



n.防水衣物,雨衣 usually plural防水布,油布防水物,防水材料

  • Waterproof system & double-layer waterproofing structure and drainage system are applied .


  • The article also offers application samples of polypropylene fiber concrete used for various waterproof engineerings .

    文中还介绍了聚丙烯纤维混凝土在各类 防水工程中的应用实例。

  • The overhead double-top roof has better thermal insulation effect and rainproof performance than the cast-in-suit concrete waterproof prepared roofing .

    架空双顶屋面的保温隔热效果和防雨性能比现浇钢筋混凝土 防水卷材屋面好。

  • It is completely waterproof yet light and comfortable .

    防水 性能非常好,但却轻巧舒适。

  • My tent is waterproof .

    我的帐篷是 防水的。

  • Designed to be completely waterproof the lights are manufactured from heavy duty plastic .

    为了彻底 防水,这些灯具均采用重型塑料制成。

  • Both housings are waterproof to a depth of two metres .

    两个机罩的 防水深度均为两米。

  • May be made waterproof mortar cement as rigid waterproofing absolutely first-class .

    亦可与水泥制成 防水砂浆,作为刚性防水绝对一流。

  • My mother bought me a waterproof watch .

    我妈妈给我买了一块 防水手表。

  • Breathable waterproof clothing is essential for most outdoor sports .

    大多数户外运动衣服必须透气且 防水

  • Knowledge in waterproof dust proof and sealing .

    具有 防水、防尘和密封方面的知识。

  • For staying dry you 'll want nice lightweight waterproofs to wear over your leathers .

    为了不 淋湿,你需要在皮衣的外面 上一 轻便的 防水

  • His waterproof trousers were brand new and stiff

    他那条 防水裤崭新笔挺。

  • Polymer-cement based waterproof coating is a two part coating compounded from cement and polymer emulsion .

    聚合物水泥基 防水涂料是由水泥和聚合物乳液复合而成的双组分涂料。

  • The causes of roofing leakage in building engineering and its waterproof construction ;

    介绍了我国刚性防水材料和结构 防水技术的发展。

  • Moreover our company also produces heat-resistant wear-resistant and super-breathable waterproof materials and parts .

    产品涉及的还有耐高温、超耐磨零部件和材料及透气 防水零部件和材料;

  • Then waterproof the basement and low floors .

    然后 做好地下室和低层的 防水 措施

  • From crude petroleum ; used for candles and for preservative or waterproof coatings .

    来自原油,用于蜡烛和保护性或 防水 涂层。

  • These shoes are waterproof .

    这双鞋不 透水

  • Take waterproof clothing — Orkney weather is unpredictable

    带上 防水的衣服吧——奥克尼的天气可是变幻莫测的。

  • This product removes waterproof mascara long lasting lip color and foundation makeup on the face or body .

    本产品移除 防水睫毛膏、持久的唇色和基础的脸部或身体上妆。

  • All the electronics are housed in a waterproof box .

    所有电子设备都储放在一个 防水盒中。

  • The whole boat has been totally waterproofed

    整条船全部经过 防水 处理

  • The influence of fineness of fly ash on film-forming of two-component polyurethane waterproof coating was studied .

    研究了粉煤灰填充双组分聚氨酯 防水涂料的效果。

  • Its playful green case and keyboard are waterproof .

    好玩的绿色外壳和键盘可以 防水

  • It 's proved that the approver improved waterproof roof .

    经证实,赞同者改善了 防水屋顶。

  • The structure and properties of materials provides the best waterproof control good thermal insulation and fireproof performance .

    材料的这种结构和特性提供了最佳的 防水控制,良好的绝热和防火的性能。

  • Waterproofed fabric pants are more expensive than plastic pants .


  • There 's a new cellular phone on the market which is waterproof .

    现在市面上出现了一种新的 防水手机。

  • Open-top boxes with waterproof PVC with canvas hood and cable sealing devices handling framework .

    开顶箱配备PVC 防水帆布罩和带铁索密封装置的可装卸框架。