



  • Where is that simple-minded little wench ?

    那个傻小 娼妇哪里去了?

  • Fine ! Then die you wench !

    好啊!那你 贱人

  • A good face needs no band and a pretty wench no land .

    英俊的 小伙子无需吹鼓手,漂亮的 村姑无需田地。

  • I say drown the wench .

    我说淹死这 婆娘 算了

  • Lmpredsive that you found me wench .

    能找到我真是不简单啊, 丫头

  • Bought her and her little wench prissy .

    买了她和她的小 女儿百里茜。

  • Also living a gold hair when the time comes the small toy of yellow eyes comes out can not also horrify to decease you this wench .

    到时候也生个金头发,黄眼睛的小娃娃出来,还不得吓死你这 丫头

  • What else can a strapping chap of twenty-one mean with a fine wench of seventeen ?

    一个身材 魁梧 二十几岁的小伙子,对一个漂亮的十七岁的 少女还能有什么别的 想法呢?

  • Listen to again that silver bead move Sang bright pearl rupture to say with smile : You are this wench just how old start pining for opposite sex to see a man ?

    又听那银珠 推搡着明珠,噗噗笑道:“你这 丫头,才多大年岁,就开始思春看男人了?”

  • With in malignity of you give such as the orchid buy how much clear wench have to how much !

    是以,不论你给如兰置办多少,明 丫头 得多少!

  • She was no sooner gone but came a wench and a child puffing and sweating .

    她刚一走开,立刻 来了一个 姑娘 一个小孩,喘着气,流着汗。

  • I am all black and blue wench ; trust me never if I be not black and blue . It was very uncomfortable and has left me black and blue all over .

    现在我浑身还青一块、紫一 小姐;要是我身上没有青一块、紫一 ,你就永远别相信我。

  • You dumb wench you called to ask me that ?

    丫头,你打电话 为了问这个?

  • How can you know wench ? Facts bear strong against him .

    你怎么会知道呢, 姑娘?事实证明对他非常不利。

  • At present our Wu her averaging simply take clear orchid crest urn the old woman thinks to clear wench how much you forbid more tiresome half sentence !

    如今我们忤了她的意思,硬是拿明兰顶了缸,老太太想给明 丫头多少你多不许?嗦半句!

  • Is a country wench that is so far from making herself beautiful by art that one look of hers is able to put all face-physick out of countenance .

    她是一个乡下 姑娘,从不靠妆扮美饰自己,但她的美目流盼能使所有的美容术黯然。

  • Remember that you wench .


  • Application of PRESET TORQUE WENCH IN assemblage of screw compressors

    力矩 在螺杆压缩机装配中的应用

  • You wench how can I stop ifyou make me ?


  • Some day I 'm going to take a strap to that little wench thought Scarlett savagely hurrying down the stairs to meet her .

    “总有一天我要给你这小 娼妇 上一根皮带。”思嘉在心里恶狠狠地说,一面急急忙忙跑下楼去接她。

  • The knight wrenched at her arm again as if she were some common serving wench .

    骑士再次扭开她的胳膊,好像她是什么普通的 服务员 小妹

  • Arriving at the entrance gate I am waved through the ticket barrier by a wench in medieval dress who is chatting on the phone .

    抵达入口大门时,一位 身着中世纪裙子、正在大煲电话的 乡下 姑娘向我挥手示意,径直让我通过了检票口。

  • I am the king of this palace you wench !

    我是宫里的王,你 娼妇

  • You forget to wash wench .

    你忘记洗脸了, 姑娘