volumetric error

[ˌvɑljʊˈmɛtrɪk ˈɛrɚ][vɔljuˈmetrik ˈerə]

[化] 滴定误差

  • The key to the detection of wind field on the basis of coating method is to conduct the volumetric analysis to the error membrane surface as well as give the specific conditions to improve the precision .

    误差膜面进行 容量分析和给出具体限制条件是提高其探测精度的有效途径,也是镀膜法风场探测的关键。

  • This presented an efficient calibration method using small high accuracy equipment to measure volumetric error of the large working space of CNC machine tools and will be found wide application in the industry .

    接力测量方法的采用,成倍地扩大了仪器的量程,有效地解决了 机床工作空间大与高精度 仪的 量程不够的 矛盾

  • Research on Volumetric Error Modeling for Five-axis NC Machine Tools

    面向五轴数控机床的 空间 误差建模流程研究

  • Both total uncertainty and the volumetric relative error in comparison with the base case are less than 0.1 % . It is a simple and speedy method which is applicable in all cases .

    容积 标定的总不确定度低于0.1%,与基准方法相比的 容积相对 误差小于0.1%, 测量速度可提高1倍,操作简便,适用于各种条件下 立式 油罐 容积 标定

  • It is proofed that the three dimensional stop-gauge have high precision in machine tools ' volumetric error measuring .

    通过对比两种仪器得出的实验数据,证明三维步距规装置在机床 误差测量方面具有较高的精度。

  • Research on volumetric error identification of guide

    导轨 几何 误差辨识方法的研究

  • The volumetric error and its distribution of a kind of modified stewart platform are analyzed based on statistic theory .

    从统计学原理出发,对一种改型stewart平台 几何 误差分布规律作了分析。

  • Measurement of Volumetric Position Error of NC Machine Tool and Error Compensation Based on ANN Technology

    数控机床 空间位置 误差的检测及神经网络误差补偿技术

  • First a volumetric error synthesis model was derived which consists of both geometric errors and thermal errors .

    完成的主要工作有:首先,建立了 立式 数控 机床的综合 误差数学模型,模型中包含了影响加工精度的主要几何误差和热误差项。

  • Analysis of Volumetric Error models for lathe-milling Center Based on Multi-body System Theroy

    基于多体系统理论的车铣中心 空间 误差模型分析

  • A method by combining the measured radial data performed on the three orthogonal panes in the machine work zone with the volumetric error models to identifying parametric errors such as positional straightness angular squareness and backlash errors is given in detail .

    给出了在机床工作空间中三个互相垂直的平面内,用球杆仪测量圆周运动的半径误差结合 机床 空间 误差模型识别定位、直线度、角度、垂直度和反向间隙等误差参数的方法。

  • The experimental result shows that the proposed method of automatic recognition for the position and pose is intelligent and efficient ; the repetitive precision of recognition algorithm is less than 0.1 mm and the maximum volumetric position error is not more than 0.6 mm .

    实验结果表明,此零件位姿自动识别方法是智能且高效的,识别算法的重复精度小于0.1mm,识别系统的最大 空间定位 误差不大于0.6mm。

  • A Universal Synthetic Volumetric Error Model of Multi-axis NC Machine Tool Based on Kinematics

    多轴数控机床的通用运动学综合 空间 误差模型

  • The effect of new and old editions of the involved national standard on the automatic oil delivering system of volumetric type widely used in China is discussed through an error analysis .

    就我国大量应用的 体积 流量 自动发油系统,通过对新旧国家标准的 误差分析,探讨新国家标准的颁布对自动发油系统 计量的影响。

  • Volumetric Error Modelling Method for NC Machine Based on Multi-body System Kinematics

    运用多体系统运动学理论建立数控机床 空间 误差模型

  • Modelling of the volumetric error for machining center

    加工中心 空间 综合 误差建模技术

  • This article presents the computation approach used in the fluid volumetric flowmeter in the measure testing process so as to ensure the flowmeter coefficient sensor coefficient and respective indicating value error .

    介绍了液体 容积式流量计在计量检定过程中,确定流量计系数、传感器系数及各示值 误差的计算方法。

  • A General Volumetric Error Model for Multi Axis Machines

    多轴机床 空间 误差的一般模型

  • A volumetric error model which was expressed functions of the tool location and its elemental errors is developed .

    建立了 机床 刀尖 相对 工件的空间误差的 误差参数模型;

  • And the calibration gases were verified by the static volumetric method . The relative error was 3.5 % - 4.0 % by the results .

    与静态 容量法配制的乙醇气体标准物质进行比对,结果的相对 误差为3.5%~4.0%。

  • The universal volumetric error modeling of a four-campaign platform based on the multi-body system theory

    多体系统理论的四轴运动平台综合 空间 误差建模

  • A novel methodology has been presented to build a synthetic volumetric error model of a multi axis NC machine tool of arbitrary configuration .

    提出了一种适用任意结构多轴数控机床的新通用运动学综合 空间 误差模型。

  • Combined with the error identification model of the NC machine tools the volumetric error identify model of the NC machine tools based on the three dimensional stop-gauge was introduced .

    结合数控机床的误差辨识模型,推导出基于三维步距规的数控机床 空间 几何单项 误差分离辨识的 误差模型。

  • Measurement and compensation of the volumetric errors of CNC machine tools without the use of an error model

    数控机床 空间 误差的无模测量与补偿

  • A error model for three axis NC machine tools is founded and the characters of the three dimensional stop-gauge when it is used to measuring the machine tools ' volumetric error are deeply discussed .

    本文针对一种新型数控机床精度检测装置&三维步距规进行研究,建立了三轴数控机床的误差模型,对三维步距规测量机床 误差的特性进行了深入的探讨。

  • An auto-alignment laser interferometer system is developed for volumetric error measurement of CNC machining centers .

    开发了用于数控机床 空间 误差测量的激光干涉仪自动瞄准系统。

  • Modeling the volumetric synthesis error of 5-Axis machine tools based on multi-Body system kinematics

    五轴数控机床综合 空间 误差的多体系统运动学建模