates the tourism to change the blue water blue sky from the traditional land route way the coastal way egresses the traveling for the people to provide the more convenient diverse service .

    滨海城市的大力发展,更增加了旅游市场的行业竞争,同时引领旅游业从传统的陆路方式转向 碧水 蓝天的沿海方式,为人们外出旅游提供更为便捷的多样化服务。

  • Ingredients : water chamomile blue olive extract aloe extract hydrolyzed elastin hyaluronic acid glycerol plant spice lauric acid .


  • Is a growth in the water blue flower forget-me-not .

    是一个成长中的 蓝色的花“勿忘我没有”。

  • If only a little blood thinner water dark blue pink or is all is not normal .

    如果经血稀薄如 ,仅有点粉红色,或发黑发 ,则都是不正常的。

  • An east China city 's hopes for clear water and blue skies have been shattered by companies that continually flout environmental regulations .

    企业不断地违反环保规定挫败了中国东部 淄博市为建设成为“国家环保模范城市”的努力。

  • Effects of Brain Surface Cooling on Cerebral Content of Water and Evans Blue in Rabbits

    脑表面降温对兔脑组织含 水量和伊纹氏 含量的影响

  • Study and application of the color reaction of protein and water soluble aniline blue

    溶苯胺 与蛋白质结合反应的研究及应用

  • The clear water mirrored the blue sky .

    清澈的 水面倒映出 蓝色的天空。

  • Taking the design of the office building for Huailai Water Blue Science and Technology Company Ltd as an example the applications of square steel tube concrete pillars have been investigated and analytically contrasted them with I section pillars and unique supremacy has been shown .

    以怀来 水蓝科技有限公司办公楼设计为例,对方钢管混凝土柱的应用进行了探讨,并与工字形截面柱作了对比分析,显示其独特的优越性。

  • Statistical analysis showed that the water and Evans blue contents of the lungs in brain injury group were significantly more than that in control group .

    脑损伤组肺 水量和伊文思 透入量显著高于对照组;