wave shape

[wev ʃep][weiv ʃeip]


  • Diffraction Effect of Low-frequency Liquid Surface Wave and Computer Simulation of Surface Wave Shape Detection ;

    液体低频表面波的衍射调制效应及其表面 波面 模拟检测调制器载(波)频(率)

  • The electric current and PWM wave shape from the experiment are satisfactory .

    实验的电流和PWM 波形令人满意。

  • Nonsine Hydraulic Vibration Wave Shape of Five-connecting Rod Mould

    五连杆式结晶器非正弦液压振动的 波形

  • An analysis of arc wave shape and low flat wave shape of the admittance differential loop and power spectral of cephalogram

    脑导纳微分环及功率谱对 弧形 和低平波的分析

  • It is proved that self-similarity of wave shape and constant speed of propagation of peak value are consequences of asymptotic behavior of wave propagation .

    证明了自相似 波形和峰值以恒速传播是波传播渐近性态的表现。

  • Finally the Wigner-Ville spectrum is applied to the analysis of instantaneous power spectrum of road random inputs which well reflects the wave shape feature of road surface and frequency feature .

    分析表明Wigner-Ville谱很好地反映了频率特征和路面 波形特征。

  • Cold-rolled electric steel should not only have excellent magnetic property but good wave shape as well according to customers'requirements .

    冷轧电工钢产品除了对磁性能有较高需要外,对带钢的 也有很高的要求。

  • In further investigation propose a new de-modulation algorithm which is based on the wave shape in time domain .

    在标准解调算法的基础上,提出了新型的、基于 波形的算法。

  • Comparison of wave shape FFT analysis and knock intensity value between the knock and non-knock signals are made .

    对爆震与非爆震两种信号进行了 波形对比、快速傅里叶变换(FFT)分析和爆震强度评价。

  • Corollaceous Zhong Zhuang amaranth the flesh is qualitative a bit2 lips form lobation circle brim wave shape have toothed the Fu when bud covers with tiles shape is arranged ;

    花冠钟状,紫红色,肉质,稍二唇形,裂片圆形,边缘 波状,有锯齿,花蕾时覆瓦状排列;

  • This paper analyzes the action of air shock wave and compressive wave in oil to the basement structure and confirms the shock wave shape and each parameter .

    本文分析了核爆炸地面空气冲击波、土中压缩波对地下室结构的作用效应,并确定了冲击 作用 波形和各项参数;

  • The Application of Microcomputer in Transient EM Wave Shape Measurement

    微型计算机在瞬态 电波 波形测试中的应用

  • This paper in brief introduces the principle and application for the EP which can rectify the wave shape .

    本文主要介绍了节能新产品EP 波形矫正吸收装置节电的原理及其应用。

  • It discusses that the continuation condition of the enclosed grooves wave shapes and the wave shape top cutting phenomenon .

    讨论了封闭槽 齿 的形成与顶切现象。

  • Also the effect of hold time on cyclic stress under conditions of triangular and trapezoidal wave shape was studied .

    研究了在两种 载荷 情况下材料的热/机械疲劳循环应力影响。

  • Each supporting units is a sealed columnar structure which is manufactured by adopting the alloy wires and comprise a plurality of wave shape units .

    支架单元为采用合金丝加工的包括多个 波形单元的封闭的圆柱状结构;

  • Impacts of the Initial Amplitude and Wave Shape on Quantum Soliton

    初始振幅和 波形对量子光孤子的影响

  • The intensity and polarity of the applied field have a remarkable influence on the wave shape of steady state bright screening - photovoltaic optical soliton .

    外加电场的强度和极性对稳态屏蔽光伏明孤子的 空间 波形有显著的影响。

  • The addition of three sinewaves results in a composite wave . The nonlinear wave shape degenerates to a sinusoidal wave .

    增加三个 正弦波形成一个复合波。

  • The results of theoretic calculating and real data processing confirm that the reconstructed trace by this method fits the wave shape amplitude and phase of raw data .

    理论计算和实际资料处理的结果表明,用该方法重建的地震道,在 波形、振幅和相位等方面与原始数据拟合较好。

  • Selected combinations of RC components guarantee wave shape parameters to be within tolerances .

    所选RC组件的结合确保了 波形参数保持在容差范围内。

  • The type vacuum arcing chamber adopts wave shape porcelain case copper and chrome contactor material cup shape and longitudinal magnetic field structure .

    该型灭弧室采用 波纹 陶瓷外壳,触头为铜铬材料,杯状纵磁场结构。

  • While a sine-wave modulation signal is shown any wave shape could be used .

    然而当正弦波调制信号显示时,任何 波形都可以使用。

  • The working principle and working wave shape of the vacuum micro electronic pressure sensor is described .

    阐述了真空微电子压力传感器阵列的工作原理和工作 波形

  • We made the simulator model of the control programs of the newest powered air conditioner ( 40A4 variant ) and compared and verified it with the wave shape of actual equipment .

    制作了最新型动力空调(40A4型)的控制程序的模拟器模型,与实机 波形进行比较验证。

  • The wave shape and parameter of blast wave is different between open and closed space . 3 .

    密闭空间内冲击 较开放空间冲击波的 波形及冲击波参数有明显差异。

  • We study to use transformation media to realize wave shape conversion .

    研究利用平板变换介质实现 平面 波形转换。

  • Based on self-phase modulation and group velocity dispersion we analyzed the wave shape and pulse chirp of the optical pulse in OTDM .

    本文依据自相位调制效应和群速度效应对光时分复用系统中光脉冲的 波形和啁啾特性进行了分析。

  • The wave shape latency and amplitude were examined .

    脑电图检查出现异常 。畸形胚 形态 多样,其中多数盾片异常。以各种诱发电位的潜伏期、波幅及波形为观察指标。