water buffalo

[ˈwɔtɚ ˈbʌfəˌlo][ˈwɔ:tə ˈbʌfələu]


  • A water buffalo is still more expensive than one of these girls he says .

    他说:一 水牛还比这样的女孩贵呢。

  • Study on Design and Application of Monitor System For Feeding Behavior of The Water Buffalo in Door

    舍饲 水牛采食行为监测系统的建立和应用研究

  • We left the old man and continued with a big group of children following us ( and I saw a bathing water buffalo ) .

    我们离开了这个老人的家,有一大群孩子跟着我们(路上我看见了一 在洗澡的 水牛)。

  • Most milk consumed in Western countries is from cows ; other important sources include sheep goats water Buffalo and camels .

    西方国家主要从母牛身上取得奶,在别的地区,奶的主要来源包括绵羊、山羊、 水牛和骆驼。

  • At the same time water buffalo type were detected with 14 individuals in Chinese buffaloes .

    同时在中国水牛 群体中检测到江河型水牛14个个体,其为中国 水牛与江河型水牛的杂交后代。

  • We found a beautiful rice field and we decided to take some photos when a water buffalo started sneaking up on us .

    当时我们发现了一片美丽的稻田,想拍些照片,这时,一只 水牛悄悄靠近我们。

  • South America has produced the world 's most spectacular successes with commercial water buffalo herds .

    在培育商业性 牛群方面,世界上要数南美洲的成就最为可观。

  • Cloning and Expression of Water Buffalo IFN - α Genes and Its Antiviral Activities


  • Maybe next year the sight of ladies planting rice in their embroidery will be gone from Guizhou . Maybe later it will be the water buffalo and eventually even the dogmeat .

    也许明年,身穿刺绣衣服的插秧农妇就会从贵州消失,也许随后消失的就是 水牛,最终狗肉也将消失。

  • Cows jumping makes more sense if the cow is a cow moose and the moon is the Moon River in Ontario ( or perhaps a water buffalo cow jumping the river of the same name that is a tributary of the Mekong ) .

    如果cow是cowmoose(母驼鹿)且moon是安大略省的MoonRiver(或者,也许是一头母 水牛跳过湄公河的一条名称相同的支流),那么“奶牛的跳跃”就更有意义了。

  • Then they gave the water buffalo to the temple and asked them to let it live out its natural life span there .

    然后他们把 带到寺庙里,请人把 放养在周围的自然环境中。

  • In Hanoi bicycles and water buffalo have given way to motorcycles and internet cafes .

    在河内,自行车和 水牛已被摩托车和网吧取代。

  • The DCC method was used to study the rumen bacteria of water buffalo .

    本试验应用DCC法对 水牛瘤胃细菌进行测定。

  • Immune responses to Fasciola gigantica experimental infection in Water Buffalo and liver pathological changes of the hosts were studied .

    本文研究 水牛实验感染大片形吸虫后的免疫应答及病理变化。

  • Eight hours a day he plows the fields with his water buffalo .

    他每天用 水牛耕地八个钟头。

  • Peasants wade knee deep in mud coaxing water buffalo to pull ploughs .

    农民跋涉在没膝深的泥泞中,赶着 犁地

  • He marched us off through the rice fields balancing precariously on narrow dikes separating paddies of mud and dung and water right into the farmyards and courtyards of villages apparently untouched by much technical innovation since the water buffalo .

    他带领我们走过稻田,在满是泥巴、粪肥和水的稻田中间狭窄的堤坝上胆战心惊地保持平衡,来到自 水牛出现以后显然便基本未曾受过太多技术变革影响的农场和村庄。

  • Village life is portrayed as sequestered in a bygone age with farmers trailing water buffalo through postage-stamp paddies and rural labourers trudging home in the twilight from Dickensian factories .

    在过去的年代,乡村生活被描述成世外桃源式的生活,农民牵着 水牛穿过一块块稻田,黄昏下,乡村工人从狄更斯式的工厂里蹒跚地走回家。

  • Elorde said the crocodile killed a water buffalo in an attack witnessed by villagers last month and was also suspected of having attacked a fisherman who went missing in July .

    Elorde说,上个月,有当地居民看到这条鳄鱼杀死了一 水牛。此外,还怀疑六月一名渔民的失踪是这条鳄鱼所为。

  • In her system to kill a small water buffalo .

    足以杀死一头小 水牛了。

  • A herd of water buffalo charges down a dirt road in rural Laos .

    一群 水牛在老挝的一条乡村土路上横冲直撞。

  • Study on Genetic Diversity and Genetic Relationships of Guizhou White Water Buffalo and Guizhou Water Buffalo

    贵州白 水牛与普通 水牛遗传多样性与亲缘关系的微卫星分析

  • Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the 3 ' Regulatory Region of the the Lactalbumin Gene in Chinese Water Buffalo


  • I no longer use cancer-causing deodorants even though I smell like a water buffalo on a hot day .

    虽然我在大热天体臭如 水牛,但我都不敢再用那些会导癌的止汗剂。

  • Soon the children were scampering off to watch a farmer ploughing with water buffalo and to stomp in cow pats with bare feet .

    不一会儿,孩子们就奔跑着去看一位农民,他正在 用水 耕田,并不时地用赤脚跺牛粪。

  • Let 's buy a doomed water buffalo and let it live out its life in peace .

    “让我们买下一只命定要死的 水牛,让它在宁静中度过余生。”

  • A Chinese high school student is more likely to be trampled by a water buffalo than to matriculate at Harvard .

    对于中国高中学生而言,被哈佛大学录取的机率比被 水牛踩踏的机率还要低。