waiting list

[ˈwetɪŋ lɪst][ˈweɪtɪŋ list]


  • Well I could put you on a waiting list .

    嗯,我可以把你加在 候补 名单上。

  • We can put you on our waiting list just in case we have a cancellation .

    我们把您记 名单里,有人退房时就通知您。

  • A waiting list for the2011-year harvest has already begun .

    如今,人们已经开始 预订 2011年采收的茶叶了。

  • But just order on here and I 'll put you on the waiting list until I get it .

    我需要买贸易 通行证。但是我 等待 名单上可以把您放。

  • Isthere any other way to get a ticket other than being on the waiting list ?

    除了排在 等候名单上还有什么其他办法能拿到票吗?

  • I can put you on a waiting list if you would like .

    如果您愿意,我可以把你 等候 名单上。

  • Last job removed from the waiting list .

    等待 中删除的最后一个作业。

  • I sign up for my classes but one of them is full so I 'm placed on a waiting list .

    我报名学习要学的课程,但有一个班已经满了,因此我被放入了 候补 名单

  • The Live Mesh developer program currently has a waiting list and anyone can get on it .

    LiveMesh开发人员计划目前有一个 等候 列表,任何人都可以加入。

  • So my parents who were on a waiting list got a call in the middle of the night asking : We have an unexpected baby boy ; do you want him ?

    所以我的生养父母(他们在 名单上)突然在半夜接到了一个电话:我们现在这儿有一个不小心生出来的男婴,你们想要他吗?

  • I 'm on the waiting list for a ticket but there are ten people ahead of me .

    我在 等侯买票的 名单上,但有10个人在我的前面。

  • I 'm on this waiting list for a cornea transplant .

    我在角膜移植的 等候 名单上。

  • We can only put your name in the waiting list .

    我们只能把您列入 候补 旅客 名单

  • Customer : Yes we 're on the waiting list .


  • On a waiting list my sister kept for me .

    姐姐帮我 安排了一 又一

  • Can I put my name on the waiting list ?

    我能把我的名次写在 等候 名单上吗?

  • Waiting list Your passport and declaration card please .


  • There were 20 people on the waiting list for a home .

    名单上有两万人 分房。

  • The Waiting List being one of the largest housing categories took up 19248 flats in 1998 .

    公屋 轮候册是最大的安置类别之一,于年内占去19248个单位。

  • I 'm afraid there are no vacancies at the moment but I can put you on the waiting list .

    我恐怕现在没有任何职位空缺,不过我可以把你列进 候补 名单

  • First job entered in the waiting list .

    等待 中输入的第一个作业。

  • Put me on your waiting list please .

    请把我 候补 名单上。

  • Because he 's on the waiting list .

    因为他还在 候选 名单上。

  • It wasn 't long before she had a full enrollment and a waiting list .

    不久她的日托所招生名额就满了,而且还有不少小孩登记 入托

  • We have a long waiting list for the evening items from Balmain .

    我们有一个长长的 等候购买巴尔曼晚礼服的 名单

  • Nevertheless Margaret failed to get in and her name was put on the waiting list .

    尽管如此,玛格丽特仍然未被录取,但被列入了 候补 名单

  • Can you put me on the waiting list for the seventh ?

    请把我列入7号的 候机 名单

  • We can put you on our waiting list and call you if we have any cancellations .

    我们可以把您登记在住房 等待 名单上,一旦客人取消预订,我们会打电话通知您。

  • GP and patient might be keen to find a suitable treatment with a short waiting list .

    GP和患者非常期待能够找到 等待时间较短的合适的治疗。

  • There is a long waiting list of prisoners who want to take classes .

    有一个漫长的 等待要上课的囚犯 名单