water granulated slag

[机] 水淬粒渣

  • The capacity of water granulated slag disposal system was increased remarkably through technical modernization .

    宝钢 3 高炉通过对 设备系统进行完善和技术改造,显著提高了 能力。

  • Application of Water Granulated Slag to Dispose of Blast Furnace Gas Cleaner Effluents

    高炉 在高炉煤气净化水处理中的应用

  • The Application Of INBA Water Granulated Slag Control System for Baogang No.4 Blast Furnace

    INBA 控制系统在包钢4~高炉中的应用

  • This thesis describes not only main process equipments which are used in the water granulated slag system for Baogang No. 4 blast furnace but also the system configuration and control functions .

    文章介绍了在包钢4高炉中使用的 系统的生产工艺、主要工艺设备以及 控制系统的组成和控制功能。

  • The article analyses and summarizes the main factors causing low blowing rate of water granulated slag in blast furnace production .

    对宝钢高炉提高 制率的工艺技术措施进行了总结。

  • The theoretical basis for producing mortar powder with water granulated slag the technological process of production the test results and analyses of various recipes of the mortar powder are elaborated in this paper .

    本文阐述了用 炉渣生产砂浆粉的理论依据,生产砂浆粉的工艺流程,各种配方的试验结果和分析。

  • Effect of granulation water pressure on bulk density and size of granulated slag

    水压 的堆比重及粒度的影响

  • Operation of wet dedusting for ferromanganese blast furnace in process of cyclic water for granulated slag filtering

    锰铁高炉湿法除尘在 过滤循环 用水工艺中的运行

  • In order to improve working condition based on water granulated slag 's looseness an automatic slag removal machine is developed to clean slag runner instead of manual work .

    为改善现场工作环境,利用 的松散性,研制了自动清渣机代替人工进行挖渣清沟。

  • Now the micro-powder of Baosteel 's blast furnace water granulated slag has been put into commercial production comprehensively .

    宝钢的高炉 微粉已全面实现产业化。

  • Treatment of Copper Smelter Wastewater with Water Granulated Slag as Adsorbent
