water of hydration


  • The results show that the SAE copolymer emulsion not only reduce the apparent density and absorb water rate of cement mortar but significantly retard the setting and the hydration of portland cement .

    结果表明,加入SAE使水泥砂浆的表观密度降低, 吸水率下降,并且明显延缓了水泥的凝结时间及 速度

  • Coconut water has a ton of health benefits . It 's a sterile source of clean water useful for survival hydration .

    椰子汁是绝对安全的水质,可以帮助 体内完成生存所必需的 水合 作用

  • Proton Therapy The forth : Protonic water is determined by the bound circumstance of hydration ion in acid solution .

    质子 ,它是酸溶液中 水合离子的结合情况。

  • Although koalas do drink water on occasion most of their hydration requirements are fulfilled by the moisture they get from eating eucalyptus leaves .

    考拉有时也会 喝水,但他们大部分的 饮水需求都靠吃桉树叶吸收其中的水分来满足。

  • Several eco-physiological studies have demonstrated that the arbuscular mycorrhizal ( AM ) symbiosis often results in altered rates of water movement into through and out of the host plants with consequent effects on tissue hydration and plant physiology .

    近来,生理生态学的研究表明,丛枝菌根能够造成 水分进入、通过和流出宿主植物的速率发生改变,进而引起组织 水分 状态和植株生理状态的改变。

  • Control on Cycle Water of n-Butene Hydration Process

    正丁烯 水合工艺循环 的控制

  • Results show that the cement pastes with calcined gypsum had more Ca ( OH ) 2 less chemically combined water and no ettringite in the first day of hydration in comparison with the cement pastes with gypsum .

    结果表明:在 龄期相同时,掺煅烧石膏水泥浆体 中水 产物同掺二 石膏相比,Ca(OH)2生成量大;在1d前无钙钒石(AFt)生成;

  • The cooling pipe using circling cooled water to reduce the heat of hydration in concrete dams is the most efficient method for temperature controlling in concrete dams .

    在混凝土坝中利用冷却水管中循环 冷水来降低 混凝土内部 水泥 热温升,是混凝土坝温度控制的最有效措施。

  • On this basis the methods for evaluating the level of corrosion according to the leaching water quality strength of cement mortar constituent of cement hydration production and quantity of dissolved Ca ~ ( 2 + ) are proposed .

    本文探讨了砂浆的溶蚀机理,提出了根据 水质分析和侵蚀性评价、强度检测、 水泥浆体成分分析和其中钙离子的溶出量分析等方法来评价浆砌石坝溶蚀程度的方法。

  • This paper presents the granulometry water requirement setting time strength development and rate of hydration of cement produced by roller press finish grinding system .

    本文对辊压磨终粉磨水泥的颗粒特性、需 性、凝结时间、强度发展及 ,速率进行了研究。

  • This was attributed to the loss of water of hydration as well as the condensation of structural hydroxyl groups with increasing temperature .

    其原因为随着温度的升高,附着 排出和羟基结构的缩合。

  • Heat curing makes the high water content of CSH gel formed in the initial hydration period transform to the low water content of CSH gel .

    热养护能促使 初期生成的高 含水CSH向低含水率的CSH变化;

  • The kinetics of H-D exchange of lysozyme film with various water content was studied by IR absorption spectroscopy to clarify the effect of hydration on the molecular flexibility of lysozyme .

    应用红外吸收光谱研究不同 水量的溶菌酶膜的H-D交换动力学,以期阐明 水合对溶菌酶分子活动 的影响。

  • The sedimentation rate of hydration resultants on the surface of the mineral admixtures and the non-evaporable water content of silicate and aluminate hydration resultants were increased with the increase of the activation of the mineral admixture .

    水化产物在掺合料颗粒表面沉积的速度和浆体中硅酸盐、铝 盐水 产物的非蒸发 水量随掺合料活性的提高而提高。

  • Anomaly in water requirement and setting of plaster is attributed mainly to the vigor-ous initial hydration of anhydrite (ⅲ) and the nucleation of non-dehydrated gypsum .

