wall crane

[wɔl kren][wɔ:l krein]


  • Excavation of Foundation for Rock Wall Crane Beam in the Underground Powerhouse of Tai'an Pumping-storage Station

    泰安电站地下厂房 岩壁 吊车座的开挖施工

  • The excavation of foundation for rock wall crane beam is the key of whole construction .

    岩壁 吊车 的开挖成型是整个岩壁梁施工的关键。

  • Summary of the design of rock wall crane beam in underground power house of the Baise WR pivotal project

    百色水利枢纽地下厂房 岩壁 吊车梁设计综述

  • In the process of overturning stability analysis of counterforted buttressed quay wall with crane rail bearer we shall consider the stabilization moment caused by the force of cutting pile .

    设置桩支承的 起重机轨道梁的 扶壁码头结构形式,抗倾稳定性影响分析中应该考虑截桩力的稳定力矩。

  • Stress calculation and finite element analysis of cat head like masthead of diaphragm wall grab crane

    连续 抓斗 起重机猫头架结构应力计算与有限元分析

  • Think of the way walls get put up : a prefabricated wall before the invention of the crane and the pulley has to be pushed up by a bunch of people .

    想想 筑墙的方法:,在发明 起重机之前, 一面提前造好的的 ,由人力推起。

  • Design of wall attaching structure for tower crane

    塔式 起重机结构设计

  • Research and Development on Electric-Hydraulic Safety Limit Control System Based on Virtual Wall Technology for Mobile Crane

    起重机基于虚拟 的电液安全限位控制系统的开发研究

  • If the wall units are too large for one crane they are sometimes lifted by two cranes working together .

    如果 墙体构件太大,一 吊车 不起来,有时就用两台吊车合力吊起。

  • Disk wall liner hanger cantilever walking crane

    盘形 井壁衬管悬挂器壁装移动 悬臂 起重机

  • Construction Effects of Large and Deep Foundation Pit Support with Soil - Nailed Wall and Related Tower Crane Installation

    大型深基坑以土钉 作围护的施工效果及基坑内塔 安装

  • Based on analyzing the wall thickness design and stability checking method of drum the finite element analysis of the crane ' drum is studied .

    在分析传统卷筒 厚设计与稳定性校核方法的基础上,对 起重机卷筒进行了有限元分析。

  • The hefty wall panels are then lowered into place by a crane .

    笨重的枪板可以使用 吊车放入特定的位置。

  • Wall crane is fixed to the wall cantilever crane or may be along the wall or other support structure on the elevated track running cantilever crane .


  • At present the rigid-body limit equilibrium method adopted in the design of crane beam on rock wall can not reflect the actual mechanical behavior of crane .

    目前, 岩壁吊车梁设计所采用的刚体极限平衡设计方法还不能确切反映岩锚 吊车梁的实际受力状态。