walk about

[wɔk əˈbaʊt][wɔ:k əˈbaut]


  • It was after twelve o'clock an'terrible cold an'I start out to walk about London all night .

    这是12点后,一个'可怕的寒冷,我一开始就 步行 伦敦一夜。

  • The plane is about to take off . Please don 't walk about in the cabin .

    飞机马上要起飞了,请不要在客舱内 走动

  • Going to school isn 't an easy job . I have to walk about an hour .

    上学不是一件轻松的事。我必须 大约一小时的

  • Don 't walk about when you are drinking .

    不要 一边喝水 一边 走路

  • Let 's walk about and quiz people .

    我们出去 走走,和人们开开玩笑

  • On Sundays people walk about the streets .

    星期日人们 街上 到处 溜达

  • Stay here ! It 's unsafe for you to walk about .

    呆在这儿!你 四处 走动不安全。

  • There 's one just outside this building Turn to your right and walk about fifty feet . It 's a small grey brick thing .

    我告诉他楼外就有一个。向左拐 走出五十米,有一个灰色砖房子就是。

  • Don 't walk about when you are drinking . This way please gents !

    不要 一边喝水一边 走路。先生,请这边走!

  • We are to walk about your gardens and gather the strawberries ourselves and sit under trees ;

    我们就在你的园子里 逛逛,自己采草莓,坐在树底下。

  • I began to walk about the room examining various indefinite objects in the half darkness .

    我开始 屋子里 随便 走走,在半明半暗的光线中看看各种各样模糊不清的摆饰。

  • They walk about in darkness ; all the foundations of the earth are shaken .

    地的根基都 摇动了。

  • Turn left and walk about two blocks .

    左转 再走两个街口。

  • My glasses have gone walk about again .

    我的 眼镜又不见了。

  • No about 10 minutes ' drive . but then you 'll have to walk about ten minutes .

    不过下车后你还得 大约10分钟的路。

  • To move or walk about almost inaudibly .

    放松脚步 几乎没有声响地移动或

  • I can 't walk about in this heat .

    我不能在这种酷热下 走路

  • You can walk about three blocks and then take a right .

    你先 走过三条街然后向右走。

  • Turn right and walk about fifty steps .

    服务员: 出去后向右拐, 步行50步。

  • And when morning came I went out into the town and began to walk about .

    等到早上,我便走出花园到城里去并开始 四处

  • Is it safe for the President to walk about without a guard ?

    总统不带卫士在 人群 自由 走动安全吗?

  • I walk about two miles to school every day .

    我每天上学 步行 大约2英里。

  • We came out for a walk about at about five today .

    今天五点钟 左右的时候我们出去走了一

  • When I suggested that he should go to bed he said he could not sleep ; he wanted to go out and walk about the streets till day .

    最后我建议他该去睡会儿觉,他说他睡不着,他要到外面去 个通宵。

  • She might possibly have taken it into her head to walk about the garden ?

    她是不是心血来潮地到花园里 散步 了?

  • He would carry a shotgun on his shoulder and walk about for hours through the woods .

    他会背着猎枪,在森林里 上数小时。

  • I will walk about in freedom for I have sought out your precepts .

    自由 而行,因我素来考究你的训词。

  • I 'd like a walk about the school .

    我想在学校里 到处 走走

  • I don 't know how you walk about in those things .

    不知道你 穿那种 怎么 走路的。

  • He entreated to be allowed to walk about to have fresh air books and writing materials .

    他请求允许他 散步,给他一点书和手工。