watch for a chance

[wɑtʃ fɔr e tʃæns][wɔtʃ fɔ: ə tʃɑ:ns]


  • We had better wait and watch for a better chance .

    我们最好等一等, 寻找更好的 机会

  • Watch out for a chance to improve your position in the company ; they don 't come very often .

    注重 捉住进步你在公司地位的 机会,这类 机会其实不多。

  • To solve this problem to know the origin of the arising of greed hatred and delusion we must watch our minds like a cat that waits for a chance to grab a mouse .

    想要解决这个问题,想要知道贪、瞋、痴生起的起源,我们必须 观照我们的心,必须像一只 等待 机会去捉老鼠的猫。