water reclamation

[ˈwɔtɚ ˌrɛkləˈmeʃən][ˈwɔ:tə ˌrekləˈmeɪʃən]


  • That connects to a sewer that takes the sewage to one of the Bloomington-Normal Water Reclamation District treatment plants .

    控制阀和一个污水管连接,把污水 排入地区日常 处理工厂。

  • The Investigation and Strategies on Water Reclamation and Reuse


  • One of the main disposal ways of permitted discharge is water reclamation and reuse .

    节水减污的 再生 水利用是达标污水的主要出路之一。

  • It was similar to patterns of distribution of ions concentration in percolating water between non reclamation pure Moso stands and mixed Moso with Schima superba stands but different from reclamation pure Moso stands .

    结果表明:渗滤水阳离子浓度分布模式因深度和林分而异,未 垦复毛竹纯林与毛竹木荷混交林渗滤 离子浓度分布模式相似而与垦复毛竹纯林不同。

  • Approach on Some Problems of Water Reclamation in China

    中国的 中水 若干问题探讨

  • With the development of environmental pollution and shortage of water resource wastewater reclamation has become of increasing importance .

    环境污染和 资源的短缺,加速了城市污水 的研究和应用。

  • Practice and discussion on CMF process for water reclamation

    CMF工艺处理 再生 工程实例及技术探讨

  • Zero discharge and Water Reclamation aren 't new concepts .

    零排放和 回收已经不是新的研究课题。

  • Discussion the Development and Utilization of Water Resources of Reclamation Area of Mudanjiang

    牡丹江 垦区 资源开发利用与 保护

  • This article raised integrated control measures of water pollution for saving water wastewater reclamation and building treatment of wastewater facilities .

    并提出了节约 用水、污水 资源 以及修建污水处理设施等水污染综合防治措施。

  • Analysis of Waste Water Sludge Reclamation and Reuse Technology

    污水污泥处理的 资源化技术分析

  • Sewage Treatment and Water Reuse and Reclamation Analysis and Research of Qingdao

    青岛市污水处理和 中水利用分析与研究

  • Green Building and Water Reclamation Technology

    绿色建筑与 中水技术

  • Total quantity control and compensation system for water resources utilization should be implemented . Water saving industries and agricultures should be built and effective technological measures should be taken for saving domestic water consumption and waste water reclamation .

    最后提出包括建立有效的水资源财产权结构、进行水资源价值核算、实施水资源利用总量控制和 资源补偿在内的可持续管理对策及有关技术措施。

  • It is effective to improve water environment and alleviate water shortage by enhancing reclamation and utilizing wastewater treatment technology .

    利用新型的污水处理技术,加强 污水治理和 用,是改善水环境,缓解 资源短缺的一种有效途径。

  • Domestic Wastewater Treatment and Water Reclamation Equipment : Membrane Bioreactor

    生活污水处理与 中水 设备&膜-生物反应器及其净化槽

  • Advanced treatment of secondary effluent of city sewage disposal plant was conducted for water reclamation at Beijing with a process of sand filter pre-ozonation followed by biological activated carbon filter in pilot scale .

    采用砂滤-臭氧-生物活性炭工艺在北京市某污水处理厂开展了以 污水 再生 为目的的城市污水深度处理中试研究。

  • Urban sewage recycling is an important way to achieving sustainable use of water resources and reclamation of wastewater .

    城市污水再生利用是实现 资源可持续利用、 污水资源化的重要途径,也是 节约 资源、污染物 减排保护 环境的有效手段之一。

  • Pilot-scale study on low fouling NF membrane applied for shower water reclamation and reuse

    低污染纳滤膜进行淋浴 用的中试研究

  • The risks of reclaimed water used in landscape water were analyzed and treatment techniques for water safely reclamation was proposed .

    研究了再生水回用于景观水体时可能存在的 水质安全性问题,并提出了保障 再生 安全 的处理工艺。

  • The results showed that the effluent can meet the demands of water reclamation .

    结果表明平板膜的出水均比较稳定,达到了 用水 水质要求。

  • This paper introduces the workflow of the wastewater treatment water reclamation and steam reclamation .

    FZH&中水回用成套技术设备介绍了废水处理、 及蒸汽回收的流程。

  • The effects of an integral heat pump-heat recollection model applied to CO 2 removal system and waste water reclamation system on the mass and power consumption of the whole space station are also evaluated .

    在此基础上,对该热泵&废热回收集成模式用于空间站CO2去除系统和 废水 再生系统给整个空间站质量和功耗所带来的影响进行了理论分析。

  • Study on application of bio-film technology in water reclamation

    生物膜技术在 中水 用上的应用

  • From a water reclamation plant in maryland .

    来自于马里兰的一个 回收工厂。

  • The experience of water danger reclamation in synclinal axis illustrating at T312 working face is introduced .

    介绍了 T312工作面向斜轴部 水患治理的经验。

  • Study on the application of coagulation and micro-filtration membrane separation technique in coal mining water treatment and reclamation

    混凝-微滤膜分离技术在矿井 处理与 中的试验研究

  • Analysing Expounding and proving the Quality of the Drinking water in Alar Reclamation Area

    阿拉尔 垦区饮用 水质分析及论证

  • Some measures have been brought forward to reinforce the development and utilization of water resources of reclamation area .

    对此提出了一些对策措施,以加强 垦区 资源开发利用与保护。

  • The Research of Coagulation and Settlement on Water Reclamation

    再生 处理工艺中混凝沉淀试验研究