water pot

[ˈwɔtɚ pɑt][ˈwɔ:tə pɔt]

[机] 水罐

  • Even the water tobacco pot is hurt some since soft ceramic has strong sealing property and air tightness the application will not be affected .

    即使 烟壶轻微受损,由于软陶片具有高超的密封性、不透气,因而不影响使用;

  • Melt chocolate with water in a small pot over a low flame .

    在一个 小锅 加水和巧克力,开小火加热融化它。

  • Boil water in small pot turn off fire add oolong tea leaves .

    中将 烧开,关火,加入茶叶。

  • Put some water in a pot and put the tied crabs onto a meshed frame above the water .

    放一些 ,然后把绑好的螃蟹放在水上的蒸架上。

  • The effect of water stress in pot conditions on stem-stored carbohydrate metabolism associated with key enzymes and grain yield in rice grown under unfavorable-delayed senescence were investigated .

    研究了 水分胁迫对 贪青迟熟水稻的产量及其茎节间贮藏碳水化合代谢和相关酶活性的影响。

  • Under water stress in pot culture use value of eight characters concerning drought resistance on fifteen winter wheat varieties ( lines ) with different drought resistance were studied .

    盆栽 水分亏缺条件下,以15个抗旱性不同的冬小麦品种(系)为材料,对其8个抗旱性状的应用价值进行了研究。

  • There is four times as much water in this pot as in that one .

    这个 是那个 里的四倍。

  • S - a little hot water around in the pot before steeping the tea . a device to keep back tea leaves when pouring a cup of tea .

    泡茶之前先用一点热 开水冲一下 茶壶。当泡茶时隔住茶叶的装置。

  • Add boiled water into the pot and lid it .

    冲入 开水并盖上杯盖。

  • The utility model has good stir effect and the chemical agent and the water in the pot body are not easily volatilized .

    该产品搅拌效果好,化学液及 体内的 不易挥发。

  • This paper reports the amelioration of soils polluted by Cd and Zinc by organic matter and water leaching in a pot experiment using corn seedling as an index crop . First pET-h α CGRP was transformed to E.

    通过对苗期玉米的 盆栽试验,探讨了在镉、锌污染土壤上施入不同量的有机肥并配合 淋洗措施后土壤中镉、锌的形态转化、迁移规律和对植物生长的影响及改良效果。

  • There 's boiled water in the pot .

    里是 开水

  • The water status osmotic adjustment membrane lipid permeability content of chlorophyll and Photosynthesis were studies under the different content of soil water by artificial water controlled in pot .

    等六种野生灌木为研究材料,采用 盆栽进行水分胁迫的措施,对不同土壤含水量条件下各树种的水分状况、渗透物质、质膜透性、叶绿素含量及光合性状等指标进行测定。

  • Learn how to heat water without a pot or any type of metal or glass container .

    学习一下如果没有 水壶或任何金属或玻璃容器怎样烧 热水

  • The methods of continuous water extraction and the pot experiment of tobacco are carried out to study the release characteristics and fertilizer effect of promoted-release boron sludge ( PRBS ) .

    采用连续 提、 盆栽试验的方法,研究促释型硼泥的养分释放特点及其肥效。

  • The utility model relates to a water pot with a rotary automatic-telescopic water suction tube and is mainly characterized in that a pot body is covered with a pot cover .

    一种旋转式自动伸收吸水管的 水壶,它包括:一具有容室和一开口端的 身;

  • By means of experiment on water culture and pot culture of landscape lawn-Festuca arundinacea in Tianjin the limit values of three key indexes about the landscape irrigation with reclaimed water were obtained .

    通过对天津地区常用景观草坪草&高羊茅的 水培试验和 盆栽试验,得出了再生水用于灌溉的3个关键指标的限值。

  • The result showed that there was a significantly positive correlation between soil temperature and nutrient concentration in soil solution when soil water was pot deficient to plant growth .

    研究表明,在农田土壤 水分亏缺的条件下,温度与麦田土壤溶液浓度呈正相关关系。

  • The device which was used for treating the waste water containing fluoride was reformed as follows : adding a water seal pot replacing the vertical submerged pump by horizontal centrifugal pump which was made of high content tantiron and was linked with water seal pot .

    对含氟废水处理装置进行了改造:增加 水封 ,选用与水封罐相联的高硅铁卧式离心泵代替原立式液下泵。

  • Boil chopped water chestnuts in a pot of water add in rock sugar coconut milk and honey and bring to boil .

    制法:1.将马蹄碎放入 水中 煮沸,加入冰糖、椰奶和蜂蜜同煮至水滚起。

  • The root growth root vigor root tissue water status and root / cap of White mustard were investigated under soil water stress using pot test .

    利用 盆栽研究土壤 水分胁迫对白芥根系发育、根系活力、根组织水分状态和根冠比的影响。

  • The growth and water consumption and drought tolerance of Pinus tabulaeformis were studied by control water content using pot culture .


  • And there is a system for researching tea including tea drinking ( like tea types and water heat ) tea pot art and tea house .

    对于茶的研究包括饮茶(象茶的类型、 水温等)、 茶具艺术、和茶馆等渐成体系。

  • Instead of wine or beer they opted for a bottle of water and a pot of tea .

    扎克伯格夫妇点了一瓶 和一 茶,没有点任何酒类饮料。

  • The offects of nutritional elements on protective enzyme system and the content of osmotic matters of spring wheat seedling ( SWS ) were studied under different water levels by pot experiment .

    盆栽条件下研究了 水分亏缺时,氮、磷营养对春小麦幼苗渗透物质及相关保护酶活性的影响。

  • And when the water tobacco pot is broken via external force the soft ceramic base layer can protect the pot to avoid glass slag to hurt user .


  • The utility model discloses a quick electronic boiler for purified water which comprises a reverse osmosis host machine a water storage pressure pot and a boiled water tank .

    本实用新型公开了即沸式纯净水电开水器,其结构包括反渗透主机、储 压力 、开水箱;

  • I can 't carry water with this pot it 's riddled with holes .

    我不能用这 打水,上面满是窟窿。

  • The capacity and size of the water seal pot were determined through calculating .

    通过计算,确定了 水封 的容积和尺寸。

  • According to the branches of the fruit tree size adding adhesive and the proportion of water and nutrition pot horticultural requirements determine the bowl making machine overall design parameters analysis of the working principle of bowl making machine .

    根据果树枝条的大小、掺加胶和 的比例及营养 的园艺要求,确定制钵机械的总体设计参数,分析制钵机械的工作原理。