walk the streets


  • We used to walk the streets of neon lights .

    我们曾 霓虹流辉

  • In South africa robots walk on the streets .

    在南非机器人在 大街 行走

  • I walk the streets a once think that heart won 't be so painful .

    走过条条曾经想你 街道,以为心不会再有那么痛了。

  • People with blue eyes walk the streets .


  • On Sundays people walk about the streets .

    星期日人们在 到处 溜达

  • He 's terrified of losing his home and having to walk the streets .

    他非常害怕失去家,上 街头 流浪

  • When they walk on the streets the scene is touching .

    当他们 在在 ,那场面十分感人。

  • Common to walk the streets in noisy will not become one is looking .

    普通到 在喧嚣 街道,绝不会成为被人注视的 焦点

  • It 's against her will that she had to walk the streets .

    出卖肉体是 迫不得已

  • After four decades of darkness they can walk the streets free from a tyrant .

    在经历了40年的黑暗后,他们现在摆脱了暴君统治,可以自由地 行走

  • Some people like to visit museums and galleries some like shopping and others just want to walk the streets to see what the city looks like .

    人喜欢去博物馆和美术馆,人喜欢购物,而还人只想在 走走看看城市面貌。

  • I walk the streets assured that no car parked next to the curb will suddenly blow up OR so I take fOR granted .

    大街 ,我也不必担心停在路边的车辆,会突然间爆炸;至少我不认为这样的事情会发生。

  • And when I walk the streets no one looks at me .

    当我 大街 时,没有任何人看我。

  • When I had any time off from working for Maisel I would walk the streets and take pictures .

    在为Maisel工作之余,当我有任何空闲,我就 行走 条街 ,拍摄各种照片。

  • One can no longer walk the streets without seeing beggars importuning passers by .


  • It 's not safe to walk the streets at night .

    夜间在 不安全。

  • It will be safer to walk on the streets because people will not need to carry large amounts of cash ;

    因为人们不再携带大量现金了,所以在 将会更安全了。

  • Billy : I 'll just walk down the streets of Taipei with you to make you look cool

    比利:我会跟你 台北 街头,让你看来酷一点

  • By day a woman could safely walk the streets but at night the pavements became dangerous

    白天的时候,妇女可以安全地 行走,而到了夜晚人行道上会变得很危险。

  • Walk the cobbled streets and a stream of palaces churches turrets and spires directs your eyes to heavenly architecture .

    鹅卵石 街道 ,一连串的宫殿、教堂、塔楼和尖顶,将你的眼睛指向天堂般的建筑风格。

  • We cannot even freely walk on the streets any more .

    我们甚至无法自由地在 大街行走了。

  • It is against her will that she had to walk the streets .

    她是违反自己的意愿被迫 出卖 肉体

  • Everybody knows that in Russia bears walk around the streets and play balalaika .

    大家都知道,在俄罗斯熊 和发挥巴拉莱卡。

  • He walk through the streets and find a near-by park .

    穿过 街道,找到了附近的一个公园。

  • Walk through the streets of gold-topped buildings curl up in a cafe or take a carriage ride through the city for the ultimate romantic experience .

    行走在两旁矗立着金顶建筑 街道,慵懒地蜷缩在咖啡厅,或者坐上四轮马车在城市中感受极致浪漫。

  • Walk through the streets banging loudly on pots and pans at midnight .

    午夜时分, 大街 大声敲打锅碗瓢盆。

  • I couldn 't bare the waiting and so in order to try and calm down and stop shaking I took a walk around the streets .

    接下来半个小时的等待,我实在是倍感压力,与其强制性的试图冷静下来,不要发抖,我选择不如下楼到 走走

  • It is awful to walk in the streets when the weather is wet .

    天气潮湿时 很不舒服。

  • He said : ' I remember back in the 2000s you couldn 't walk the streets on a Saturday without seeing someone wearing a mankini or what have you .

    他说:我还记得2000年左右的时候,星期六 大街 一定会看到有人穿着男士比基尼或诸如此类衣服。

  • This is a special dog which helps blind people walk along the streets and do many other things .

    这是一种特殊的狗,用于帮助盲人 沿街 行走,以及做某些其它事情。