waste recovery

[west rɪˈkʌvəri][weist riˈkʌvəri]


  • After the material flow of man environment system is analyzed it indicates that not only the natural resource utilization rate but also the product repeat using rate and the waste recovery rate are required to improve greatly in order to achieve sustainable development .

    通过分析人与环境所组成系统的物质流动规律表明,可持续发展不仅需要提高自然资源的生产利用率,还需要提高产品的重复利用率与 废物 资源 率。

  • Packaging Waste Recovery in France

    法国包装 废弃物 回收体系

  • Comparative Analysis of Foreign Discard Packing Waste Recovery System and Enlightenment

    国外包装 废弃物 回收系统的比较分析及启示

  • The government will also demand the introduction of waste recovery and recycling systems .

    政府还将要求引入 废品 回收和循环利用系统。

  • Research on Power Generation Technology of Integrated Sintering Waste Heat Recovery and Step Utilization

    烧结 余热集成 回收与梯级利用发电技术研究

  • This paper introduces current situation of waste oil treatment of gathering pump station analyzes factors which affect the pump station running from waste oil recovery .

    介绍了集输泵站污油 回收处理的现状,分析了 回收对泵站正常生产的影响因素,提出了解决办法,使泵站安全、平稳的生产得到了保障。

  • Development of heat transfer enhancement on waste heat recovery device of sintering

    烧结 余热 回收装置强化传热研究进展

  • Application of GIS to Municipal Solid Waste Recovery Plan & A Case of Main Urban Area in Chongqing

    GIS在城市生活 垃圾 回收方案规划研究中的应用&以重庆市主城区为例

  • Applied Study of Heat Pipe Technique in Waste Recovery in Seal-Water Gas Process of Small Nitric Fertilizer Plants

    热管技术在小 氮肥工业煤气生产中的应用研究

  • The Study on Regulation of Solid Waste Recovery

    固体 废物 回收 利用的法律控制研究

  • Application of Converter Waste Gas Recovery Automatic Control System

    转炉煤气 回收自动化控制系统的应用

  • Businesses and banks need to be convinced that investing in more energy efficient boilers waste recovery systems or energy-saving lighting pays off and justifies the risks .

    需要让企业和银行相信,投资高能效的锅炉、 废物 回收系统或节能照明是有所回报的,值得冒风险。

  • Recovery of WEEE is the initial stage of the whole system but the country has not yet formed a reasonable waste recovery system of WEEE .

    回收体系是废旧电器电子产品得以再资源化的初始保障,而目前全国各地尚未形成合理和完善的 废旧电器电子产品 回收体系。

  • Finally based on the actual situation of the waste recovery logistics system in Haidian District this paper does performance evaluation using above performance evaluation index system and making proposals on the waste recovery logistics system in Haidian District according to the results .

    最后结合海淀区 生活 垃圾 回收物流系统的实际情况,采用所建立的绩效评价指标体系进行绩效评价,根据得出的结果对海淀区垃圾回收物流系统提出建议和改进措施。

  • Waste Battery Recovery System of Laws and Regulations in China

    我国 废旧电池 回收系统的法律规制研究

  • Establishing Waste Recovery Network and Enhancing Resource Utilization Rate

    健全 废品 回收网络提高资源利用率

  • Energy-saving emission reduction ; Waste heat recovery ; Project management ;

    节能减排; 余热 回收;项目管理;

  • Automation of Waste Recovery in Cigarette Making & Packing

    卷包生产 废料 回收物流自动化的实现

  • Local waste recovery continued to play an important role in waste management resulting in the export of substantial quantities of recovered waste materials for recycling overseas .

    废物 回收在本港的废物管理方面继续发挥重要作用,使废料得以大量收回,输往外地循环再造。

  • Application of Waste Steam Recovery Technique of Deaerator to Energy Saving and Emission Reduction

    除氧器 回收技术在节能减排中的应用

  • At the foundation of explaining of the current lawmaking and blemish as to our country solid waste the author has illustrated the importance and necessity of the legislation of solid waste recovery in our country .

    第二部分提出完善我国固体 废弃物 回收相关立法的必要性和可行性。

  • Methods and main equipment of waste heat recovery in sulphur-buring sulphuric acid plants are described .

    系统阐述了硫磺制酸生产过程中的 废热 回收方法、主要设备和提高热 回收率的措施。

  • Every year PPG earmarks funds for environmental protection initiatives such as pollution prevention and reduction reduced resource consumption and waste recovery and disposal .

    PPG每年都会投入巨额资金用于环境保护,其中包括污染防治,降低资源耗用, 废弃物 回收、正确处理等诸多项目。

  • Research and Application Progress of Phase Change Energy Storage Materials in Industry Waste Heat Recovery

    相变储能材料在 工业余热 回收领域的应用研究进展

  • The technology of pot with prebaked anodes was analyzed in aspects such as advanced process low pollutants discharge clean raw materials low material consumption energy saving and waste recovery .

    从生产工艺的先进性、污染物排放量少、清洁原料、原辅材料消耗低、节能措施和 废物 回收 利用等方面对预焙阳极电解槽技术的清洁生产进行分析。

  • The system communicated signals with outside control systems and featured safe economical high efficient and automatic waste recovery in production field it provided a way for field management and cost reduction .

    该系统解决了物流系统与外部控制系统的信号联接,实现了生产车间 废料 回收物流的安全、经济、高效和自动化,为现场管理、降低成本提供了一种方法。

  • Structural analysis and application of the sewage waste heat recovery system

    污水 余热 回收装置的结构分析及应用

  • Based on present financial situation of special household engaged in waste recovery author offers four suggestions on the investment and management financial matters : on the basis of waste recovery to produce regenerative granulated plastics and widen the scope of operation ;

    基于某市郊区农民 废品 回收专业户江某的财务现状提出了四条投资与理财建议:在废品回收的基础上,生产再生颗粒塑料,拓展经营范围;

  • Next must carry on waste recovery use reduces to forest-tree 's felling .

    未来,必须进行 废物 回收使用,减少森林树的采伐。

  • Research was performed aiming at the low recovery rate of the waste recovery system and the high pH high sulphate and high NVI ( non-volatile impurities ) in the sodium thiocyanate product .

    本项目针对大庆石化公司腈纶厂 污水 回收系统存在的硫氰酸钠回收率低、硫氰酸钠产品的pH、硫酸根和NVI(非挥发性杂质)含量等指标过高的问题开展研究。