


  • Study of Warship Fleet Simulation System Based on HLA

    基于HLA的 舰艇编队仿真系统的研究

  • A small warship built to conform with treaty limitation on tonnage and armament ( 1925-30 ) .

    为遵守在排水量和武器的条约限制建造的小的 战舰

  • Pyongyang attacked the South twice last year killing 50 people by sinking a warship and bombarding an island .

    去年,朝鲜对韩国进行了两次袭击,击沉了一 军舰,炮击了一个岛屿,导致韩方50人丧生。

  • A missile carried on a warship .

    一种安装在 军舰上的导弹。

  • Design and implementation of information interaction in warship operation system simulation


  • The admiral ordered all the warship fired .

    海军上将命令所有 战舰开火。

  • The navy is / are introducing a new class of warship this year .

    海军今年要 装备新一级的 军舰

  • It is researched that the warship combat system work mode and combat countermeasures based on adversary event triggering .

    探讨了基于敌情事件触发的 舰艇作战系统工作模式及其作战对策。

  • I 'm the living embodiment of a warship and I can 't talk to you without getting tongue-tied .

    我是一 战舰的生命体化身,除非把舌头连接在一起,否则我是不能和你说的。

  • A warship of the first rank in size and armament .

    在尺寸和军备上都是第一等级的 战船

  • A privately owned warship commissioned to prey on the commercial shipping or warships of an enemy nation .

    被任命来掠夺通商航行或敌对民族的战舰的私家拥有的 战舰

  • The enemy warship tried to bear down on our small airboat .


  • The children toured the warship .

    孩子们参观了那 军舰

  • The warship was torpedoed and sank at once .


  • A store house ( as a compartment on a warship ) where weapons and ammunition are stored .

    储存武器和弹药的仓库(在 战船上的车厢)。

  • Small high-speed warship designed for torpedo attacks in coastal waters .

    设计用于沿海水域进行鱼雷攻击的小的高速 战舰

  • American inventor who designed the first commercially successful steamboat and the first steam warship ( 1765-1815 ) .

    第一个成功地发明了商业轮船和第一首 军舰的美国发明家(1765-1815)。

  • ( naval ) the simultaneous firing of all the armament on one side of a warship .

    (海军) 船舷侧面的所有武器同时开火。

  • An international investigation concluded last week that the coastal patrol warship was hit by a North Korean torpedo .

    一个国际调查结论上周,沿海巡逻 是由朝鲜鱼雷击中。

  • A sailing or steam warship having cannons on only one deck .

    只在甲板上有大炮的航行或蒸汽 战船

  • The warship mounted ten guns .


  • Analyzes the process of warship battle damage assessment gains basic process of warship battle damage assessment .

    分析了 舰船战场损伤评估过程,从而得到舰船战场损伤评估的基本流程。

  • The warship and its crew of300 sailors will be permanently assigned to the region .


  • In basic framework of total system signal stage isomorphic simulation for centroid chaff countering anti-ship missile terminal guidance radar models of warship were researched .

    在全系统的、信号级的、同构的仿真研究基本框架下,从研究针对反舰导弹末制导雷达的质心式箔条干扰的目的出发,对目标 的有关模型进行了研究。

  • After being showed the warship the hero was piped ashore .

    参观完 战舰之后,英雄在笛声中离开了。

  • The warship surface system for helicopter makes great contribution to every large ship like destroyer and frigate .

    直升机 面系统是各种先进的护卫舰、驱逐舰等大型舰艇重要的组成部分。

  • A warship loomed up through the heavy fog .

    大雾中隐隐出现了一 军舰

  • During the first global voyage of the Chinese Navy the research and appliance of oil analysis technology on main diesel engine of the warship had been carried out .

    在海军首次环球航行访问中,对 主柴油机进行了润滑油监测技术的研究与应用。

  • The enemy could not but abandon the warship on fire .

    敌人只好放弃已经着了火的 战舰