volumetric analysis

[ˌvɑljʊˈmɛtrɪk əˈnælɪsɪs][vɔljuˈmetrik əˈnæləsis]


  • The influencing factors of the uncertainty of measurement result for uranium in uranium ore by volumetric analysis method were discussed .

    分析容量 测定铀矿石中铀含量测量不确定度的影响因素。

  • The vacuum sampling technology is used in the sampling process and the analysis method adopted is volumetric analysis and atomic absorption .

    真空取样分析采用 容量 与原子吸收法相结合。

  • Determination of Zn and Cu in Premixed Feed by Volumetric Analysis

    容量 测定微量元素预混合饲料中锌、铜含量

  • Because volume measurements play a key role in titration it is also known as volumetric analysis .

    因为体积计量在滴定中发挥关键作用,所以又称为 容量 分析

  • The Volumetric Analysis of Nickel and Cobalt in Nickel Sulfate by EDTA Titrimetry

    EDTA 容量测定硫酸镍中的镍和钴

  • With plenty of experimental data this article confirmed that there was remarkable difference between verification and calibration which would have a serious effect on the measurement in the volumetric analysis .

    通过大量的试验数据确认, 玻璃量器的检定与校准有显著区别, 混淆两者会严重影响 容量 分析中的测量

  • This article makes the comprehensive analysis on the organic contaminants in acid wastewater in the acetaldehyde unit by means of SPME GC / MS GC and volumetric analysis and tries to find possibility of recovery of acetic acid .

    采用SPME、GC/MS、GC及 容量 分析技术对乙醛装置酸性废水中有机污染物进行了综合分析,探讨了回收乙酸的可行性。

  • Using measurement by volume as in volumetric analysis .

    测量容积的,如 容量 分析

  • The volumetric analysis method for simultaneously determining SO_2 and NO in gas at presence of O_2 was studied .

    研究了有氧情况下同时分析气相中SO2和NO含量的 容量 分析法。

  • The test conditions of determination method for available SiO_2 content in silicon-containing fertilizer with potassium fluorosilicate volumetric analysis were studied .

    采用氟硅酸钾 容量 对硅肥中测定有效硅含量的实验条件进行了研究。

  • The key to the detection of wind field on the basis of coating method is to conduct the volumetric analysis to the error membrane surface as well as give the specific conditions to improve the precision .

    对误差膜面进行 容量 分析和给出具体限制条件是提高其探测精度的有效途径,也是镀膜法风场探测的关键。

  • A Study on Determination of Cadmium by Volumetric Analysis

    容量 测镉方法的研究

  • The determination of free iron in the slag by gas volumetric analysis

    用气体 容量 测定矿渣中游离铁含量的研究

  • Standard substances for volumetric analysis temperature standard material for DTA

    容量 分析用标准试剂差热分析温度标准物质

  • With the rapid development of seismic technology the method of seismic facies analysis diversifies which include trace shape classification based on SOM ( Self-Organizing Mapping ) network technology and seismic facies volumetric analysis based on 3D multi-attributes data .

    随着地震勘探技术的飞速发展,地震相分析的技术手段越来越多样化,出现了包括基于自组织神经网络的波形分类技术和多属性三维地震相 分析等技术。

  • ICP-AES Approach to Ferroboron Determinating Boracium in Ferroboron Rapidly by Volumetric Analysis

    硼铁ICP-AES 分析方法研究 容量 快速测定硼铁中硼

  • Chemical analysis and testing ; Fluorspar ; Volumetric analysis ; Fluorides ; Calcium inorganic compounds ; Determination of content .

    化学分析和试验;萤石; 容量 分析;氟化物;钙无机化合物;含量测定。

  • This paper presents a method determining aluminium by EDTA volumetric analysis . In silver crucible the aluminium fluoride is decomposed with sodium hydroxide and fluorine is drived out with perchloric acid .

    本文介绍了在银坩埚中用氢氧化钠分解氟化铝,以高氯酸驱除氟,EDTA 容量法测定铝含量的 分析方法。

  • The detected results were in agreement with the volumetric analysis in USP ( 23 ed. ) . It can be used instead of the volumetric method .

    与美国药典(23版)上的规定的 容量 相比较,所得分析结果相一致,可以代替容量法。

  • After comparing the results of three groups of CMC solution with different concentration and purity determined by sight estimating volumetric analysis and spectrometer it is proved that the spectrometer method is easy quick and reliable .

    通过对三组不同浓度和纯度的CMC溶液用目测与 容量 分析法比较,证明用分光光度计测定方便、迅速,是可靠的。

  • Method : Volumetric analysis right after reflux was used .

    方法:采用回流后直接 容量 分析 方法 分析 制剂 含量。

  • Induced reaction in volumetric analysis

    容量 分析中的诱导反应

  • In this article we illustrate the application of equimolecular reaction mechanism in volumetric analysis after expanding on molecule and concentration correctly .

    文章以正确理解物质的量和浓度为前提,阐明等物质的量反应规则在 容量 分析计算中的运用。

  • Standard substances for volumetric analysis

    容量 分析用标准试剂

  • Through analysing the composition of water insoluble substance in CMC and problems existing in the standard volumetric analysis method during determining the amount of water insoluble substance in CMC the authors suggest to use spectrometer instead of volumetric analysis method .

    作者分析了CMC中水不溶物的组成和国内普遍采用的 容量 分析法存在的问题,提出用分光光度计测定CMC中水不溶物含量。

  • An Introduction to Equimolecular Reaction Mechanism and the Method of Volumetric Analysis The necessity of abandoning normality and the advantage of using amount of substance concentration have been discussed .

    讨论了废除当量浓度,采用物质的量浓度的优越性。对所谓等物质的量反应规则及其计算公式进行了剖析,说明其不宜作为 滴定 分析计算的依据。

  • Evaluation on the Uncertainty of Calcium in Health Food Determined by Volumetric Analysis

    容量 测定保健食品中钙的不确定度分析

  • The determination conditions of Zn and Cu in premixed feed by volumetric analysis were investigated .

    探讨了用 容量 测定微量元素预混合饲料中锌、铜含量的 分析条件;