volume tons

[经] 容积吨

  • The economic growth mode of high energy consumption and energy consumption structure result in serious environment pollution . The volume of industrial wastewater discharge gets to 209.03 billion tons .

    这样高耗能经济增长方式和能源消费结构导致了严重的环境污染,到2009年,工业废水排放 达到209.03 亿吨,经济发展与能源消耗、环境污染的矛盾日趋尖锐,节能减排的压力进一步加大。

  • There are 14 veins below 435 intermediate section in Xin ′ anzi Tungsten-Tin Mine and the ore volume is up to 1 tons . Therefore it is worth stopping .

    新安子钨锡矿深部435m中段以下共有矿脉14条,矿石 121.48万t,具有很高的综合回采利用价值。

  • The sedimentation of the lower river course is mainly concentrated in 1986 and 1988 and the volume of deposition in 1988 is as much as 514 million tons 100 million tons more than that accumulated in 10 years .

    下游河道淤积集中在1986、1988两年,其中1988年淤积 达5.14亿 t,比10年累计淤积还多1亿t,其余大部分年份河道处微淤或冲刷状态。

  • China 's crude oil supply will remain stable in 2003 while the crude oil processing volume will reach 220-230 million tons .

    2003年中国原油供应将保持稳定和充足。原油加工 将达到2.2亿~2.3 亿吨

  • The special railway line oriented grain oil and animal feed wholesale market is booming with an annual sales volume of over 300 tons .

    以铁路专用线为依托的粮油饲料批发市场生意红火,年经营 在30万 以上

  • In 2005 the output of paraformaldehyde in China was 29.324 thousand tons import volume and export volume was 41.963 thousand tons and 287 tons respectively and the apparent consumption was 71 thousand tons .

    2005年我国多聚甲醛的产量为 29324t,进口量41963t,出口 287t,表观消费量为7·1万t。

  • On the southern section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Class-IV channels were constructed to meet the navigation requirements of vessels of 500 tons with the transport volume exceeding 200 million tons .

    京杭运河江南段建成通航500吨级标准的四级航道, 运量超过2 亿吨

  • The main part of sea transportation is the transportation of dry and bulk cargos whose volume in 2004 exceeded 2 billion tons accounting for 30 % world seaborne trade volume .

    而干散货运输又是海运的重要组成部分,2004年干散货 运量已经突破20 亿吨,占世界海运量的30%以上。

  • China 's crude processing volume grew 10.8 percent to 242.6 million tons in 2003 . The proportion of imported crude to the total processing volume rose to 38 percent from 32 percent in the previous year .

    2003年中国原油加工 增长10.8%,达到2.426 亿吨,进口原油占加工量的比例从一年前的32%扩大到38%。

  • Through repeated research and innovation Honghe Phosphate Fertilizer Factory has stabilized the daily production volume of the 60 kt / a HDH process phosphoric acid plant at 5 000-5 500 tons ( P2O5 ) . process indexes basically meeting design requirements .

    红河磷肥厂反复摸索、整改,使60kt/a半水&二水物法磷酸装置的月产量稳定在5000~ 5500t(P2O5计),各项工艺指标已基本达到设计要求。

  • Petro China XX Sales Co. is one of the provincial affiliated branches of China Petroleum Sales Corporation . Its main business is the processed oil sales in XX province and the sales volume is about 1300000 tons every year .

    中石油XX销售公司是中石油销售总公司下属的一家省级销售公司,主要负责XX省的成品油销售,每年销售 成品油约130万

  • Export volume fell by 14.0 % to 7.3362 million tons .

    出口 减幅达14.0%,降到733.62万

  • The dumps over 10 years old in Fengjie have almost finished degradation of a total volume of 170 tons .

    奉节县堆龄在10年以上的堆存生活垃圾已基本完成降解,其 总量约为17万

  • In order to tackle the problems of recovering ore pillars in a large breccia deposit commercial tests for mining method with medium-length holes were carried out in breccia deposit No 2 . Two blasts were successful and ore volume of 28600 tons was broken .

    为解决河南省某金矿区角砾岩型厚大矿体采矿方法及矿柱回收问题,在2角砾岩矿体进行了中深孔采矿工业试验,两次爆破成功,落矿 286 t

  • The Chinese die casting production volume reaches one million tons and its turnover is about thirty-five billions renminbi in 2004 year involving in automobile motocycle machinery equipment electric appliance and 3C parts .

    2004年,中国压铸件 产量达100万 T,总产值约为350亿元,产品门类主要涉及汽车、摩托车、机械装备、家电及3C产品、日用品等。

  • The exporting volume of dyestuff and organic pigment was 120.9 thousand tons and 67347.7 tons respectively with an increase rate of 4.3 % and 22 % .

    全国染料出口 总量12.09万 t,与上年同期比增长了4.3%;有机颜料出口总量 67347.7t,与上年同期比增长了22%。

  • In 2001 the passenger handling capacity is more than 2 million man-time while cargo and mail transportation handling volume is 40000 tons .

    2001年完成旅客吞吐量200多万人次, 货邮吞吐量达4万

  • Efforts should be made to increase the domestic oil reserves to 25 million tons the total scale of storage tanks to 30 million cubic meters by 2010 when China 's net volume of oil imports may reach 100 million tons ;

    争取在2010年我国石油净进口 可能达到1 亿吨时,使相应的储备石油规模达到2500万吨,储罐建设总规模达到3000万立方米。

  • Total volume of cargo transportation was 305.443 million tons down by 0.4 percent over the previous year ;

    全年货运总量 30544.3,比上年下降0.4%。

  • Preliminary statistics show that there are more than 2 enterprises with a transportation volume of over 10 tons and small township enterprises are countless .

    据初步统计,仅 运量在万 上的企业就有二千多家,小的乡镇企业则不计其数。

  • The direct annual volume of earth and sands entering the sea is 1.94 billion tons of which the Yellow River shares 59 % the Changing River enjoys 25 % Haihe River and other rivers occupies 16 % .

    直接入海泥沙 总量年平均为19.4 亿吨,其中黄河占59%,长江占25%,海河及其它河流占16%。