water wings


  • Did you know that when the hive gets really hot in the summer the bees will carry a bit of water back into the coop and hover about and flutter their wings to cool it off !

    你知道吗,当夏天蜂房内实在闷热难耐的时候,蜜蜂们会从外面弄些 到蜂房,会飞来飞去扑腾着 翅膀来冷却蜂房。

  • When they are in the water they dive and flap their wings .

    当他们在 水中时,他们会潜水和拍打它们的 翅膀

  • The direction of flowing water in the syncline is from the wings to the core and there is no round-axis flow with slow velocity of flow .

    向斜核部 的渗流方向是从 两翼指向核部,且流速较慢,不存在绕轴迳流。

  • The rowers waited their oars half lifted out of the water like birds drying their wings .

    船夫们等待着,他们的桨半举在 水面外,象是海鸟在晾干它们的 翅膀 的。

  • Experiments of flow visualization and dynamic pressure measurement were carried out in a water channel and a wind tunnel respectively to research oscillations of the vortex breakdown location over delta wings .

    水槽中和风洞中分别进行了流动显示和动态测压实验,目的是研究三角 前缘涡破裂点的脉动现象。

  • The water bird tucked its wings and dived into the water .

    水鸟儿一抿 翅膀,钻入水中。

  • It would rush over the land or water noisily flapping its great wings .

    它扇动着大 翅膀,发出吵闹声,奔到陆地上又冲进 里。

  • They carefully lowered Jet into the water and suddenly with a splash those bent wings helped her make a flight .

    他们小心翼翼地把喷气机放 进水 。突然,随着一阵溅泼声,那两个弯曲的 翅膀使它飞了起来。

  • In the dark the old man could feel the morning coming and as he rowed he heard the trembling sound as flying fish left the water and the hissing that their stiff set wings made as they soared away in the darkness .

    老人在黑暗中感觉到早晨在来临,他划着划着,听见飞鱼 出水时的颤抖声,还有它们在黑暗中凌空飞翔时挺直的 翅膀所发出的咝咝声。

  • Now that he had seen him once he could picture the fish swimming in the water with his purple pectoral fins set wide as wings and the great erect tail slicing through the dark .

    既然这鱼他看见过一回,他就能想像它在 里游的样子,它那 翅膀般的胸鳍大张着,直竖的大尾巴划破黝黑的海水。

  • The children use water wings to keep themselves up in the water while they 're learning to swim .

    孩子们在学游泳时常用 使自己浮在水面。

  • The static contact angle of water droplet on the surfaces of the wings was measured using an optical contact angle measuring system . Results show that the contact angle is in the range from 134.0 ° to 159.2 ° which indicates the surfaces of the wings are super-hydrophobic .

    用视频光学接触角测量仪对 翅膀表面的静态接触角和滚动角进行测量得到:接触角为 134.0°~159.2°,表明翅膀表面具有较强的疏水性;