watch glass

[wɑtʃ ɡlæs][wɔtʃ ɡlɑ:s]


  • Settling in a corner I watch the shapes of smokers through the glass they appear to morph and change in the street light .

    我驻足拐角处,透过 玻璃 注视 抽烟者的身影,在街灯的照射下,他们似乎不断发生变形变异。

  • Company representatives or business professionals interested in the academics on display can scan a QR code to watch a presentation of the person sitting behind the glass check out their LinkedIn profile or come inside and have a talk with them .

    公司代表或对展出学者感兴趣的商务人士可扫描QR码来 观看坐在 玻璃后面的人的演示,看看他们的LinkedIn个人资料,或进来与他们谈话。

  • Watch your glass size : it 's easy to exceed safe limits by using a bigger glass .


  • It was fascinating to watch the glass being made .

    观看如何制造 玻璃十分有趣。

  • Visitors can watch the men blowing glass in the workshop .

    游客可以 观看工作在车间吹制 玻璃 器皿

  • The watch glass use for ESR dosimetric material in nuclear accident

    手表 玻璃作为核事故剂量的ESR检测材料

  • Our company specializes in producing and processing high-quality sapphire watch glass mobile telephone lens optics lens infrared material crystal chip is committed to quality and service !

    本公司专业生产加工高品质蓝宝石 ,手机镜片,光学镜片,红外材料晶体片,致力于品质和服务!

  • Nike ( NKE ) is heavily promoting its fuelband the much-hyped pebble smart watch is finally shipping and Google ( GOOG ) glass is creating a lot of buzz .

    耐克(Nike)正在大力推行它的FuelBand手环,热炒的Pebble智能 手表终于上市,而谷歌(Google)的智能眼镜Google Glass也引起了巨大轰动。

  • Where can I watch Glass House : The Good Mother movie online free full stream ?

    我在哪里可以 玻璃屋:好母亲在线免费电影完全流?

  • Watch with a metal cover over the glass face Can you fit me up with a new watch crystal ?

    蒙子上有金属护罩)你能给装一块新的表蒙 玻璃吗?

  • A : Watch it ! you 'll knock the glass over !

    小心!你要把那 杯子碰倒了。

  • Process Technology of Circular Watch Tempering Glass Cover

    圆形钢化 玻璃 盖加工工艺的探讨

  • Watch you don 't jog my elbow I 've got a glass in my hand .

    小心别碰了我的胳膊肘,我 手里端着 呢!