water-sealed tank


  • Based on these protective measures and proposals of revamp for water-sealed tank are put forwards .

    针对 故障的原因提出了防范措施,并结合实际情况对 水封 的改造提出了建议。

  • The method is used in the project of Huangdao Water-Sealed Underground Oil Tank and it has special superiority in the analysis of permeability tensors and is practical .

    通过 黄岛 地下水 洞库工程实例具体分析了这种方法的优点,说明利用电视钻孔成像结果来研究渗透张量具有可行性。

  • Comprehensive Application of Fractal Theory to the Engineering of Water-Sealed Oil Tank in Qingdao

    分形理论在青岛 地下水 石油 储备 工程中的综合应用

  • The water-sealed cavern of over a certain volume is more economic than the ground steel tank of same capacity .

    根据 测算分析,一定规模的 地下水 石洞 油库比同规模的地面钢 油库经济。