water reducer

[化] 减水剂

  • In order to obtain polycarboxylic acid type water reducer with high dispersion and fluid-holding property the synthesis method of the reducer was studied .

    为了获得具有较好分散力和保持能力的聚羧酸型 水剂,研究了其制备方法。

  • Study on the relationship between the saturation point of the water reducer and the fluidity and harden performance of the cement paste


  • The am ino and sulfonic salt high efficiency water reducer which is synthesized in the water liquor system and has low landslide degree loss .

    在水溶液体系合成了低坍落度损失的氨基磺酸盐高效 水剂

  • On the basis of production practice the reaction mechanism of highly efficient aliphatic water reducer was analyzed in-depth its molecular formula was put forward .

    在生产实践的基础上对脂肪族高效 水剂的合成反应机理进行了深入的分析,提出了脂肪族 水剂的分子示意式。

  • Preparation of Alumina Sol and the Application in Corundum Based Castables ; Effects of alumina micro powders and water reducer on workability of corundum castables

    铝溶胶的制备及其在刚玉质浇注料中的应用研究氧化铝微粉与 水剂对刚玉质浇注料施工性能的影响

  • AN adding more water reducer greater the viscosity of cement decreased the flow .

    加入AN越多, 水剂的粘度越大,水泥的流动性降低。

  • Performance of sulfonated alkali lignin used as water reducer for concrete was experimented .

    实验研究了磺化碱木素用作混凝土 水剂的性能。

  • Taking advantage of sugar water reducer and activated water the compressive strength of recycled concrete is improved .

    与基准再生混凝土相比,蔗糖 水剂和活化水,可以提高再生混凝土的抗压强度。

  • Study on sulfonated process of pulp black liquor and the application as concrete water reducer

    造纸黑液磺化工艺及用作混凝土 水剂的研究

  • Effect of the Composite Water Reducer on Gypsum 's Performance

    复合 水剂对石膏性能的影响

  • Study of Synthesis and Performance of Single Aromatic Ring Type High Performance Water Reducer

    单环芳烃型高性能 水剂的合成和性能研究

  • Study on the Lime Shape in the Essential System of Activated FA with Water Reducer



    末端巯基化聚己内酯和聚乙二醇-b-聚己内酯的酶促合成及其性质研究国内外聚羧酸系高性能减 水剂的性能比较

  • Using double mixed technology of decarburized fly ash and highly effect early strength water reducer the renovation technologies of highway concrete pavement were studied .

    前言:研究了利用脱炭粉煤灰和高效早强 水剂的“双掺”技术,进行了公路混凝土路面的修复技术研究;

  • Effects of alumina micro powders and water reducer on workability of corundum castables

    氧化铝微粉与 水剂对刚玉质浇注料施工性能的影响浇水带,纺织材料制成

  • Study on Performance of Compound-modification Sulfonated Wheat Straw Lignin GSL as Water Reducer Preparation of Liquefied-lignosulfonate-based Phenol-formaldehyde Adhesive with Environmentally-Benign Property

    复配改性磺化碱木质素减 水剂的性能研究液化木质素磺酸钙基环保酚醛胶黏剂的合成

  • Study on Mechanism and Application of Water Reducer in Filling Pulp


  • A new type poly carboxylic water reducer PC100 has been synthesized by molecular design and particular synthesize technique .

    采用“分子结构设计”方法和独特的合成技术工艺,开发出了PC100聚羧酸塑化 水剂

  • Here is a research on the effect arising from adding water reducer and setting retarder in gypsum on the performance of its products .

    研究了在石膏中分别掺 加减 水剂和缓凝剂对石膏制品性能的影响。

  • The effect of clay contain on concrete strength with polycarboxylic series of water reducer

    砂子泥含量对掺聚羧酸减 水剂混凝土强度的影响

  • Effect of Naphthalene Water Reducer on Corrosion Behavior of Reinforcing Steel in Concrete

    锅炉 水中咪唑啉缓蚀剂对碳钢的缓蚀行为萘系 水剂混凝土钢筋的电化学腐蚀

  • Introduce several design methods for mixed proportion of concrete with water reducer

    介绍几种掺 水剂混凝土配合比的设计方法

  • Synthesis of poly - carboxylic acid water reducer intermediate macromonomer - PEA is discussed .

    讨论聚羧酸类 水剂的中间大分子单体&聚乙二醇单丙烯酸酯(PEA)的合成。

  • Influence of Silica Fume and Water Reducer on Resistance to Sulfate Attack of Cement

    硅灰和 水剂对水泥耐硫酸盐腐蚀的影响

  • Study on the compatibility of cement with water reducer by Marsh cone method

    用Marsh筒法研究水泥与 水剂的适应性问题

  • The authors made a research on the adaptability of shaft kiln cement and rotary kiln cement to the water reducer for concrete .

    研究了立窑水泥和回转窑水泥与混凝土 水剂的相容性。

  • Grinding-aid Effect of Water Reducer and Its Influence upon Properties of Building Gypsum


  • Results showed that pulping waste liquor as water reducer can not only control water content of superphosphate and improve fertilizer quality but also reduce discharge of waste liquor .

    实验和工业试验结果表明,造纸废液用作过磷酸钙 水剂,即可确保产品水分达标,提高肥料质量,又减少了废液排放,治理了环境污染。

  • Synthesis of AH High Performance Water Reducer and Study of Its Action Mechanism

    AH高效 水剂制备及其作用机理研究