washing tank


  • Grannie busy washing milkers for the dairy cows each morning takes time out to open the milk tank showing me the swirling gallons ready to be sent to the local dairy .

    每天早上,我那忙于 清洗给牛儿用的挤奶器的奶奶都会特意走去打开牛奶储存 ,让我看那些奶液旋流的牛奶桶,它们会被卖给当地的乳品店。

  • Principle and Application of Intermission Automatic Washing Tank

    间歇式自动 冲洗 水箱的原理和应用

  • Application of COW Washing Technology in Yellow Island Oil Depot 2 # Storage Tank

    COW 清洗工艺在黄岛油库2~ 中的应用

  • This paper gave an introduction to the working principle design method and application of robust the siphon automatic washing tank .

    介绍虹吸式自动 冲洗 水箱的工作原理、设计方法和应用;

  • Cleaning items : high-rise buildings building plant wall repair cleaning painting wall washing large water tank cleaning manhole cleaning .

    清洗项目:高楼、大厦、厂房的外墙修补、清洗、涂装、外墙 清洗、大型污 水池清洗、沙井清洗等。

  • COW washing technology is adopting through temporary laid circulatory system and adopting identical clean oil circulating to wash to dissolve reach the purpose of clearing tank .

    COW 清洗工艺是通过临时敷设的循环系统,采用与待清洗油罐中油品相同的清洁油,循环冲洗、溶解,达到清 的目的。

  • Problems of the washing sewage handling system for blast furnaces were presented . The related measures were adopted in the light of the problem of high turbidity of overflow in the depositing tank and the effect was discussed .

    阐述了高炉煤气 洗涤污水处理系统存在的问题,分析了24m沉淀 溢流水浊度高的原因,探讨了采取的措施及产生的效果。

  • Application of Mechanized Washing Equipment in Cleaning Crude Oil Tank

    机械化 清洗设备在原油 储罐清洗上的应用

  • A computer control system that can automatically regulate temperature and water level in a washing tank in minced fish processing is described .

    介绍了鱼糜加工生产线中 漂洗 温度和水位控制系统的研制过程,给出了该系统的硬件结构及软件设计。

  • By stabilizing the in-feeding quantity washing the in-feeding line in time avoiding the in-feeding high concentration keeping the beating tank discharging pump entrance and out line unblocked the operation smooth rate is increased the AcOH content in beating tank is sharply reduced .

    通过稳定进料量,及时 冲洗进料线,避免进料浓度过高,保持打浆 出料泵出入管线畅通等,操作平稳率增加,打浆罐中醋酸含量大大降低。

  • Study on Submerged Culture of Torula Utilis in Waste Water from Washing Beer Tank

    以啤酒 废水为主料产朊圆酵母液体发酵的研究

  • Development of Computer Control System for a Washing Tank in Minced Fish Processing

    鱼糜加工设备 漂洗 自控系统的研制

  • When carrying on sea water washing the thermal oil system serves thermal oil to cargo oil tanks other tanks and the tank washing heater .

    进行海水 时,热油系统为货油舱及其他舱室和洗 加热器提供热油。

  • The separated ash is moved to washing facilities of the ashremoval system and then into pulp tank which serves at the same time as hydroseal against excess pressure in the UTT-3000 retort .

    分离出来的灰移往除尘系统的 清洗装置,之后进入矿浆 ,同时矿浆池也起到了液压密封的作用,用来防止UTT-3000干馏炉压力过大。

  • Crude oil washing Butterworth tank cleaning system

    原油 原油 系统巴氏货 清洗系统

  • The failure analysis for flange 's cracking on cylinder of LPG alkali washing tank

    LPG碱 人孔法兰开裂失效分析

  • Development of plastic automatic washing tank with twin-syphon

    塑料节水双虹吸自动 冲洗 水箱的研制

  • The type and capacity choice of sea water washing heater is very important to guarantee the tank washing sea water reaching enough temperature .

    为了保证洗 海水能达到足够的温度, 加热器的选型设计显得非常重要。