


  • The paper makes a brief description of the definition of non waste mining and the meaning of the application of it and besides discusses the necessity and feasibility for the mine to apply wasteless mining according to its present status .

    文中首先简述了无废开采的定义和实行无废开采的意义,然后根据公司的现状论述了 其实 开采的必要性和可行性。

  • Quantitative Assessment of Wasteless Mining Level of Mines

    矿山 开采水平的定量评价

  • Wasteless Mining and Construction of Underground Tailings Reservoir


  • To construct underground tailings reservoir is a new way to realize the wasteless mining .

    建设井下尾矿库是实现矿山 开采的新的途径;

  • Wasteless mining practice at nonferrous metal mines

    有色矿山的 开采实践

  • Tailings comprehensive utilization technology development and application in China is one of the key step to implement cleaner production wasteless mining ( or less waste ) .

    尾砂综合回收与利用技术的开发与应用是我国矿山实施清洁生产、实现 (或少废)开采的关键环节之一。

  • The effect for application of wasteless mining is evaluated objectively .

    最后对 开采的效果作了客观的评价。

  • The State-of Arts of Wasteless Mining in China

    我国 矿山 开采的现状