waste acid

[west ˈæsɪd][weist ˈæsid]


  • The production of coagulant using titanium dioxide byproducts and waste acid

    利用 钛白 副产物制备絮凝剂的研究

  • Pilot-scale study on the purification of waste acid from benzol refining by salting-out extraction process

    盐析-萃取法处理精苯 的中试研究

  • According to the character of the cotton dyeing pretreatment wastewater from a dyeing pretreatment plant the waste acid from steel plant were chosen to do the coagulation-sedimentation experiment .

    实验针对常州某印染厂棉纺织印染前处理车间废水水质特性,选取钢铁厂 作为混凝剂对棉纺织印染前处理废水进行了混凝试验研究。

  • Sulfuric acid titanium white waste acid treatment of the status and development proposals in the Panzhihua Iron and Steel Waste Acid Treatment

    硫酸法钛白 处理现状和攀钢废酸处理发展建议

  • Waste acid water produced by the hydrometallurgy of some plant is applied to treat the diatomite .

    本论文还使用某厂湿法冶炼所生产的 酸性 废水代替硫酸,应用于 处理硅藻土。

  • Treatment of Waste Acid from Sulphonation Process in the Production of DSD Acid Several aminopeptidases complete the hydrolysis of peptides into amino acids .

    乙烯撑二氨基苯磺酸生产中磺化 的处理几种氨肽酶把肽水解成氨基酸。

  • Several methods of removing the molybdenum from the waste acid are introduced .

    简要介绍了目前从 中提取钼的几种可行方法。

  • The feasibility of direct extraction rhenium from waste acid to produce ammonium rhenate has been re-searched the parameters and conditions of Process has been determined .

    研究了萃取法从 中直接提取铼生产铼酸铵的可行性,确定了工艺流程与条件参数。

  • The treatment of the waste acid was discussed from sulfuric acid alkylation plant and it was utilized to produce active clay .

    论述了硫酸烷基化 的处理方法,并用来生产活性白土。

  • Optimization of the Technical Parameter for Persimmon Vinegar with One-step Fermentation Methodology The process for the treatment of the waste acid from crude benzol refining with calcining process is studied the optimum operation data are discussed and the process is optimized .

    一步发酵法加工柿果醋工艺参数优化研究了焙烧法处理粗苯精制 的工艺过程,探讨了最佳运行参数,优化了工艺流程。

  • The Migration Rules of Fluoride Ion from Waste Acid Fracturing Fluid in Soil

    油田 酸化压裂 废液中F-在土壤中的迁移规律研究

  • Technological study for preparing titanium phosphate and iron black from the waste acid liquor of titanium dioxide

    钛白 液制磷酸钛和氧化铁黑的研究

  • Treatment of Printing and Dyeing Wastewater with Waste Acid from Titanium White Production and Fly Ash

    钛白 与粉煤灰集合处理染料废水试验研究

  • Study on Trace Zinc and Nickel Removal in Ferric Chloride Preparation Technology Using Waste Etchant and Waste Acid

    利用蚀刻废液和 制取三氯化铁工艺中微量锌镍去除研究有机抗蚀剂去除装置

  • Process Conditions Exhaust Gases and Waste Acid Treatment in Cold Rolling Stainless Strip Steel Picking

    冷轧不锈钢带钢酸洗的工艺与废气、 处理

  • The Salt-tolerance of Sodium Nonyl Phenol Polyoxyethylene Ether Sulfonates and Their Mixtures with a Heavy Alkylbenzene Sulfonate Treatment of Waste Acid from Sulphonation Process in the Production of DSD Acid

    壬基酚醚磺酸钠及其与重烷基苯磺酸钠复配物的耐盐性乙烯撑二氨基苯磺酸生产中磺化 的处理

  • Arsenic in waste acid was determined successfully by atomic fluorescence .

    用原子荧光仪分析 中的砷。

  • Balancing design of by-product waste acid in PVC production and its effect of energy saving and emission reduction

    聚氯乙烯生产中副产 的平衡设计及节能减排效果

  • Sulfuric acid is separated by transferring the organics in the waste acid to the extracting agent .

    该法利用相似相溶原理,使 中的有机物转移到萃取剂中,从而使硫酸分离出来。

  • Compared with chemical flocculation process acidification can save the cost of wastewater treatment by utilizing the waste acid .

    与化学混凝工艺相比, 析工艺可以实现以废治 ,节约污水处理运行成本。

  • The waste acid from benzol refining is a very complex mass and we has no better method to deal with it for a long time .

    精苯 组成极为复杂,长期以来对精苯废 的处理没有合适的解决方法。

  • The process feature and main equipment of waste acid and water treatment plant are introduced .

    介绍了 污水处理装置的工艺流程、工艺特点和主要设备。

  • It introduces the methods of recovering waste acid and water with waste acid and oily impurity using the natural cooling crystallization the dialyzing diffusing and roasting .

    介绍用自然冷却结晶法、渗析扩散法和焙烧法回收 及合废酸、含石油类杂质废水的处理方法。

  • Study on the Preparation of Manganese Sulfate from Manganese Spar and Titanium White Waste Acid Toxic Effect of Electrolyze Mn on Rice and Working Electrolyze Mn with Three-dimensional Electrode

    钛白 与贫菱锰矿制备硫酸锰技术研究电解锰废水对水稻生态毒性诊断及锰废水的三维电解法处理

  • Current research situation and prospect for comprehensive utilization of waste acid from titanium dioxide production

    钛白 的综合利用研究现状及展望

  • Study on Recovering Sulfuric Acid from Copper Smelting Waste Acid By Diffusion Dialysis Method

    扩散渗析法从铜冶炼 中回收硫酸的研究

  • Preparation of feed-grade ferrous sulfate by waste acid from titanium dioxide production and pyrite cinder

    含金硫酸烧渣提金工艺由钛白 和硫铁矿烧渣制备饲料级硫酸亚铁

  • A thorough detoxification method for chromic residue by neutralizing and reducing it with titanic waste acid was introduced .

    介绍了利用钛白 中和还原铬渣并使之解毒彻底的方法。

  • Influence of Oxygen-Enriched Smelting on Gas Cleaning and Disposal of Waste Acid and Water in Sulphuric Acid Production

    富氧熔炼对硫酸生产中气体净化和 废水处理的影响

  • Much of the waste acid is utilized .
