watch out for

[wɑtʃ aʊt fɔr][wɔtʃ aut fɔ:]

警惕当心, 注意

  • Watch out for smoldering fire !


  • He asked me to watch out for his uncle who would be wearing a green suit .

    他要我 注意他那位穿一套绿色西装的叔叔。

  • ' If I were you ' she adds by way of some unsolicited advice ' I 'd watch out for that girl of yours . '

    “如果我是你,”她主动建议说,“我会 密切 注意 自己的女儿。”

  • Watch out for these fellows ! They have come to steal your land .


  • Daniel : and you had to watch out for the camera as well .

    丹尼尔:而且你还必须 密切 注意摄影机。

  • He called out to them to watch out for the unexploded mine .

    他冲他们大喊,叫他们 小心哑雷。

  • When doing so watch out for the oxygen sensors and cable .

    此时, 注意氧传感器和电缆。

  • It 's fantastic to swim in the sea but you have to watch out for sharks .

    在海里游泳真是太爽了!但是,你必须要 小心鲨鱼。

  • I 'll watch out for you as best I can .

    我会尽我努力 好好 照顾你的。

  • I expect you to watch out for joseph but you abandoned my son !

    我希望你们 照看约瑟,但你们抛弃我儿子!

  • I 'd watch out for him if I were you .

    如果我是你,我会 小心 看着

  • Watch out for anybody trying to come in this way .

    任何 这条路进来的人要 注意

  • On April Fool 's Day you have to watch out for practical jokes .

    就在愚人节的一天,你必须要 留意实际笑话。

  • When you practice mademoiselle you have to watch out for this passage .

    当你练习时,老师,你得 小心这节。

  • Watch out for the potholes !

    小心 上的坑洞!

  • You 're free now ! Watch out for owls ! Goodbye !

    你现在自由了! 小心猫头鹰!再见了!

  • Don 't worry . I 'll watch out for him if you 'd like .

    别担心。如果你愿意,我帮你 照看他。

  • You have to watch out for it but you can 't change the way you play .

    你必须得 小心他们,但是你总不能改变自己打球的方式吧。

  • Maybe it 's my turn to watch out for you .

    或许该我关心 关心

  • Today we 'll have to watch out for more .

    今天,我们将继续 关注更多信息。

  • But watch out for the holes in the ground .


  • We have two males at our place but it is the bitches we have to watch out for .

    我们有两个男性在我们的地方,但它是犬,我们必须 警惕

  • You see I watch out for that old man .

    老人 看好你的。

  • You 're saying watch out for the wife .

    你的意思是得 妻子的了。

  • Watch out for Rob . He 's always using sweet talk to try to get date .


  • Watch out for the refrigerator door handle . The TV remote too .

    注意 的冰箱门把手和电视遥控

  • Watch out for big discounts and clearance sales at this time of the year .
