water stomata

[ˈwɔtɚ ˈstomətə][ˈwɔ:tə ˈstəʊmətə]

[医] 水孔

  • During soil drought stress the authors studied on the adaptability to maintain water balance of Masson pine ( Pinus massoniana Lamb ) from ten families by means of many aspects such as the ability to maintain water balance transpiration rate and stomata conduction .

    在土壤干旱胁迫下,通过测定10个不同家系马尾松针叶保 水力、蒸腾速率、 气孔导度等指标,对不同家系马尾松维持水分平衡能力进行了研究。

  • Under heavy water stress Pn 、 Tr and Gs all kept low level and did not change significantly which showed that leaf stomata nearly closed in heavy water stress condition and plant normal physiological activities were influenced badly .

    重度 水分胁迫时,随着CO2的增加,Pn、Tr和Gs没有发生明显的变化,均维持在很低的水平,说明严重的水分胁迫使植物 气孔基本已经关闭,严重影响了植物的正常生理活动。

  • Under conditions of water stress leaf turgor decreases and stomata close .

    干旱的条件下,叶子的膨压减少而 气孔关闭。

  • Foliar carbon isotope composition (δ ~ ( 13 ) C ) long-term water use efficiency ( WUE_L ) photosynthesis and stomata of different Populus deltoids clones were studied under different water treatments .

    该文测定并研究了不同水分处理下,不同黑杨无性系的长期 水分利用效率(WUEL)、叶片δ~(13)C、光合作用、 气孔及其相互关系。

  • To simulate arid condition the relative water contents of leaf blades width of stomata contents of free proline ethylene chlorophyll and permeability of membrane about 8 oats seedlings were studied under water stress .

    试验以反复干旱为基础,模拟土壤干旱条件研究了8种燕麦幼苗在水分胁迫下叶片相对含 水量RWC)、 气孔 孔径、游离脯氨酸含量、乙烯含量、叶绿素含量及细胞膜的透性。

  • Effect of water stress on mesophyll cells and the number of stomata of spring wheat growing in semi arid region

    水分胁迫对春小麦苗期叶肉细胞和 气孔数的影响

  • This review focused on characteristic of requiring water and requirement for soil water in rice . The effects of water stress on photosynthesis reaction of stomata membrane permeability osmoticum and activity of some enzymes were summarized .

    对水稻需水特点及对土壤水分状况的要求, 水分胁迫条件下对水稻的光合作用、 叶片 气孔反应、水稻的质膜透性、渗透调节物质和一些酶活性等方面的影响进行了综述。

  • It was estimated that plants account for around 65 % fresh water use every year which was mainly lost through stomata .

    全球植物每年约耗掉65%的 淡水 资源,而这些 水分大部分是通过 气孔 蒸腾 作用丧失掉的。

  • Impact of water stress on stomata conductance and photosynthetic pigment content in tomato plant

    水分胁迫对番茄 叶片 气孔传导及光合色素的影响