water wheel

[ˈwɔtɚ hwil][ˈwɔ:tə hwi:l]


  • Finite element calculation of saturated synchronous reactance in large water wheel type generator with fractional slot winding in stator

    定子为分数槽绕组的大型 水轮发电机的饱和同步电抗的有限元计算

  • A water wheel with buckets attached to the rim ; used to raise water for transfer to an irrigation channel .

    桶附在边缘上的 水车;提高水并把水转向灌渠。

  • Generator alternating current water wheel driven

    交流 水轮驱动发电机

  • The pressure of the water turns this wheel and this is used to make electric power .

    水压使 轮子 转动,这种 动能被用来发电。

  • Through simulation on velocity modulation system of water wheel generator indicated control effect of this control mode surpassed the conventional PID control .

    通过对 水轮机调速系统进行仿真,表明了该控制方式控制效果优于常规PID控制。

  • A mill-race is the fast stream of water driving the wheel of a water-mill .

    磨坊 水流就是驱动 水车的急流。

  • After having measured some 3D control points by total station the digital close range photogrammetry and surveying the vance of water wheel can be made .

    在全站仪测定一定数量的3维控制点后,利用数码像机进行近景摄影测量,加密测绘 水轮转轮叶片。

  • The water wheel goes around and around .

    水车 个不停。

  • Water wheel is a big wheel with blades around the rim .

    水轮 轮子很大,轮缘周围装有叶片。

  • The power generated by moving water is a product of Net Head and Flow Volume ( through the water wheel or device ) .

    由流动的水所产生的电力是产品净头和流量(通过 水轮或设备)。

  • The water wheel local measure system is mostly composed of total station digital camera and relevant software .

    介绍了主要由全站仪、数码像机及相应软件组成的 水轮 转轮现场测量系统。

  • A182yr . old restored water wheel powered mill and museum .

    有182年的历史,是一所重修的 水车动力磨坊和博物馆。

  • A channel that feeds water to a mill or water wheel or turbine .

    一种把水 到磨房或 水轮或涡轮的渠道。

  • Synthetic calculation for the ventilation and heating of large water wheel generator

    大型 水轮发电机通风发热综合计算

  • Study on De-excitation Simulation of No-load Water Wheel Generator


  • A large and efficient version of a water wheel used to drive an electric generator .


  • The invention of the wheel has been pivotal for technology in general setting the foundation for future developments such as the water wheel the cogwheel and the spinning wheel .

    车轮的发明对于技术的总体发展至关重要,为未来的进一步发展,如 水车、齿轮、纺车的发明奠定了基础。

  • As for the concrete region application of the water wheel special investigation rarely appeared .

    至于其在历史时期具体的地域应用 状况,很少有学者作专门研究。

  • In the past when the heating problem of a large water wheel generator was concerned the temperature field was individually solved regardless of the interactions among thermal source ventilation structure temperature and its distribution .

    以往在进行大型 水轮发电机发热分析时,都是孤立地求解温度场,而很少考虑热源及通风结构与温度及其分布之间的相互影响。

  • A watercourse that feeds water into a mill water wheel or turbine . hydrographic office

    引水渠道将水送入磨坊、 水轮或涡轮机的水道航道测量局水文局水道测量部

  • The gaudiest and most improbable water wheel the world has ever seen .

    世界上从未见过的最艳丽、最奇异的 水车

  • The water wheel is more efficient than the way the garbage was being picked up & using small boats with nets .


  • A water wheel that is used to drive machinery in a mill .

    在工厂用来驱动机器的 车轮

  • A few looms powered by the mill 's water wheel still produce tea towels for the gift shop but cotton production has long since moved abroad in search of low wages .

    一些由工厂 水车驱动的织布机,依然为一些礼品店生产茶巾,但是棉花生产已经很早就转移到了国外工资更低的地方去了。

  • So there is a plethora of tourist attractions such as water wheel parks silk museums and umpteen massive statues .

    因此就有了过量的旅游景点,像 水轮公园,丝绸博物馆,大量巨大的石雕等。

  • The water wheel also called rotary wheel was the best and broadest irrigating tool in ancient China .


  • This paper takes the thermal deformation research and cooling technology of a large water wheel generator as background and makes a synthetical calculation of the three dimensional temperature field and the ventilation system of the rotor of an electric machine .

    以大型 水轮发电机热变形及冷却技术研究为背景,进行了大型 水轮发电机转子三维温度场及电机通风系统的综合计算研究。

  • In this paper the saturated synchronous reactance is calculated by the finite element method for the large water wheel type generator with fractional slot stator winding .

    采用有限元法计算了定子为分数槽绕组的大型 水轮发电机饱和同步电抗。

  • An analysis of the main brush feeding system of the water wheel brushing machine

    轮对 水轮磨刷机主刷进给系统分析

  • The Feasibility Research of Water Wheel Locale Measure System

    水轮 转轮现场测量系统可行性研究