

[医] 候诊室,等待室

  • He lay quietly in the waiting-room for an hour .

    他在 候车 静静地等了一个小时。

  • The waiting-room was gloomy of course and it smelled badly .

    候车 阴沉沉的,那个味儿 地难闻。

  • He had a vision of Cheryl slumped on a plastic chair in the waiting-room

    他想象 谢里尔瘫坐在 候诊 的一把塑料椅子上。

  • The waiting-room at the airport was airy and spacious .

    机场的 候机 很宽敞,空气很好。

  • We stayed in the station 's waiting-room until evening .

    我们在车站 候车 待到傍晚。

  • I went to the railway station brought a ticket and walked into the waiting-room .

    我进了火车站,买了车票,走进了 候车

  • There were six other people ahead of him in the waiting-room .

    候诊 ,有六个人排在他前面。

  • Measurement and Study of Dust and Bacteria in Station Waiting-room

    候车 尘菌的测试与研究

  • At the moment when Pierre went into the waiting-room a courier from the army was just coming out from an interview with the count .

    皮埃尔进入接待 时,一位军队的信使正从伯爵办公室出来。

  • We waited in a gloomy waiting-room .

    我们在一间阴暗的 等候 等候

  • Absent-mindedly perusing the notices on the waiting-room wall .

    漫不经心地看 等候 墙上的布告。

  • This is a doctor 's waiting-room in a hospital .

    这是医院里的一个 候诊

  • According to the observation results the relationship between dusts and bacteria as major contaminants in station waiting-room is analyzed and the linear regression equation is concluded .

    根据实测结果,分析了 候车 室内重要污染物&尘、菌之间的关系,得出了尘、菌之间的线性回归方程。