water pistol

[ˈwɔtɚ ˈpɪstəl][ˈwɔ:tə ˈpistl]


  • Jack Bauer 's gun is actually a water pistol but the water shoots out in the form of bullets .

    JACK的武器其实只是 水枪,只不过水是以子弹的形式射出来罢了。

  • The hydro-ballistic trajectory of the sphere pellet obliquely entering water is more stable than that of the general pistol pellet .

    球形弹丸在斜入 时弹道稳定性较好,而普通 制式弹丸的弹道不稳定。

  • It was like trying to douse a 4-alarm Fire with a water pistol .

    这就像企图用一把 水枪去扑灭一场四级火情警报的大火一样。

  • To create a mathematical model for the hydro-ballistic trajectory of high speed pellet entering water the hydro-ballistic trajectory and cavity of sphere and pistol pellets entering water at three oblique angles and six velocities have been experimentally studied using a high-speed digital video recorder .

    为了建立高速弹体入 弹道的模型,利用数字式高速录像机实验研究了球形与普通 手枪两种弹丸在三个入水角、六种发射速度下斜入 水中弹道轨迹与空泡。