waveguide communication

[计] 波导通信

  • With the development of optical communication and integrated optoelectronics Er Doped Waveguide Amplifier ( EDWA ) has become the hotspot in the field of optical fiber communication and optoelectronics .

    随着全光网络和光子集成技术的发展,掺铒光 波导放大器(EDWA:Er DopedWaveguideAmplifier)作为较新的研究领域,正在受到越来越多科研工作者的重视。

  • After solving the boundary value problem of a waveguide junction the exact design method of a wide-band duplexing filter for 4 and 6 GHz relay communication is obtained by using the concept of equivalent circuit .

    本文利用等效电路的概念,在求解了 波导接头的边界值问题后,给出了 4GHz、6GHz频率和极化复用馈线系统中群分波器的准确设计方法。

  • And for the application of photonic crystal waveguide and optical passive devices the tunability of band structure of photonic crystal has been the bottleneck of wide application in optical communication for photonic crystals .

    在光子晶体 波导和光学无源器件的应用中,光子晶体的能带结构的可调谐性成为光子晶体在光 通讯中广泛应用的瓶颈。

  • Structure-light-induced waveguide devices in PR crystals can be used for the current optical communication systems and may be used for optical dynamic interconnection and optical neural network systems .

    因此光折变晶体中结构光写入的 波导器件可以被用于现有的光 通信系统,并且有望被用于动态光互连以及光学神经网络系统。

  • The signal can not be spread according to the normal path because of waveguide structure in the air so that it will lead to the sea communication interrupt and communication quality decline .

    空气中的 波导结构将会使信号不能按照正常路径传播,导致海上 通信中断、通信质量下滑。

  • A short overview of integrated waveguide demultiplexers for different applications in future highly integrated optical communication systems is presented .

    简单地总结了集成 波导解复用器在未来的高度集成光 通信系统中一些可能的应用。

  • The arrayed waveguide grating ( AWG ) has greatly prospective in optical communication as a wavelength filter .

    阵列 波导光栅(AWG)作为波长滤波器在光 通信领域具有很大的应用前景。

  • Symmetrical metal-cladding optical waveguide ( SMCOW ) is one of the most important components in the field of optical communication and integrated opt-electronics .

    对称金属包覆 波导是光 通信和集成光电子学领域中的关键元件之一。

  • As the basic unit of integrated optics and the foundation of all-optical networks optical waveguide has very significant application in modern optical communication network .

    波导作为集成光学的基本单元,也是全光网络 传输的基础,光 波导 结构在现代光 通信领域中具有十分重要的用途。

  • LiNbO_3 Optical Waveguide Device and Its Applied Status in Fibre-optic Communication

    LiNbO3光 波导器件及其在光纤 通信中的应用现状

  • The main contents in the paper are as follows : 1 . thin films optical waveguide and optical thin films are of importance to optical communication optical calculation and optical sense .

    主要内容有:1.薄膜光 波导和光学薄膜在光 通信、光计算、光传感中的重要性;

  • In the past 30 years the width or length of the dielectric waveguide have been thinned or shortened from millimeter to nanometer which facilitates its application in optical communication optical fiber sensing optical power delivery system and so on .

    在过去30年间,介质 波导的线宽或直径已经从毫米量级发展到微米量级,大大促进了其在光子器件,如光 通信、光传感、光功率传输系统等中的应用。

  • Geometric simplicity efficiency reliability and light weight make waveguide slot-antenna widely used in radar system and satellite communication .

    波导缝隙阵列天线由于结构紧凑,辐射效率高,性能稳定,重量轻等优点被广泛应用于雷达系统和卫星 通信

  • Photorefractive waveguide is one of the basic units of integrated optical and optoelectronic integrated circuit ( OEIC ) . It allows a wide variety of applications in optical communication optical interconnections and optical information processing .

    光折变 波导是集成光学和光电子集成器件(OEIC)的基本元件之一,在光 通信、光互连和光学信息处理方面具有广泛应用。

  • The Development on Optical Waveguide Polymers in the Field of Optical Communication

    通讯 波段聚合物光 波导材料的研究进展

  • Considering these advantages ytterbium and erbium ions co-doped phosphate waveguide amplifier will become more and more popular in future optical communication .

    凭借这些优势,铒镱共掺 波导放大器必将在光 通信领域发挥越来越大的作用。

  • Two factors atmospheric waveguide and atmospheric noise which have influence to the communication performance are pointed out in this paper .

    大气 波导是海洋大气近地层内普遍存在的现象,对海上 舰船 电子 信息装备作战性能有着非常重要的影响。

  • Comparing with traditional optical waveguide devices Photonic crystal devices have compact structure small volume and numerous applications in optical region such as all-optical communication networks and optical integration chips .

    同传统的 器件相比,新型的光子晶体光器件具有结构紧凑、体积小等特点。且这些特点使光子晶体器件在将来的全光 通信网络和光集成器件中具有广泛的应用前景。

  • Arrayed waveguide devices are the foundations of the next generation optical fiber communication technology development which have bright and wide application prospects .

    阵列 波导器件是下一代光纤 通信技术发展的基础支撑,具有广阔应用前景。

  • Graded-index waveguide is one of the most important components in optics communication and integrated optics and it has been widely used .

    渐变折射率 波导是光 通信和集成光电子学领域的关键元件之一已获得愈来愈广泛的应用。

  • Optical waveguide amplifier is a kind of device which can amplify optical signals and compensate the transmission loss . Optical waveguide amplifier has extremely prospect in optical fiber communication integrated optoelectronics and integrated optics .

    波导放大器作为一种对光信号放大的器件,可以弥补光信号传输过程中产生的损耗,在光纤 通信、集成光电子学和集成光学领域都有广阔的应用前景。

  • Integrated optical waveguide devices own the advantages of small volume high integration of functions suitable for mass-production . They are widely used in the ultra-high-speed transmission of Optical Communication truck network as well as the FTTH technology .

    集成光 波导器件具有体积小、功能集成度高、适于批量生产等优点,在光 通信干线网的超高速传输、以及接入网的光纤到户技术中,得到了愈益广泛的应用。

  • Polymer material is very promising in fabricating integration optical waveguide devices . Polymer waveguide devices are potential project in the field of optical communication and interconnection .

    有机聚合物是制作集成光波导器件很有前景的材料,有机聚合物 波导器件在光 通信领域是一个极具潜力的研究课题。