    无水石膏(Ⅲ)的剧烈初始 作用和未脱水二 石膏的核晶作用是造成熟石膏需 水量和凝结时间不正常的主要因素。

  • This paper study on effects of water cement ratio setting control agents and mineral admixture on the heat of hydration and its rate and mechanism of cement hydration .

    本文着重研究了 灰比、各种调凝外加剂以及混合材料对硅酸盐水泥水化放热量和 放热速率的影响,并讨论了影响水泥水化热的机理。

  • Rationality is going to come back he says arguing that water remains a healthy alternative to soft drinks and a safe source of hydration in developing countries .

    他说:理性将会回归。他指出,在发展中国家, 仍然是软饮料的健康替代品,同时也是一种安全的 水合 作用的资源。

  • In the paper the effects of JUS on the rheological property of cement paste were examined and the action mechanisms of JUS were studied by means of ζ potential combined water heat of hydration DTA TGA and so on .

    本文考察了JUS对水泥浆体流变性能的影响,并根据ζ电位、结合 水量 热、 DTA、TGA等测试结果探讨了JUS的作用机理。

  • The Ti promoted sulfur tolerant water gas shift catalyst has been studied in micro reactor system as function of activity and anti hydration by using TPR ? SEM ? XRD ?

    采用TPR、常压微型反应器-气相谱评价装置(MRC)、XRD、SEM和IR等技术,研究了助剂 TiO2对耐硫变换催化剂活性和抗 水合性能的影响。

  • When mixing water is reduced however C_3S pastes show a lower degree of hydration and a higher compressive strength This is mainly attributed to the change of pore structure since only minor alteration of C-S-H nature is found .

    如果在掺加超塑化剂的同时减少拌合 水量,则C3S 化度下降,而硬化浆体的强度则提高。这主要是由于浆体孔结构改变的缘故,而C-S-H本身变化不大。

  • Containing water especially water of crystallization or hydration . extinction moisture content

    含水的含有水份的,尤其含结晶 结合

  • The results show that the presence of nano-silica powder decreases Ca ( OH ) _2 content but increases chemically-combined water content and heat of hydration .

    结果表明:纳米SiO2的掺入降低了水泥 生成物Ca(OH)2含量,增加了水泥 的化学结合水量及 放热量。

  • The effect of nano-silica powder on the hydration process of Portland cement was investigated by the studies of Ca ( OH ) _2 content chemically-combined water content and heat of hydration .

    通过测试Ca(OH)2含量、化学结合 水量 放热量,探讨了纳米SiO2对硅酸盐水泥水化特性的影响。

  • The hydration heat and the non-evaporable water are decreased ; meanwhile the exothermic rate of hydration is been slower when mixing with phosphorous slag .

    磷渣粉掺入降低了早期的水化热和化学结合 水量,减缓了 放热速率。

  • It was due to the formation of hydration products by microsilica reacting with water . The aggregation of hydration products leads to the increase of both molecule volume and resistance of laminar flow so the viscosity of slurry increased .

    这是因为硅微粉与 反应形成水化产物, 产物发生聚合,分子的体积增大,使浆体层流阻力增大,导致泥浆粘度上升。

  • The hydrated products are related to the ratio of water and cement ( w / c ) temperature and time of the hydration process .

    化产物与 灰比(W/C)、温度、时间等有关。

  • Water inside the gel has three states . The content of free water is above 55 % and that of non-frozen hydration water less than 5 % .

    IPN凝胶中的水以三种状态存在,即非冻结 结合水,可冻结 结合水,游离水,其中游离 含量在55%以上,非冻结结合 含量在5%以下;

  • The 1R absorption spectra of water in lysozyme film with various degree of hydration were recorded .

    本文报导了不同 含量的溶菌酶 中水的红外吸收光谱的测量结果。

  • By the aid of diffractometer differential thermogravimetric analysis and scanning electron microscope the effect of AF complex water reducer of fly ash on hydration kinetics of cement morphology of hydration phase and pore structure of hardened cement paste is studied in this paper .

    以X射线衍射、差热-失重、压汞测孔及扫描电镜为基础,研究了粉煤灰复合AF减 水剂对水泥 动力学、水化物相形貌及水泥石孔结构的影响。