wall paper

[wɔl ˈpeɪpər][wɔ:l ˈpeipə]



  • Study on the Technology of the PVC foamed Wall Paper and its Rheological Behavior

    聚氯乙烯发泡 壁纸工艺与流变行为的研究

  • The carpet suits the colour of the wall paper . The wallpaper and paint match pretty well .

    地毯与裱 墙纸的颜色相称。壁纸和油漆的颜色十分协调。

  • PVC Resin Substitute for Use in Plastic Wall Paper

    PVC树脂取代剂在塑料 壁纸中应用

  • It is another wall of paper windows .

    原来是另一 窗户的

  • Comparison of the burning grading and test methods of the wall paper in china and japan

    我国与日本 壁纸燃烧等级划分及试验方法的比较

  • A new type of decorative multicolor paint with the functions of both wall paper and wall paint has been developed which can be used for interior application .

    研制成一种兼具 壁纸、涂料功能的新型装饰性多彩涂料,适用于内墙涂装。

  • According to the applying requirement of curtain wall this paper analyzes the heat performance of nontransparent curtain wall discusses its energy saving technology and introduces the design method of energy saving of ecologic curtain wall which to offer a reference for engineering design .

    根据 幕墙的应用要求,分析 非透明幕墙的热工性能,探讨了非透明幕墙的节能技术,介绍了生态幕墙的节能设计方法,以期对工程设计提供一定意义的参考作用。

  • They are even printed on the wall paper and the balls of the table-lights .

    它们甚至印在 墙纸和桌灯的灯泡上。

  • If future rallies are met with a wall of paper gains could be tempered for many years .

    如果 股市未来的反弹不遭遇 实质障碍,今后很多年可能都将涨幅平平。

  • From the aspects of sound insulation stem selection and distortion crack of small concrete block wall this paper states the problems and solving method in the design and construction .

    本文从砼小砌块 墙体的隔音问题、芯柱的采用问题及女儿墙变形缝的设置问题三方面。论述了砼小 砌块 房屋设计、施工中应注意的问题及解决方法。

  • Analyzing the different cases that the frame-shear wall structure model has differ height and stiffness shear wall the paper conclude that the shear wall should be interrupted above the structure distortion inflection .

    通过对此模型结构不同剪力墙高度和刚度情况的动力响应分析, 得出了剪力 应在框剪结构反弯点以上截断的观点。

  • The wall paper will give you a chance to practise writing articles in English .


  • PAPER CANNOT TAKE PLACE OF PLASTICS PVC Resin Substitute for Use in Plastic Wall Paper

    以纸代塑并非明智之举PVC树脂取代剂在塑料 壁纸中应用

  • 25 % of all responses included physical wall and paper and23 % included spreadsheets along with other Agile tools that they were using .

    在使用其他敏捷工具的同时,25%的用户使用传统的 ,23%的使用电子表格;

  • The wall paper had smudges all over it .


  • Based on the special mechanism of reinforced earth retaining wall this paper introduces the interior stability theory of reinforced earth retaining wall under horizontal and vertical seismic loads .

    从加筋土挡 土墙的特殊受力机理出发,对水平和竖向地震同时作用下加筋土挡墙 进行了内部稳定性分析;

  • The wall of our house is very dirty . Father has bought some wall paper preparing to decorate it .

    家里的墙很脏,爸爸买来糊 墙纸准备装修一下。

  • JIAQRUNF is one specialized is engaged in the hand-painted silk wallpaper and wall paper on their own type of the studio we have to product quality and customer request first to finish each order .

    JIAQRUNF是一家专业从事手绘丝绸墙纸和 墙纸底色的自主创业型工作室,我们以“产品质量和客户要求第一”来完成好每一个订单。

  • For analysis of the retaining wall this paper points out the shortcomings of conventional method and presents a new method of probability analysis . These two methods are used to analyse a typical retaining wall and their results are compared with each other .

    本文指出挡 土墙常规分析法中存在的问题,介绍一种新的概率分析的方法,然后用这两种方法分别对一挡土墙进行分析并比较其结果。

  • The concentration of TVOC and benzene went up quickly after the wall paper sticking and the placement of the furniture . ( 3 ) Since formaldehyde and ammonia pollution has been effectively controlled throughout the refurbishment people should pay attention to benzene and TVOC pollution prevention .

    甲醛和氨的污染在整个装修 环节已得到有效的控制,苯和 TVOC的污染防治应引起广大居民的注意。

  • Based on the leakage problem of exterior wall the paper presents the principle of negative pressure and cavity by analyzing the construction technology of face brick wall .

    针对饰面砖 外墙渗漏现象,通过对饰面砖施工工艺分析, 提出了空腔负压原理。

  • Company in line with the cooperation and innovation and win-win idea makes leading international popular wall paper wall cloth products striving to become the world 's top brand .

    公司本着合作、创新、共赢的理念,打造引领国际流行的 墙纸、墙布产品,努力追求成为世界顶尖品牌。

  • He stripped the old wall paper off the wall .

    他从墙上揭下了旧的 墙纸

  • Our company became to the wall paper trade elite rely on the high quality products and professional management .

    优质的产品和专业的经营,让公司成为 壁纸业中的行业精英。

  • Based on the damage of the outer wall this paper analyzes the reason and law and proposes the new concept of freezing design in thick overburden and the new construction method .

    根据冻结井 外壁被破坏的现象, 深入分析和研究其中的规律,提出深厚表土冻结设计及施工方法的新思路和新方法。

  • The Study of the Characteristics of the New Type Combined ( Double wall ) Corrugated Paper

    新型瓦楞 纸板(双 )组合结构性能的研究

  • Flame retardancy of PVC wall Paper is discussed .

    讨论了聚氯乙烯(PVC) 墙纸的阻燃问题。

  • Graphic wall paper and films printed with photographs of the original Paris atelier are plastered onto vertical surfaces .

    图形 墙纸和电影与原来的巴黎工作室的照片印上贴满表面垂直。