water examination


  • Water areas including water administrative law enforcement of the administrative supervision and inspection investigate illegal cases in water as the administrative licensing examination water conservancy not as a collection of fees for the administrative enforcement and water .

    水行政执法领域包括水行政监督检查中的不作为、查处 水事违法案件中的不作为、水行政许可 审批中的不作为、水利规费征收中的不作为和水行政强制中的不作为。

  • Research the relevance between rain water pollutants through carrying on the sample examination treatment and the analysis of rain water in one city in the North China ;

    通过对华北某市雨水排出口的出水进行取样 检测、处理和分析,研究 雨水污染物之间的相关性;

  • Later after a program operating costs are lower and the high degree of automation easy operation small-scale drinking water treatment in rural areas is more easily spread but the water treatment effect needs further examination .

    后一方案后期运营成本较低,且自动化程度高,容易操作,在农村小型饮用水处理上更容易普及,但 水质处理效果还需要进一步 检验

  • The choice on the best deepness of obtaining sample of water in the simulating examination on nutrients removing and transforming in sediment-water interface

    现代沉积物& 界面营养盐迁移模拟 实验的最佳取样深度优选

  • In order to know the growth of bacteria in water in ultrasonic humidifier and contamination of indoor air by it samples of the water and the surrounding air were taken for examination during continuous use of the humidifier .

    为了解超声波加湿器水中细菌生长及其对室内空气污染情况,在加湿器连续使用条件下,对内装 及加湿时室内空气进行了采样 检测

  • The Value of Hypotonic Water Filling of Rectum CT Examination in Diagnosis of Pelvic Lesions

    低张直肠 充盈法CT 检查在盆腔病变诊断中的价值

  • The article union the road water transportation engineering test examines the market at present the existence question and the examination organization present situation has analyzed implements Road Water transportation Engineering test Examination Policing method the necessity and the examination in the construction project quality control function .

    文章结合目前公路水运工程试验检测市场的存在问题和检测机构的现状,分析了贯彻《公路 水运工程试验 检测管理办法》的必要性及检测在建设工程质量管理中的作用。

  • John did not weigh enough to join the navy but he got around that ; he drank a lot of water before his physical examination .

    约翰体重不够,按理不能参加海军,但他略施小计通过了 检查,他在 体检前喝了许多

  • Ampyrone spectrophotography is popularly used in water quality examination to determine volatile phenol content in the water and the extracting agent used in this method is chloroform .

    水质 检测普遍采用4-氨基安替比林分光光度法测定水中挥发酚类含量,此方法中所用萃取剂为氯仿。

  • With the advantages such as high efficiency good mobility lower noise and little disturb to the environment water strider robot will applies to military and civil area such as military reconnaissance environmental monitoring and water examination .

    仿水黾机器人以其效率高、机动性好、噪音低、对环境扰动小的优势将在军事侦察、环境监测、 水体 检测地下 管网 检测等军事和民用等方面得到广泛应用。

  • Adjusting and determining about optimal distance from probe to workpiece into water ultrasonic examination

    超声波 探伤中探头距工件的最佳距离及调整

  • An Dynamic Analysis of Water Flowmeter Examination Process with Steady Pressure Method

    稳压法 流量仪表 检定过程的动态分析

  • Developing the research of examination method technique and examination equipment of oil pollutant in the water is one of important measure to enhance the water pollution examination .

    开展水中油污染检测方法、技术和检测设备的研究,是提高 污染 检测的一条重要措施。

  • Water quality-Determination of turbidity Examination of HPAM concentration in produced water with turbidity method

    浊度法测定油田采出 水中 HPAM质量浓度

  • Model coastal water pollution in Fujian by examination of trace elements in fish

    应用鱼类微量元素含量建立预测福建 海域污染的 数学模型

  • Electrochemical Character of Water Containing Gel Electrolyte and Its Preliminary Examination in Lithium Water Cell

    含水的凝胶电解质电化学特性及其在锂水电池中的 初试

  • Changes of Ammonia - Nitrogen in Surface Water and Quality Controls in Examination

    地表 水中氨氮的变化及 检测中的质量控制

  • Program Design of Automatic Checking System for Water Quality Examination Data

    水质 分析资料自动校核系统程序设计

  • Application of three stage pressure five section water pump-in test in the grouting quality examination

    三级压力五段压 试验在灌浆质量 检验中的应用

  • In order to find out the actual cost of water supply enterprises and promote the formation of reasonable water price mechanism investigation and examination were made on water supply cost in a city under administration of province .

    为了解供水企业的实际成本状况,促进合理 水价机制的形成,对某省辖市(含县级市)的供水成本进行了调查和 审核

  • By this topic research exploring a suit of water pollution scene examination technology and examination equipment it has the widespread application prospect and the scientific research value .

    通过本课题的研究,探索出一套适合我国国情的 水质污染现场 检测技术和检测设备,具有广泛的应用前景和科学研究价值。

  • This paper presents apparatus and equipment for the test process technology of producing purified water test results and final analysis including determination of the water producing volume and working pressure bacteriological examination spectrum analysis and quality examination of water for dialysis .

    本文介绍该设备测试过程所用的仪器、设备,成品水的制备工艺,测试结果与分析,包括设备产 水量与工作压力的测定、细菌 检验、光谱分析、透析用水的质量检验。

  • Application of Interval Flow Injection Analysis Instrument for the Water Examination

    间隔流动分析仪在 水质 检测中的应用

  • A series of Sampling and qualitative / quantitative examination of trace organic pollutants using GC / MS was conduced for surveying pollution of surface water the coking and dye waste water . Results of the examination were analyzed and comparied .

    采用GC/MS联用仪对焦化、染料废水和地表水中有机物进行定性、定量分析, 探讨了污染源与受纳区的地表 水中有机物种类和含量间的关系。

  • The result of the study shows that it is feasible and efficient using neural network soft measurement method to resolve the delay of ozone concentration measurement and the lag of water quality standard examination in ozone oxygenized water-processing system . And it worth of furthering study and research .

    研究结果表明神经网络软测量方法用于解决臭氧水处理系统自动控制中臭氧产生浓度的测量延迟和 水质指标的 检测滞后问题是可行和有效的,具有进一步研究的可能和实用价值。

  • The delay of ozone concentration measurement and the lag of water quality standard examination are mainly factors that result in lower quality of ozone-oxygenized water processing system .

    其中,臭氧产生浓度的测量延迟和 水质指标(主要是化学需氧量COD)的 检测滞后是导致臭氧水处理系统自动控制性能指标不高的主要原因。

  • Conclusion : Hypotonic water filling of rectum CT examination could provide more accurate and reliable imaging massages than conventional CT in the diagnosis of pelvic lesions ( including rectum ) . it is worth to apply in clinic widely .

    结论:低张直肠 充盈CT 检查对盆腔病变的诊断(包括直肠)较常规CT能提供更准确可靠的影像学信息,值得推广应用。

  • Reduction method of water quantity and examination of rationality

    水量还原方法及合理性 检查

  • It is urged that all levels of water administrative departments constantly improve the examination system for approving pollution discharge into the rivers in line with the Administration Permission Law and Water Law so as to strictly control pollutants into the water bodies .

    各级 行政主管部门要按照《行政许可法》和《水法》的要求,不断完善入河排污口 设置 审批工作制度,依法行政,从严控制污染物进入水域的关口。