

vt.& vi.等待等候(尤指长期地)希望盼望



  • I walk to a street corner and wait for the school bus

    我走到街角 校车。

  • I waited to see how she responded


  • ' Wait a minute ! ' he broke in . ' This is not giving her a fair hearing ! '


  • Wait a minute ! I 'm beginning to catch on .


  • When we came home we had a meal waiting for us

    我们到家时,有一顿美餐 我们享用。

  • The President had his plane waiting 20 minutes ' drive away .

    总统让飞机 20分钟车程的地方

  • In that case we won 't wait any longer .

    那我们就不再 了。

  • There were plenty of servants to wait on her

    有很多仆人 服侍她。

  • We can 't wait to get started

    我们 迫不及待地想开始。

  • There 'll be a car waiting for you

    会有辆汽车 你。

  • We will have to wait a week or so before we know whether the operation is a success

    我们还得 一周左右才能知道手术是否成功。

  • As soon as you get some food inside you you 'll feel more cheerful . Just you wait .


  • Tell them not to wait .

    告诉他们别 了。

  • If you think this all sounds very exciting just wait until you read the book

    如果你觉得所有这些听起来令人兴奋,那就 去读这本书吧。

  • Ships with unfurled sails wait to take them aboard

    船只扬起风帆, 等待他们上船。

  • Three-hundred railway wagons were waiting to be unloaded

    有300个铁路货车车厢 卸货。

  • A cool $ 500 is to be spent on obtaining genuine 17th-century air from the inside of wait for it an occupied lead coffin .

    将花费整整50万美元获取 货真价实的17世纪的空气,注意了,是从一个内有尸体的铅制棺材里获得。

  • Any changes will have to wait until sponsors can be found .

    任何改变都要 找到赞助商之后 作决定。

  • We 'll have to wait and see what happens .

    我们只好 等等看将会发生什么。

  • Angus got out of the car to wait


  • Just wait for me in the lounge .

    请在休息室里 我就行了。

  • Each student is expected to wait at table for one week each semester .

    每学期每个学生都 在餐厅服务一周。

  • He had a taxi waiting to take him to the train

    他让一辆出租车 带他到火车站去。

  • Stop waiting for things to happen . Make them happen

    不要 坐等事情发生。要创造条件让它们发生。

  • It 's gonna be great . I can hardly wait

    那一定很棒。我都 不及了。

  • I could hardly wait to get out of there .


  • Well what are you waiting for ? Do I have to ask you for a kiss ?

    那你还 什么呢?难道要我求你吻我吗?

  • I want to talk to you but it can wait

    我想和你谈谈,但可以 晚点 再说