


  • Value your wellbeing and work-life balance ;

    要重视你的 健康、工作-生活平衡;

  • How about striving for personal wellbeing and meaning ?

    为了个人 幸福、意义而努力如何?

  • This cycle opens avenues for profit wellbeing and new technology solving energy problems and health care challenges .

    这周期开启康庄大道,为获利、 健康及解决能量问题与艰难的健康照护工作之新科技。

  • It aims to improve people 's health and wellbeing through education and awareness about various conditions lifestyle and diet factors .

    它旨在通过教育,加强对各种生活条件,生活方式和饮食因素意识来,提高改善人们的健康和 生活 状态

  • Besides their physical wellbeing the mental health of young Westerners is also causing concern .

    除了身体 状况之外,西方年轻人的心理健康也引人担忧。

  • Major-country relations bear on world peace and wellbeing of the mankind .

    大国关系攸关世界和平和人类 福祉

  • Many of the factors that influence physical health also affect mental and emotional wellbeing .

    很多影响体格健康的因素,同时也影响精神和感情的 健康

  • Accelerating the development of social undertakings and genuinely ensuring and improving the people 's wellbeing .

    加快发展社会事业,切实保障和改善 民生

  • The bigger worry is that her intransigence poses a real threat to the economic wellbeing of her compatriots .

    更大的担忧在于,费尔南德斯的不妥协对其同胞的经济 福祉造成了实实在在的威胁。

  • In strengthening social development we must give high priority to ensuring and improving the people 's wellbeing .

    加强社会建设,必须以保障和改善 民生为重点。

  • This is the top priority in our work of ensuring and improving people 's wellbeing .

    这是保障和改善 民生的头等大事。

  • Hereby health and wellbeing as well as comfort and convenience have to be considered as key factors .

    因此,健康, 生活 福祉以及舒适和方便必须成为要考虑的因素。

  • The report Older People and Wellbeing found a strong association between levels of deprivation and poor emotional health among older people .

    该报告老年人和 幸福之间发现了一个穷人的剥夺和情绪之间的老年人的健康水平有很大的关系。

  • First of the definitions of wellbeing accepted as valid life satisfaction seems the most useful .

    首先,在被认为有效的 幸福 定义中,生活满意度似乎是最有用的。

  • We need to preserve the sharks and whales for the wellbeing of the future generation .

    为了下一代的 福祉,我们必须保护鲨鱼和鲸类。

  • In turn ignoring the rise in global and local carbon emissions threatens access to sufficient food and water human health and wellbeing and the long-term prosperity of China .

    反过来说,如果忽视全球和中国国内碳排放的增长,将威胁到人类对充足的食品和水的获取、人类的健康和 幸福、以及中国的长期繁荣。

  • It could improve peoples ' wellbeing if we acknowledged the problem he says .

    他说:如果我们承认这个问题,就有可能提高人们的 幸福

  • The Global Sexual Wellbeing Survey was released at this week 's World Congress on Sexual Health in Sydney .

    此项全球性生活 健康调查于本周在悉尼召开的性健康国际代表大会上公布。

  • They also brought those countries tranquility and wellbeing by helping them fight pirates .

    他们还帮助沿途的国家剿灭海盗,给这些国家带来安宁和 福祉

  • Wellbeing is not just about money – if you can see a tree you 're likely to be happier .


  • That is probably bad for our wellbeing .

    对我们的 健康来说,这大概并不是好事。

  • Fourth we ensured and improved people 's wellbeing and upheld social fairness and justice .

    四是切实保障和改善 民生促进社会公平正义。

  • The conclusions come in a study of how people perceive their wellbeing .

    该研究调查了人们对自身 幸福的感知 状况从而得出了这一结论。

  • It 's not his physical wellbeing that I 'm worried about .

    我担心的不是他的身体 健康

  • The student government and student council work together to the wellbeing of the students and the school .

    学生政府和学生会共同努力,为学生和学校的 利益工作。

  • Singing can create a sense of wellbeing

    唱歌能够给人一种 心旷神怡的感觉。

  • Promote wellbeing in a recession and you will be accused of trying to divert attention from falling output .

    在经济衰退中致力提升 民众 幸福 ,你会被指责为试图转移人们对GDP不断下降的关注。

  • A healthy diverse natural environment is valuable in itself ; it is also essential to human wellbeing .

    一个健康,多元的自然环境本身就非常有价值;它对人的 心灵 健康也至关重要。

  • Equally there is no doubt that its use can adversely affect the health and wellbeing of users .

    同样毫无疑问的是,它的使用可以产生不利影响的健康和 福利的用户。