waveguide coupling


  • Propagating Beam Method of Optical Waveguide Coupling

    波导 耦合的光束传播方法

  • Further analysis reveals that a complicated waveguide coupling effect is responsible for the enhanced transmission .

    通过分析指出,这种小孔 阵列 透射增强效应是一种复杂的 波导 耦合 效应

  • In this paper we theoretically discuss the selection of prisms for a given waveguide experimentally research the coupling of invisible light ( He-Ne 1.15 μ m ) with a transparent waveguide .

    本论文从理论上讨论了如何就给定的 波导选择恰当的 耦合棱镜;从实验方面研究了不可见光(He-Ne,1.15μm)在透可见光的波导上的 耦合情况。

  • Effect of the Propagation Loss on the Cherenkov SHG in a Channel Waveguide Coupling Single Mode Fibres to Strip Waveguides and Packaging Techniques

    传输损耗对条形 波导中切伦科夫倍频的影响单模光纤与条形波导的 耦合封装技术

  • Management Efficiency of Higher Education : Theoretical Reflection and Practical Exploration ; In this paper the equivalent current theory of optical waveguide coupling is discussed .

    高等学校管理效益的理论思考和实践研究本文提出等效电流计算光 波导 耦合理论。

  • The Fourier spectral analysis method is applied to the input-output coupling problem of a prism-thin film waveguide system . The input-output coupling equations are solved fast and exactly .

    把傅里叶频谱分析方法引入棱镜-薄膜 波导 耦合系统的输入输出耦合问题,快速而完整地求解了系统输入输出 耦合方程组。

  • Fabrication of Grating Waveguide and Coupling Grating Using Two-photon Initiated Photopolymerization

    利用双光子聚合技术制备的聚合物型光栅光 波导 耦合光栅

  • Theory of Waveguide Hole - Coupling

    波导小孔 耦合理论

  • We propose and optimize the horn waveguide couplers based on distributed Bragg reflector waveguide for coupling between two-dimensional dielectric cylinder photonic crystal waveguide and single mode planar dielectric waveguide and evaluate their transmission efficiency using the finite difference time domain method .

    提出并优化了用于二维介质柱光子晶体波导与单模平面介质波导对接的基于分布布拉格反射 波导的喇叭波导 接头,提高了这两种波导之间的传输效率。

  • Development of Auto - aligning Instrument for Waveguide End Coupling

    波导端面 耦合自动调芯仪研制

  • Crossing waveguide normalized output optical power versus intersection angle in the main waveguide and power coupling versus intersection angle are analyzed by the method .

    在此基础上重点计算分析了大角度交叉波导的输出分支波导的能量与交叉角度的关系,以及交叉角度对 波导间能量 耦合的影响。

  • Rectangle metal waveguide slot-microstrip coupling structure is used to feed series-fed microstrip patch linear array thus a planar array is obtained .

    该天线阵采用矩形 波导宽边纵向缝隙 耦合微带线结构给串馈微带贴片线阵馈电,从而构成二维平面阵。

  • The cutoff wavelength of the rectangular coaxial waveguide in the coupling region is calculated by boundary element method .

    耦合区为矩形同轴 波导。文中用边界元素法对矩形同轴 波导的截止波长进行了计算。

  • Results indicate : photonic crystals waveguide coupling follows general regulation of conventional dielectric waveguide coupling .

    研究结果表明,光子晶体 波导 之间 耦合遵循普通介质波导耦合的一般规律,有 定向耦合的功能;

  • Optical waveguide - fiber direct coupling

    波导-单模光纤的直接 耦合

  • The simulation optimized design of waveguide coupling hole slow-wave line

    波导 耦合孔慢波线的仿真优化设计方法

  • The simulated results show that the MPSTD algorithm is accurate and efficient in the analysis of the waveguide coupling slot .

    仿真结果表明,将MPSTD算法应用于 波导 耦合缝隙问题的分析,可实现对该问题的精确建模,具有较高的计算精度和效率。

  • The ortho-mode transducer adopts the design idea of square waveguide stepped impedance matching and waveguide slot coupling .

    正交模转换器采用方波导阶梯阻抗匹配与 波导缝隙 耦合的设计思想。

  • N this paper a method for measuring the parameters of the absorbing thin film waveguide by prism coupling is introduced which can determine the refractive index and thickness of waveguide by measuring the position of absorbing line of reflected light spot from prism .

    介绍了一种用棱镜 合法测量吸收性薄膜 波导参数的一种方法,它是由测得棱镜底部反射光斑中模的吸收线位置来确定薄膜的折射率和厚度。

  • Electromagnetism Analysis of Waveguide Aperture Coupling Using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method

    波导小孔 耦合的电磁分析与模拟-时域有限差分方法

  • Fundamental concept and fabricating method of nonlinear gnided-wave periodic structure are described in this paper . Grating couplers are made on InSb and semiconductor doped glass waveguide . Nonlinear coupling effects are observed experimentally .

    本文描述了非线性导波周期结构的基本概念和制备方法,并在InSb和掺半导体玻璃 波导上制备出了光栅耦合器,观测到了非线性 耦合效应,讨论了它们的实用化前景。

  • Microwave Cutoff Waveguide Direct Coupling DR Filers

    微波截止 波导 式介质谐振器滤波器

  • The software of the optimal CAD of acoustic system provides with an optimal design method of acoustic elements such as transducer waveguide coupling pole tip etc.

    声学系统优化CAD软件提供换能器、 聚能 耦合杆以及上声极等声学元件的优化设计方法。

  • Fourier spectral analysis for PRISM-THIN film waveguide coupling

    棱镜-薄膜 波导 耦合的傅里叶频谱分析方法

  • A number of waveguide coupling windows are analyzed by using the present method and the satisfactory results are achieved by comparisons with ones given in some published literatures .

    用本文理论方法分析计算了若干 波导 耦合窗实例,获得了满意的结果。

  • The Equivalent Current Theory of Optical Waveguide Coupling

    波导 耦合等效电流理论

  • Measurement of Loss Characteristics of Crossed Optical Waveguide by Optimum End-fire Coupling Method

    最佳端焦 合法测量交叉光 波导损耗特性

  • Photonic crystals multi / demultiplexer based on photonic crystals waveguide directional coupling

    基于光子晶体 波导定向 耦合的光子晶体分/合频器

  • According to the relation between the thickness of metal foil and the wavelength of incident radiation this effect is interpreted by the waveguide coupling theory and resonant Fabry-Perot-like cavity theory .

    这种效应由 波导 耦合和类F-P腔共振效应产生,其取决于金属箔厚度与入射波长之间的关系。