water supply pump

[ˈwɔtɚ səˈplaɪ pʌmp][ˈwɔ:tə səˈplai pʌmp]


  • Scheme and general program for optimal operation of water supply pump station


  • In the design of water supply pump station energy-saving measures are the main way to raise the efficiency of city water supply enterprises .

    供水 泵站设计中采取节能措施,是提高城市供水生产企业生产效率,节能降耗的主要途径之一。

  • In order to verify the performance of the 505 digital regulator made by woodward for the 300 MW power generator set ′ s water supply pump turbine the real 505 regulator and the dummy were put together to form a simulation system .

    为考核Woodward公司生产的505数字调节器用于300MW机组 给水 汽轮机的控制性能,将505调节器实物与对象仿真器构成半实物仿真系统,进行了调节器参数整定与扰动试验。

  • The Theory and Methods of Selecting Pumps for the Water Supply Pump Station Considering the Speed Adjustment Equipment

    考虑调速装置 后送 水泵站的选泵原理与方法

  • Introduction of the Technique of Water Supply Heat Pump

    水源 热泵技术介绍

  • The Optimal Design of the Water Supply Pump Station 's Operation & the Procedure Compiled

    供水 泵房优化运行设计及其程序的编制

  • Axial Force on Water Supply Pump And Its Balance


  • Modification of a water supply pump for a boiler

    锅炉 给水 的改造

  • The nonlinear relation between node pressure head of the pipe network and water capacity and pressure of water supply pump station was deduced by SVM .

    利用支持向量机推求管网节点水头和 供水 泵站供水量、 供水压力的非线性关系。

  • The system has realized the long - range automatic controlling and managing of the water - supply pump station and has wide application prospects .

    系统实现了 供水 泵站远程自动控制与管理,具有广阔的应用前景。

  • The user brushes tariff card and uses the keyboard to set water supply requirment . The system can automatically turn on and shutt off the water supply pump motor according to the water supply and storage information .

    用户刷一下资费卡,使用键盘设定供水量,系统能根据 供水量自动开启 水泵电机,进行供水并存储信息。

  • Installation Technology of Water Supply Pump of Electric Speed Governing

    电动调速 给水 安装工艺

  • The regulation of Chilled water system concluded quantity adjustment and quality adjustment frequency conversion of water supply pump belong to quantity adjustment and variable chilled water temperature belong to qualitative adjustment .

    冷水系统的调节主要分量调节与质调节, 水泵变频属于量调节,变水温属于质调节。

  • The result implies that it has something to do with the power requirement of the load and with the wastage of electromotor 's power whether the system of the water supply pump can save energy or not .

    计算结果表明, 供水 系统是否节能除与负载对功率的要求有关外,还与电动机自身的功率损耗有关;

  • It is important for water pump station design to compare and optimize water supply pump composite plan and to control pump speed to reduce energy consumption of water supply running with the result of technical and economic benefit after setting up the pump station .

    为了降低供水工程运行能耗, 供水 水泵组合方案的比较、优化以及水泵的调速 处理,是给水泵站设计的重要内容,对于泵站建成后的技术经济效益具有重要意义。

  • The calculation example carried out a first ordered perturbance analysis on the dynamic response problems of freely supported beam and of rotor of boiler water supply pump ;

    算例对简支梁和锅炉 给水 转子的动力响应问题进行了一阶摄动分析;

  • Interruption Cause of Water Supply for Condensate Pump in Gas-turbine Combined Circulating Power Station with Its Countermeasures

    燃机联合循环电站凝结 水泵 断水原因及对策

  • Expenses Analysis of Service Life Cycle in Water Supply Pump Reformation of a Boiler of the Power Station

    焦耐电站锅炉 给水 改造的寿命周期费用分析

  • Macro if we put water supply pump or nodes as several subsystems and they constitute the urban water supply control station supervisory control structure .

    宏观上讲,如果我们把 供水 泵站供水节点看做是若干个子系统,它们和城市供水监控总站构成上位监控结构。

  • Economic Analysis of Water Supply Pump Station Connected with Pressurized Pipe

    与压力管道相连 水泵站运行的经济分析

  • At the same time a water flow sensor was used to achieve the control of water supply pump which can provide suitable water pressure .

    同时使用水流传感器检测用户用水信号实现对 用水 循环 的控制以提供合适的供水压力;

  • On requirements of building fire water supply system on pressure-stabilizing pump

    浅谈建筑消防 给水系统对稳压 的要求

  • Microcomputer optimal realtime control system of the water supply pump station

    供水 泵站微机最优实时控制系统

  • A Fuzzy Pressure Controller of Water Supply Pump Cai Yanfang Yu Laming Shi Liwen Wu Wuxia


  • The common reclaimed water supply ways are introduced and through the multi-objective weights graded method by contrast with the pressure water supply system pump - water tank supply system and the VVVF system the VVVF system should be preferred in reclaimed water supply .

    分析了常用的中水供水方式,通过多目标权重评分法,对比了气压 供水水泵&水箱联合供水和变频调速供水方式的优劣,建议首选变频调速供水方式。

  • Selection of Urban Housing Water Supply Pump Composite Plan and Its Optimal Process

    城市住宅 供水 水泵组合方案选择及其优化程序

  • Circulate the characteristic graph through the water pump to carry on the theories analysis of the water supply system water pump capacity equipment of the new mineral well .

    通过水泵运行特性曲线,对新建矿井的 供水系统 水泵容量配备进行理论分析。

  • In view of the water pump control in pressurized water supply pump station which is the key part in the city 's water supply system it was proposed that relay type non linear control theory with hysteresis loop should be adopted for logical control of water pump .

    针对城市供水系统的关键环节&压力 供水 泵站中水泵的控制问题,提出了采用具有滞环的继电器型非线性控制理论对水泵进行逻辑控制的方法,设计了一个切实可行的硬件电路。

  • Realization low lift water supply through installing pump at concentration equipment layer on high-rise building

    在集中设备层安装 水泵实现高层建筑低扬程 供水