water press

[ˈwɔtɚ prɛs][ˈwɔ:tə pres]


  • Through the analysis and comparison of water pressure chart of press boiler and no - press boiler it is found that their main difference is circulating pump delivery namely different consumption .

    通过对无 锅炉与有压锅炉供热系统 水压图的分析和比较,发现二者的主要区别在于循环水泵的扬程不同,即循环能耗不同。

  • Study on the regularity of the mechanics behaviour of the spacer plate group of 300 MN water press

    300MN 水压 垫板组力学行为规律研究

  • Incremental State Observer in Feed Water Control of Supercritical Press Generating Unit

    增量式函数观测器在超临界 机组 给水控制中的应用

  • In view of backward situations of some large die-forging water press control system a new control system of10000 ton multi-ram die-forging water press based on S7-300 PLC was designed and developed .

    针对目前一些大型模锻 压机 自动控制系统落后的现状,设计并开发了基于PLCS7-300的一万吨多向模锻水压机控制系统。

  • Anaerobic digestion of water hyacinth press juices and the effect of fermentation liquid on brassica chinensis germination

    葫芦 压榨液厌氧发酵及其发酵液对青菜种子发芽和生长的影响

  • Burst Analysis of High Presser Water - pipe for 1 000 ton Water Press

    1000t 压机高压水管爆裂分析

  • The improved method has already been used in a Large control system of Water Press Machine and has achieved good effects . 1 was achieved .

    将改进方法应用在一大型 水压 控制系统中并在实际生产中取得了较好效果。

  • This metal ware factory has introduced a new water press to increase production .

    这家金属器皿制造厂新引进了一台 水压 ,以扩大生产。

  • Configuration Software Applied in the Control System of Large Water Press

    组态软件在大型 水压 控制系统的应用

  • Those air bubbles blow up rapidly by the effect of the environmental water press and powerful bow wave is produced also .

    在周围 水压的作用下,这些气泡急剧崩溃,并伴生强大的冲击波。

  • The Design of Water press Testing Machine for Input valve in Closestool

    洁具进水阀门 水压测试机的设计

  • The ten-thousand-ton multi-ram die-forging water press machine is a key machine to machining kinds of spaceflight equipments and military establishments .

    一万吨多向模锻 压机是加工各种航空航天锻件以及各类军工产品的关键设备。

  • Water may press the body downwards to cure headache eye pain and muscle strain etc.

    水力力量自上而下集中 水压 冲压身体,可以治头痛、眼睛酸痛、肌肉紧张等不适之症。

  • Grads load is applied to imitate the gravity load the static water press and the raising pressure on gravity dam so as to make the loaded condition of gravity dam accorded with actual condition more .

    采用梯度载荷命令对重力坝施加自重载荷、 静水 压力和扬压力,使重力坝的加载更符合实际情况。

  • Geographical situation and sea level elevation are the main influencing factors to the spatial distribution of water vapor press .

    地理位置和海拔高度是 水汽 空间分布的主要影响因子。

  • The failure mechanism of structure is analyzed in this way the safety factor under water press overload is acquired so that the safety stock and the failure processing can be clearly known .

    对结构破坏机理进行研究,分析结构的 水压超载破坏渐近过程和超载安全系数,进一步确定结构的安全储备。

  • The month average and the year average water vapor press in ChongQing both show that : the water vapor press decreases with the increasing of sea level elevation ;

    重庆市全年各月月平均和年平均 水汽 都表现出:随着海拔高度的增加,水汽压逐渐减小;

  • Bulging bolt and water press are used to simulate the stress distribution and crack forms on the members ′ surface .

    机械扩孔试验用膨胀螺栓和 水压 对94个试件进行了不同条件下的扩孔,来模拟钢筋锈蚀在构件表面引起的应力分布及裂缝分布形态。

  • This paper discusses the importance of makeup water constant press for heating system the advantage of constant press equipment with automatic makeup water and the equipment 's special and automatic protection function .

    论述了采暖系统 补水的重要性及全自动补水定压装置的优越性,以及特殊的自动保护功能。

  • The lowest water vapor press of each month appeared in the Northeast Mountain Areas .

    各月 汽压的最小值出现在东北山区。

  • Open the inlet water valve and press the top discharge valve to discharge the air in the filter at the same time .

    打开 进水阀门,同时 按下顶上排气阀,使滤器内空气排出即可。

  • Current state of high speed forging hydraulic press at home and abroad and reconstruction for old water press

    快锻液压机国内外现状及旧 压机改造

  • We also produce water transfer cool press on transfer and iron on stud & stone offset print PVC .

    另有 转印和感 转及烫钻烫图、柯式印PVC。

  • The Simulated Study of Water Hammer and Release Press by By-Pass Pipe in Heat Supply Pipe Network

    热水管网 击及旁通管泄 的模拟研究

  • The elasto-platic analysis on movable girder flame of water press


  • The mountain water vapor press decreases as a e index with the increasing of sea level elevation ;

    山区 水汽 随着海拔高度的增加呈e指数减小;

  • Spatially Distribution of Water Vapor Press under Rugged Terrain on GIS in Chongqing

    GIS支持的起伏地形下重庆市 水汽 的空间分布

  • Fault Tree Analysis on the Powerlessness of Main Cylinder in Hydraulic system of the Water Press

    水压 液压系统主缸无力的FTA分析